Chapter 35

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When I knocked loudly on the door, my heart stopped and I could barely breathe. What would happen now? How would Kajol react? I had no idea what to say. But one thing I knew for sure, I wouldn't leave this room without her.

From the Kajol point of view

I was terrified by the knock on the door. I walked slowly towards the door and listened, but nothing was heard. Carefully, I opened the door to my suite and Shahrukh appeared before my face. My heart stopped beating and I needed air to breathe. What the hell was he doing here? I looked at him with wide eyes. "Shahrukh, what are you doing here?" He didn't answer me. He only looked me in the eyes. As if he was looking for an answer in them. What should I say now? Shahrukh grabbed my arm tightly and led me into the room. My heart was hitting. I tried to turn against him, but I had no chance. With a cold, determined voice, he whispered, "Kajol, what are you doing here?" Immediately I looked down at the ground. I couldn't look at it because that would give me away. I barely audibly whispered "vacation with my family." With each word said my heart burned with pain and my eyes were filled more and more with tears.

From Shahrukh's point of view

I understood well? Did Kajol say she was on vacation with his family? I felt that my blood pressure was increasing and my anger was growing in my stomach. Why was this woman playing with me as is? I had put my life at his feet. How could he play with me like that? I looked at her angry. "Kajol, are you with Ajay on vacation? He, the one who had pressed you against the door a few weeks ago? The one who only sees you as a trophy? With him, do you come to make a vacation?" Kajol just looked at the floor. I tried to understand what was going on in his head, but I didn't understand it. I saw his tears slide down his beautiful face. What the hell was going on here?

From Kajol's point of view

Shahrukh's questions hit me. Each one burned in my heart. I screamed in pain. No matter what I could explain to him now, he simply wasn't going to understand my decision to protect him. I was silent and tried to stop my tears. He had to be strong. Strong for the two of us to protect us. Although that would mean that it would be damaged and destroyed. In a cold and loud voice I said, "Shahrukh I don't think I owe you any explanation." Shahrukh looked at me in amazement. I had to stay strong now. "Filming is currently suspended and both of us are forced to return to the reality, and this is my reality, I am a wife and mother, and above all I am Kajol." With each word I tried to sound loud and trying to make sure that Shahrukh didn't see my tears. Shahrukh swallowed and took a deep breath. "So, everything is just a game for you? We were together two days ago and you told me how much you love me and now you say just for a while? Kajol really?" Shahrukh became stronger and stronger. Shahrukh grabbed my arm again and pulled me closer. He felt his heart speed up and his breathing was about to collapse. Gently but still demanding, he breathed "Kajol, how can you be here in London if we've promised ourselves something?" I tried not to look at him, but Shahrukh tenderly lifted my chin that I could not help but look directly into his eyes. "Shahrukh what are you waiting for? It was you who proposed this pact. It was you who took my ring off and put it on Karan's desk. Just because Gauri left you, I'm not going to do it, with Ajay. "With my words to Shahrukh, the tears flowed in. My soul was bleeding but I couldn't go back, I had to protect him." Shahrukh, you've been with me for 26 years ... "Incredulous he was looking at me. "No Kajol is 25 years 10 months and 13 days ... and every damn day of that time I love you." We couldn't continue with anything else, because with a click the door opened and Ajay entered the room.

From Kajol's point of view

I looked at Shahrukh with wide eyes and a heart that was going to come out. His words hit me hard. I threatened to collapse and tell him everything. I could not take it anymore. But just when I wanted to tell him everything, the door to our suite opened and Ajay entered the room.

Shahrukh and I were left in shock. Shahrukh still held me in his arms. I felt that his heart threatened to burst. We were both scared and with a lump in the throat. When I noticed in what situation Ajay had surprised us, I immediately recoiled. Ajay said nothing. Seriously he first looked at me and then at Shahrukh. Slowly he approached me and twirled his arm around my shoulders. With a dirty smile, he greeted Shahrukh. "What an honour at this time, Mr. Shahrukh Khan personally in London ... in our hotel ... in our suite and with my wife in his arms ..." In his tone he heard his anger. In the way he had just spoken, he felt his power over me. "Ajay, please, Shahrukh just wanted to say goodbye." Shahrukh looked at me questioningly. I felt his questions, but unfortunately I had no answers. "So, if Mr. King Khan just wants to leave, then we don't want to stop him or we do?" Ajay smirked at Shahrukh. Shahrukh showed pain. He tried to look for me, but I just looked at the floor. He couldn't match his gaze. "Shahrukh, I'll tell you one last time ... Kajol knows who he belongs to, she always knew it, she's always been Devgan and always will be." Ajay's eyes darkened with those phrases Shahrukh looked at me and then to Ajay. "Ajay, I don't know what game you're trying to play here. But don't think you're going to win. Because in this game, there will only be losers. "

From Shahrukh's point of view

I saw Ajay's confident look. I felt bad. Not because he was inferior to him in this situation. I felt bad because at his side was the love of my life and she didn't even realize it. I turned and walked towards the door. When I opened, I turned to Kajol ... but she was still looking shyly at the floor. I left the room, closed the door and fell on my knee ... I had lost her ...

Disappointment is the result of false expectations!

Yes it's Saturday ... I hope you liked my update.

Since tomorrow is Kajol's birthday, there will be a special chapter.

Support me with your likes and comments.

See you tomorrow!

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