Chapter 25

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I felt Shahrukh softly kiss my eyelids. I didn't want to open my eyes and I sighed very softly. Shahrukh tenderly put his soft lips on mine and kissed me, almost timidly. After the last night, I enjoyed this kind of touches of Shahrukh. His hands caressed, my cheeks soft as feathers. Very carefully, I opened my eyes and looked at him half asleep. "Mhh Shahrukh, can you wake me up every morning like this, please?" Shahrukh smiled at me. "Kajol just like that?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me maliciously. "Shut up Shahrukh, are you still not satisfied with the last night?" Shahrukh knelt beside me on the bed and let his gaze slide down the white sheet. Every curve of my body was marked on that sheet. I enjoyed his look. Carefully, he pulled that sheet to leave my body naked. I looked at him. He had left this world and entered a world of love, longing and passion. With his fingers, he stroked a line from the neck down. Very gently over my breasts to my navel, over my most sensitive point, from my thighs to my feet. His touch provoked me a beautiful tip. Shahrukh was still watching me. Every sigh of mine chained in the passion. In the same way that Bass came up with his tongue. When I touch the inner part of my thighs I lean towards the one of desire. I grabbed his face and pulled him to my face. I wanted to kiss him. Almost whispering, I heard him say, "Kajol, how can I be satisfied with having a body like you have?" Your skin is as sweet as honey pure and soft as silk, every part of your body is perfect. No, Kajol, I can't I was satisfied and I kissed him passionately, we surrendered to our lust and fell asleep on that beautiful morning in Sofia.

When at midday we left the bed completely exhausted, we took a shower and asked for something to eat. Only in underwear, we sit at the table. This morning we both shone brighter than all the stars on a clear night. "Kajol?" I looked up and smiled at him. "Hmm!" "Kajol, if we finish with breakfast, do you feel like it and look at the city a bit and then go out to dinner tonight?" "I have a little surprise for you." I nodded enthusiastically. I got up and walked around the table. I stroked his hair and he rested his head on my belly. The contact of his skin with mine caused a tingling in me. "Shahrukh?" Shahrukh looked at me questioningly. "Kajol ... shhhh today no. We enjoy today and tomorrow we will separate, for our families. How we will arrange, we'll see. But today it's just us both. "I had read my mind again, I leaned over and kissed him softly.

When leaving the Hotel we walked through the streets and absorbed everything. The city was fantastically beautiful. Embraced, we walked through small dream streets. Nobody recognized us. We were two normal tourists. Making Photos, making jokes and enjoying these magical moments. We were holding hands or holding each other. Without fear we kissed again and again in the middle of the streets. It was so normal and so familiar. Shahrukh tenderly touched my hair again and again. He gently removed each wick from my face. Shahrukh looked me in the eyes and kissed me tenderly on the tip of my nose. The happiness we felt allowed us to shine. We were united. In a way that couldn't be explained. It wasn't only that infinite love. It was much more. It was living the repressed dream.

It was getting dark and we were hungry. "Kajol, let's go back to the hotel and go eat or see if we find a small restaurant here?" I looked at it "Shahrukh let's look for something here, we could find someone in the hotel who could ruin our day." Shahrukh hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead. "Ok Kajol, let's see where we found something small." We went to the centre and looked around. In a small side street we find a small traditional restaurant.

They gave us a small table and Shahrukh ordered the food. At that table, our hands touched again and again. Our fingers crisscrossed and let go. It was as if our hands danced to the rhythm of our hearts. Our hands caressed while our eyes met. We didn't talk. There were only those looks full of love and happiness. Shahrukh didn't keep an eye on me. "Shahrukh, why are you looking at me like that?" He smiled and said: "Kajol, I don't know, but you are binding me." You tie me with your eyes, with your smile and with the shape you have. When I'm with you, I can't control my behaviour." With each of his words I fell in love more and more, gently stroking his cheek." Shahrukh, I feel the same. When I am with you, it is as if our souls leave our bodies and unite." Shahrukh took my hands and covered them under a thousand kisses, a soft cough took us out of that world created by us, the food was delicious, Shahrukh itched from mine. And I tried his own. We started to bother ourselves in a tender and familiar way. Shahrukh laughed at me how he ate and I gave him my jokes. It was a trustworthy situation. A tender and familiar trust.

It was late when we decided to go to the hotel, I noticed that Shahrukh was increasingly nervous. We took a taxi and returned to the hotel. I was about to enter when Shahrukh graciously took my hand. I turned to him and looked at him questioningly. "Kajol, it's a very nice night, let's walk a little." I nodded towards him. But I noticed that something was happening to him. We walked to the park. Embraced, we crossed the small bridge. Shahrukh stopped and turned me around. In the light of the moon, her beautiful brown eyes shone. He tried to smile, but he couldn't. "Shahrukh, what's wrong with you?" Embarrassed, Shahrukh looked at his feet. It disturbed me to see it like that. I walked away a little and looked at him. "Shahrukh please talk to me? I said something wrong or I did ..." "Shut up Kajol, I'm just trying to find the right words." Sad, he looked at me. I took another step toward him and put my head on his chest. I listened to his heart accelerated. I stroked his back gently, waiting for him to calm down. After a while I heard him whisper, "Kajol, since I came here, I've been thinking about how to make it easier tomorrow, but I can't, we have to face our lives, the reality, I will suffer as much as you. I looked at him and saw that tears had formed in his eyes. "Kajol, I'm going to curse every day when I can't say hello to you." I felt my tears touch my face. My face between his hands and he kissed me, it wasn't a passionate kiss, it was a kiss of pain, of a very deep pain, Shahrukh broke away from the kiss and opened a small box, I looked at him in surprise. "No, Kajol, don't have Fear, it's not what you think. Kajol I want you to use it whenever we're not together. I want that only in looking at it you remember that love that I have for you. Help you in difficult situations and give you the confidence to live our dream. It is made especially for you. They are 23 diamonds. For every year that I know you one. Diamonds are only sanded as necessary. You remember? You told me once that I have corners and edges like a diamond. And that's why it would be perfect. "Without words, I looked at him, Shahrukh put that beautiful ring on my finger, almost inaudible, he whispered" Kajol, God willing, we'll use rings together one day.

When the farewell tears like friendship and the familiar eyes speak to you in a low voice: we will always be there for each other, the new will begin with a kind smile.

I hope you like this chapter

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