Chapter 29

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I was about to turn around when I felt his hand on my wrist. I looked at him disappointed and angry. "Kajol, what do you mean?" Shahrukh didn't understand my movement. I froze but winked. Immediately he understood my game. With a trembling voice, I replied "sadly, that you have been cheating me for all these years and that I have always been only a trophy for you." My words were carefully chosen, I felt Ajay's dirty smile on my back, what did he expect? What would he believe? I would never doubt Shahrukh, he never lied to me, unlike him, I would never put his word in Shahrukh, and from the first moment I felt something was wrong with the story, but only with the meeting on our bridge, I found my confirmation. The love for Shahrukh was always based on trust and friendship. He had never given me a reason to doubt him. "Kajol?" Shahrukh's words pulled me out of my thoughts. " Kajol please, there was nothing. You have to believe me ... "Shahrukh sounded really real, in that moment, we were giving away the best of our performance and Ajay was celebrating inside, but at that moment only our love had won." Dramatically I withdrew from Shahrukh's control and arrive Ajay, you could see how pleased that man was at this moment, he had not noticed anything and that was just what he was looking for, to give us peace in the coming months to enjoy our love to the fullest. Ajay took me demonstratively by the hand and gave Shahrukh an unpleasant look, he had triumphed in his eyes, but only we and our love knew the truth.

In the afternoon we had an outdoor session. We should deliver a wild chase. I had been waiting for this scene all the time. Ajay had gone to town with Gauri and the children. When I entered my locker, someone behind me immediately closed the door. Immediately I felt hands that squeezed me. Our bodies crashed hard against each other. Shahrukh leaned his forehead against mine and took a deep breath. "Kajol never does that again without warning me in advance." Shahrukh kissed me hungrily, I had longed so much for his touch, the last hours were a pain and now I felt the fulfilment of my desires, I loved feeling his soft hands on my neck. They touched me in such a way that my body began to tremble. I loved this man with every fibre of my body. Shahrukh ripped my shirt off my body. The air between us was burning. There was so much desire to feel that we forgot everything what surrounds us. "Kajol" Shahrukh whispered my name at every moment, I felt his growing excitement with each movement, I also felt that desire, he burned me under his touch. "Shahru ..." But he kissed me immediately, as if I would have felt what I wanted to say, our kisses became wilder and more pleasant, Shahrukh kept kissing my breasts, his hands touched my body and opened my pants, I threw my head back and enjoyed his tongue on my burning skin. Our desire rose and took us to the edge of the boiling volcano. But just at that moment, someone knocked on our door "Kajol, are you ready? You're expected to be in the mask ..." We were out of breath. I could only say one "I'm coming." Disappointed, we look at each other. "Kajol trusts me, I'll organize something ..." Shahrukh took me in his arms and kissed my forehead tenderly... , but we couldn't.

The filming continued until very late. Completely tired, we returned to our hotel. "Kajol, what did Ajay tell you about the night?" I was waiting for the question. I jumped. I could never cheat Shahrukh. "Shahrukh, please be nice, the issue is over, he is trying to play with us, but I trust you and he will not change." "Kajol, Ajay was very drunk and I think it was too much." Surprised, I looked at him. "What do you mean, did you spend too much?" Shahrukh looked at me briefly, I saw in his eyes that he was ashamed. "Kajol, who was guided by my feelings and more or less told him that you have always loved me." I clapped my hands. Soft on the forehead and "Shahrukh how could you do that." I gently placed my hand on my cheek, closed my eyes and heard again the blow that his flat hand had caused on my cheek, I still felt the burning of my skin. Kajol I could not help it. Ajay was trying to hurt you. He has no respect for you." "Shahrukh please, don't keep talking. "I gave him reason in all respects, but ultimately, we talked here about the father of my children, I didn't want to and couldn't protect him, but make him bad, I couldn't, even after what I had done. "Kajol please tell me ..." "Shahrukh ..." I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "Shahrukh, he said you got involved with PC, I knew in my heart that it wasn't true, but my head doubted you, and I'm ashamed of that." Shahrukh just took my hand and squeezed it. "Kajol never someone touched my soul in this way. As tense and tender at the same time as you do it. You show me a love that is unique. Without thoughts, without reproaches. It's just pure and unique." "Shahrukh you deserve that and more ... a person like you ... deserves a love without reproach, pure and unique ... there is a lot of pollution in this world ... you just have to think that we are only white knives of life, and she takes care of everything ... "

With innocent tears we entered the hotel it was already late. We enter the elevator. At this time there was no one in the hotel. Shahrukh tenderly took me in the arm and I snuggled against his chest. Shahrukh gently began to move his body to the music of the elevator. The slow music made us dance to the touch. Although we were at the end of our strength, but our bodies reacted to each other. But too soon the doors opened. Shahrukh took my hand and pulled me behind him. It was as if we were walking in slow motion down this corridor. We stopped in front of our doors. Shahrukh took my other hand and brought it to his mouth. Tenderly he touched his lips with both my hands. Our eyes met and we said goodbye without words. In a very intimate way.

At the door I turned again. Shahrukh formed a kiss with his lips. I opened the door and entered my room. In the darkness, I felt Ajay push me towards the closed door. I didn't see his face in the darkness, but I felt that our noses were touching. His breath smelled like whiskey. Try to solve me on my own. But he pushed me with his whole body against the door.

With his lips he touched my earlobe and whispered, "and now he will show you how a true man haze a happy woman."

Good morning, Good afternoon and Good evening. I hope you like my new chapter full of such a unique love in this dark and big world.

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