Chapter 31

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I let the door fall into the lock and breathed deeply. I checked the last hour again. I hadn't thought, I had only reacted. My heart had made a decision that my head now had to implement. I stopped in front of our room. Slowly, I turned to Kajol's room. I sighed and whispered at the door "Kajol, I will never leave you ..." I opened the door and entered the room. It was dark. There was no light on. At the end of the room, I saw a protected figure in the shadow of the night. Gauri was standing with his arms crossed in front of the window. She was looking towards the starry night. With each step towards her, my heart threatened to collapse. What should I say now? How should I explain everything? Could I do that? I walked towards her, with my head down. She had listened to me. I heard a soft sob, which broke my heart. Despite my feelings for Kajol, I felt great respect for this woman. She had given up everything for me and had supported me in everything. I stood behind her and my heart beat to the limit. I put my hand on his shoulder. But in turn, he showed no reaction. Only that soft, gentle sob that burned in my heart. Barely audible, I whispered: "Gauri, can we talk?" He stood there in front of the big window, so fragile that he feared it would break. But I had to say it now. My heart, soul and mind had made that decision. "Gauri please ...!" He turned to me carefully. I saw his eyes stained with tears. I saw that pure disappointment, that contempt and that immense pain. Immediately I looked down. He was ashamed. I was ashamed of these feelings. Gauri carefully lifted my face and looked directly into my eyes. I had the feeling that she could see my soul. "Shahrukh please tell me it's not what I think." I looked back shyly to the ground. Almost whispering, I replied, "Gauri, I'm sorry, but I can't tell you." Tears welled up in Gauri's eyes. "Shahrukh, what happened in the room before? Why did you put yourself this way with Ajay? What does Kajol have to do with this? "Each of her questions burned in my heart, I carefully took her hand and led her to the couch, kneeling in front of her and resting my head in her lap. "Gauri, please forgive me. I don't want to lie to you. I love you and respect. You have been my first love. You know, you were everything to me. You are the mother of my children. But unfortunately I have to tell you that I love Kajol more than my life. There has always been an invisible link between us. He has always connected us. We have been so tormented for the last 20 years to live a normal life. We never surrender to love. We were always aware of the responsibility we have towards our partners and children. But now the time has come when we can no longer do that. I am breaking your heart now, I am aware of that, but I can't longer live a life in which I am not. I love Kajol and I want to live it now. "With a broken voice, I heard Gauri say," So it was just a lie in your life? "This question broke my heart." No Gauri ... you can't even think that. I love you ... You have to believe me. But it's a different kind of love. "Gauri continued stroking my hair, I didn't expect his reaction, I had just broken his heart and yet she was sitting here and listening to every word of me, she cried and her tears fell on my face. I was a terrible man, how could I inflict so much suffering on this woman? I raised my head and took her face in my hands. "Gauri, please forgive me for this suffering that I do to you. I love you and you know it when I say it really is like that. She looked at me and whispered: "Shahrukh to love is lived in many ways and I have always trusted you, I believe you, if you tell me that I love myself, I always knew that she is your soulmate, only she understands you without saying a word. She has the key to your soul and your heart, only she could free you from depressive thoughts and fears, I knew all that, and I always felt your pain when she was with you, all this isn't new to me, but it is so hard to accept. How are we going to continue now? How are we going to tell the children? How will the public accept it? Shahrukh, I know you're a sentimental person who always makes decisions about your instincts, but please tell me how I should continue now? " Gauri's words impressed me. She was a strong and experienced woman. Which was very smart besides that." Gauri, I don't know, I didn't plan everything this way, I did not expect Ajay's reaction, but I couldn't let him do anything to Kajol ... Gauri, please, give me time to find these answers. We have to shoot this movie for now. I have to worry. But I didn't want to lie to you. That's why I wanted to tell you everything." "Shahrukh, I'll go tomorrow with the children. I'm going for a while with my mother. I will not tell the children anything. But I beg you if you are sure of your decision speaks with them. Because they also have the right to the truth. Gauri got up and left me in that dark room. I felt the burden rise from my shoulders. I had expected so much but not with such a reaction. In spite of everything, we didn't lose respect for each other. I looked around and walked slowly towards the door. When I squeezed the door handle, I took a deep breath and felt my inner self for the first time in all these years. I was Shahrukh Khan ... the man that almost nobody knew ...

From Kajol's point of view

I had taken care of both. They were silent while sleeping. I was restless and kept looking towards the door. But she stayed closed. What happened just today? Shahrukh made the decision and more or less urged me to meet with them as well. We are guided only by our feelings without thinking about the consequences. I sat down and I kept thinking. Meanwhile, I had called my mother and asked her to come. But unfortunately she could not do it for reasons of time. But when my sister found out, she agreed immediately to come. But how would it continue now? We couldn't return. They had trapped us and everyone had heard it. Completely absorbed in my thoughts, I noticed how carefully the door of the room opened and Shahrukh entered the suite. Immediately I got up and ran to him. He hugged me and I felt his heart beat. I would never let this man go. If I wasn't sure until now, that insecurity would vanish at this moment. I took a step back and saw that Shahrukh was crying. I didn't know if I should ask him. But he took away that decision, since he only kissed me tenderly. This kiss sealed our love. We both knew it would be difficult times. For us it was clear at that time that we would only do this path together. "Kajol I love you, and that love is bigger than life, he will survive and go to infinity." Shahrukh kissed my forehead and gently touched my hands. We made our world accessible to the destination.

That night, we made the decision to finally love ourselves and not just follow the rules. We were only Shahrukh and Kajol. We could do it. But at that moment, we had no idea what fate was waiting for us ...

At last it is Saturday. I hope you enjoy reading this Cap as much as I did by writing. I hope you like it and come back next week with me when SRKajol can live his love ....

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See you next Saturday

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