Chapter 27

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Kajol turned around in the entrance. His eyes showed his fear. Ajay ordered two more glasses of whiskey, but I put mine aside. I had to calm down a bit. I could not let myself be guided by my emotions. Ajay told me about his future projects. Again and again, he emphasized how good his production company was and how good he was as an actor. He wouldn't let me talk. He was so in love with himself that he didn't accept anything or anyone at his side. He had never rewarded Kajol's achievement. He used Kajol only at times when he needed it. Kajol was always alone. She was alone at events, but the most important thing was that she was alone in her heart. Only our love, had managed to give her the shine in his life and the beginning of a new life. His expression suddenly changed. Ajay narrowed his eyes and said ice ... "and now with you ... Don't you think I know that Kajol loves you? I almost choked on water." Ajay, how can you think like that? Kajol married you for love. And as you can see, there is still by your side. "Ajay had already drunk a lot and was getting stronger." Why can't you leave your dirty hands with my wife? Why do you have to constantly look for her to make your cheesy movies? "I was getting angry, our movies were not corny, there was no better actress in India than Kajol." Ajay, you talk about your wife. The best actress in all of India. And better than you are. "I got stronger too, tried to make Kajol wrong and would never let that happen." Kajol is my wife. She is Devgan Mr. Khan. And like it or not. It will always be that. I got up and squeezed my fist on the table. "Listen Ajay, Kajol is your wife, I agree with you, but never ..." I took a short break to take a deep breath. "Your heart will never belong to you, and no matter what you do, she will always love me." He looked at me surprised. "Son of a bitch, I always knew." Ajay got up and grabbed my neck. He pulled me to the middle of the table, so all the bottles fell to the ground and broke. Our bodyguards intervened and separated us immediately. Ajay looked at me. "You're the last thing, you've never made it, you wanted Kajol, always like a trophy in your collection." Angry, I took two steps towards him. "I don't have a collection, different from you, I respect women and I treat them, not as objects, I never pressured your wife, Kajol is an angel and a goddess to me, unfortunately, you never realized that. You see her as a trophy, where would you be if she had not married you? "Ajay clenched his fist and came closer still." Shahrukh, I'm teaching you what it's like to be a man. "" I will not stop you. But I promise you one thing. If you touch me or Kajol, I will destroy you. You will be a nobody. So think twice Mr. Devgan, what are you going to do now. If I discover that you continue harassing or manipulating Kajol, you will meet the real Khan. Do you understand me? "My heart was in my throat, Ajay was burning, his anger was reflected in his gaze." Khan stay away from Kajol ... otherwise I'll forget and prepare. You will never be happy in your life. "Ajay grabbed his cigarettes and left the restaurant in anger, my heart was racing, what had he done? He had let me guide my feelings, I told Ajay everything, I panicked. I would hear about this conversation ...

From Kajol's point of view

I put Yug to sleep and went to the living room. Every few minutes I looked at my phone. I didn't like the idea that the two were still in the restaurant. I didn't feel good about it. I knew how could it be Jay. And he knew Shahrukh, who never had his emotions under control. This combination caused me great anxiety. I went to the window and looked in the distance. I got lost in my thoughts when I heard the door burst. Abruptly, I turned and saw the anger that burned in Jay. I had guessed. The situation had broken out. He threw his cigarette on the table and took another whiskey. I kept looking at him. My fear took over my whole body and paralyzed me in such a way that I couldn't say anything. Jay came up to me and stopped in front of me. He took a big drink from the full glass and I saw that he swallowed hard. His eyes made me shudder. He was frozen, angry and hurt in his honour as a man. I had to try to be strong now. I suspected what was going to happen.

Without saying a word, Jay grabbed my hair and pulled me toward him. He stopped near my lips. "You can congratulate your Mr. Khan next time, so cold, as he took Pryanka to bed, that even I have not achieved, he is in a good mood, I finally like that man." I didn't know what hurt me the most at the moment. Jay's grip or my broken heart. I Had understood Jay, right? Shahrukh had always denied that something had happened to her. He had sworn it to me. He had told me that it was always just a story for the press to make Pryanka great. Why did Shahrukh boast about it? When Jay noticed my tears, he smiled dirtily at me. "That Kajol, didn't you expect that from your Khan? Do you want me to tell you details? She has been able to completely satisfy her cravings." Jay's words hit me. They not only beat my heart but also my soul. I pulled away from his grip and started to leave, but he grabbed my arm hard and stopped me. When he came to my ear, I felt his breath smelling of whiskey. I choke. He grabbed me from behind in the neck and whispered in my ear "and now I will show you that you only belong to me and that you will only belong to me ..."

DISTRUST creates thorns in love and SINCERITY disappears

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