Chapter 39

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First, I want to thank you for the patience of the last weeks. I really needed this time. But I am also happy to be here again and my fingers are happy to finally be able to write my thoughts. I really missed writing. I hope you enjoy my chapter in the same way that I enjoy writing it.

Thank you


As I sat in the car, Gauri's words still resounded in my head. What was she going to do, why now, how was I going to live a life full of lies, how was I going to live a life without Kajol? Something to Kajol? Nobody knew me better than her ...

From the point of view of Kajol

I sat in the VIP area to take a coffee in peace. The last hours had sealed as a beautiful memory in my heart. Again and again I looked at my hand, where it bore the proof of our infinite love. Each of the diamonds represented our love ... I looked through the large windows and saw the rainy night. The drops ran through the windows and I lost myself in my thoughts. Was so happy. I had found the courage to live my love. A chill ripped me from my thoughts and I felt a warm hand on my shoulder ... Embarrassed I looked at her beautiful brown eyes. My head tried to express what my heart screamed. But it was not possible. I jumped up and hugged him without saying a word. When I leaned my head against his, he whispered barely audible "only us two against the rest of the world ..." His words made my heart beat faster. But as soon as it arrived, I had been disappointed again. He greeted the crew and discussed some things with them.

After a brief flicker, we landed in the middle of the night in Goa. Shahrukh woke me up, with a tender kiss. Asleep, I carefully opened my eyes. Shahrukh smirked. "Kajol, how do you do it while you eat, you fall asleep?" I looked at him embarrassed but I also had to laugh. Shahrukh took my hand and together we left the plane and entered the truck that was waiting for us.

From Shahrukh's point of view

All the time, the meeting with Gauri didn't disappear from my mind. I thought for a long time if I could continue like this. But he also had to accept his decision. After all, it was his right. But all this, I was worried about my decision. I loved Kajol ... It was the reason I was alive ... It wasn't just my love, it was my life. How could he live only one day without his screams, his humour and his beautiful eyes? These eyes were for me the entrance to our world. A world based on trust and friendship. I trusted her blindly and that is why I had to tell her about this meeting with Gauri. Because even if he didn't, Kajol would realize that something was wrong.

 Because even if he didn't, Kajol would realize that something was wrong

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When we arrived at the hotel everyone went directly to their suites. The night was starry. I sat on our terrace and smoked my last cigarette. I pulled on it and the smoke mingled with the growing fog that night. The night was cool when I felt the warm hand on my cold skin, was the woman I loved more than anything in this world. I closed my eyes and enjoyed that short touch. What Kajol achieved only with his presence, impressed me again and again. I looked at her and buried my face in her belly. Kajol gently stroked my hair and whispered barely audible. "What's wrong, Shahrukh?

I feel like something happens ... "I pulled away from her hug and looked at her sadly," How should I tell her everything now? "I would disturb her, but I had to.

"Kajol, when I wanted to leave our house, Gauri was waiting for me at the door ..." Kajol looked at me. But in his eyes he saw no change. "Shahrukh, but it's normal for Gauri to come back - after all, it was only a few days with her parents." "No, Gauri is back because he wants to fight for our marriage ..." Now his eyes changed. Kajol got up and went to the pool. At the edge he stopped and looked into the distance.

From Kajol's point of view

My eyes followed the reflection of the stars in the calm waters. As calm as water, my soul had been a moment ago. But with just one sentence, my perfect world had been broken. How was I going to beat her? Should I fight? He no longer wanted to be the shadow of his life. I wanted to be the one who smiles by his side. But she was the mother of her children. Completely stuck in my thoughts and fears, I barely noticed that Shahrukh put his arms around my hips from behind and pulled me close. He leaned his head against mine and for a long moment we did not take our eyes from the calm waters. "Kajol, please trust me ... you know how my decision is ... you know my way and you know what I want ..." Shahrukh's words made me feel dizzy. I felt tears filling my eyes and finding their way along my cheeks. I looked down and saw how my tear had broken the water and made small waves. This was what the words of Shahrukh had caused. I turned around and looked at him sadly, with tears in his eyes. "Shahrukh, what will Gauri do?" I do not want that anymore I want to finally relax in our lives and finally live our lives together It hurts me to know that she will not accept your decision Shahrukh has always been part of your life, but not what you could live in public, but I want to be that now. "Shahrukh looked me deeply in the eyes. "Kajol, I will not let anything or anyone come between us I want to live with you for the rest of my life I want to hear you scream, I want to see you laughing and I want to be able to look you in the eyes every morning Kajol please believe me alone this way it is the path I want to choose. "Without answering him, I kissed him tenderly. I wanted to seal that promise. I wanted to hold her forever. Although my heart knew at that moment, everything would be different ...

From Shahrukh's point of view

After my promise, I had to take a deep breath myself. I had just promised what my heart wanted but my mind still could not implement. I did not know what to do next and what Gauri was up to. I just knew that I could not lose Kajol. There was a fear in me that I did not know. I had never been afraid, but only the thought of losing this woman made me freeze in fear. I took Kajol's face in my hands and kissed her tenderly on the forehead ... With this kiss I sealed my promise on this full moon night ...

From Rohit's point of view

It was very late when my phone rang. "Hello my friend how are you?" I went to the patio door and looked outside. "Hello Rohit, I'm calling to ask you something ..." I frowned because I did not feel good about what would happen soon ... I heard everything and was determined to oppose. "No, no ..." I yelled into the phone. "I'll keep it up, do what you want but without me ..." "OK Rohit, you'll regret your decision Remember my words." I hung up and threw my phone hard on the bed.

At the window, I saw the two of them hugging on the edge of the pool. Somehow, I felt a bad feeling when I saw them. What else could happen here in Goa?

Sometimes, an incorrect decision shows us the correct way ...

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