Chapter 42

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to a person despite almost 10,000 km. He was by my side every day supporting me in everything. She took care of me taking my pills and giving me encouragement. She kept my account updated and took care of me. It shows me every day that a love isn't tied at a distance. @Berenice thanks for everything.

I looked calmly at the photo that Rohit had sent. With this picture, I could finally achieve everything. How had he struggled over the past few years and failed again and again for the "dream couple"? "Honey, don't worry so much, we can finally give you the place you've always deserved." I closed my eyes and again I felt the pain of the last years. How much did I have to put up with for them? No, it was about time that my performance was also considered. I opened my eyes and heard myself saying "Yes, the time has come ..." I looked at the picture and sent it. Now everything would continue its course ...

Back in Goa

I opened the door of my bungalow. I felt the tears burning in my cheeks. What should I do now? Gauri had come to fight for her marriage. Shahrukh had not even told me. I closed the door and dropped to the ground. Why did the destiny have to play with us in this way? We loved each other and we belonged together. But I felt deeply that it was not just love anymore. This would not be enough to have a common future. I took my knees and pressed her against me. I felt very lonely. What should I do? I took my bag and searched my phone. I had to talk to someone now. I dialled the number and waited ... It rang, but nobody answered. I looked at the screen and saw that Shahrukh had written me some emails. I did not want to read them now. Why had Gauri hit me like this? How was it possible that his presence had aroused so much uncertainty in me? I closed my eyes and saw Shahrukh in front of me ...


I started when Ajay appeared on the set. I did not expect that. He wanted to surprise me. At this stage of life our marriage was not well. Again and again he doubted his loyalty and rumours arose again and again. Ajay and I were fighting for our relationship. But was it worth it? Of course, after all these years, he had developed feelings for him. But was it love or was it just a feeling of security and habituation? I went to Ajay and he greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. Our welcome did not just seem creepy, it was. I looked to the side and saw Shahrukh. He had watched us closely. He was leaning against a tree smoking his cigar. When our glances met, I felt something that made me beautiful. He did not make any gesture, he just looked at us. I looked at Ajay again. "What are you doing here? We had not said that you would not come to San Francisco, did not you want to give me this space?" Ajay's face became serious. "Do not I have the right to be here like your husband?" I lowered my gaze and felt this uncertainty again. Something in him prevented me from being myself. I heard Karan call me and I turned to him. Karan had saved me from this unpleasant situation. When I got to him, he hugged me and winked at me. He had noticed exactly what had just happened. Without turning around, I knew that Shahrukh was coming. I smelled its aroma. He touched my back tenderly and I felt that heat. Exactly with these two people I could be Kajol. I felt safe and loved. I looked aside and Shahrukh looked me straight in the eyes. "Kajol ..."

Back in the bungalow

A strong blow took me out of my dream. I shook myself and realized I was still sitting curled up on the floor. I wiped the tears from my face and stood up. They knocked on the door again. "Kajol opens the door ... Kajol opens this damn door ..." Shahrukh's voice was loud and sharp. I did not want a scandal to form and I opened the door carefully. Shahrukh entered and approached me. "Kajol ... what's wrong?" Seriously? How could he ask me like that? He knew exactly what had happened. I felt that my insecurity turned into anger "Shahrukh, you ask me seriously ... Why do you ask what happens, if you knew that I would meet Gauri ... did not you have the courage to tell me?" Shahrukh looked down and turned around. "Kajol, I'm sorry, I just forgot ..." My blood boiled. How could he forget that information? How is it possible? "Shahrukh, you love me so little that you let me run like this ... Can you imagine how I stood before her? Like a stupid girl." Shahrukh turned and came towards me. Carefully, he grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes. "Kajol do not say that, because you're not, you do not have to hide behind anyone, you're the best in my life, only you are the reason for me to live every day, without you everything would be useless. Breathe every day, because that's the only way I can feel your infinite love." Shahrukh gently wiped the tears from my face. His words were not only said. I felt that they came from the bottom of their heart. He grabbed me cautiously and put his forehead against mine. That way we stayed a long time. I felt his breath on my lips. His heart was beating fast. I felt the unique love, this invisible bond between us. This invisible bond that united us all these years. This band was so strong that even fate could not break it. I retired a little and looked at him. His eyes told me that only he held my heart in his hands. Shahrukh gently took my face in his hands and kissed me tenderly.

From the point of view of the one who lost the call

I saw missed calls from Kajol and Shahrukh on the phone. I felt that something had happened. Without thinking, I tried to locate them but none of them answered the call. I was worried. I immediately booked a night flight to Goa. I needed to know what had happened. I packed some things and drove directly to the airport. Again and again I tried to call the two. But they did not answer. In a few hours I would discover why my feeling told me that fate had opposed this love ...

Do not doubt in yourself, have doubts about who makes you doubt ...

Hello, I would like to sincerely thank all those who supported me during this difficult time. I'm still not very well, but I do not want to lose my ability to write. Even if it costs me a lot of strength, I'll try everything to keep doing it. Unfortunately, I can not promise that it will be so regular.

I hope you like my new chapter and I wish you a good weekend. See you soon

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