Chapter 40

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When I woke up, I looked to the side and saw that angelic face. Kajol slept peacefully beside me. Even after all these weeks, I couldn't believe I had this woman by my side. With what did I deserve so much luck? I looked at her and saw the rest of my life in front of my eyes. I turned to look at her for a moment. The peace of this whole world was reflected in his face. His skin as delicate as the petals of roses. I couldn't contain myself and touch his cheek softly like a feather. Very carefully, I brushed a strand of hair from her face and smiled, because she frowned briefly. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was still very early. I didn't want to wake Kajol, so I carefully strayed and left the bed. On the way to the bathroom I turned around again and looked at her. The savannah only tenderly covered her hips. Her honey-colored skin gleamed in the moonlight, causing a tingling sensation. I had to calm down and decided to swim a few laps in the pool after the bath. This would help me find some clear thoughts.

From Kajol's point of view

When I woke up, it was still dark. Carefully, I opened my eyes and looked to the side. But Shahrukh wasn't by my side. I tried to recognize something in the dark room but I didn't succeed. I got up carefully from the bed and looked in all the rooms, but I didn't find Shahrukh. As I looked towards the patio, I noticed someone in the pool. I had found it. I went to the bathroom and put on a white shirt from Shahrukh. I left our terrace and went to the pool. Shahrukh was swimming. Drops on his skin broke the moonlight. Dreamily, I stopped at the edge of the pool and watched him. I sat down and let my legs fall into the water. Shahrukh saw me and approached me. He appeared right before me. His face came out of the water and his beautiful eyes smiled at me. "Good morning my beautiful angel." He leaned on the edge and sat up in such a way that he could give me a tender kiss. I enjoyed this kiss, because his warm lips caused a tingling in my stomach. I touched his lips softly and bit him carefully. I wanted more ... Shahrukh cut the kiss and fell back into the water. With a big smile and a raised eyebrow, he looked at me inquisitively. "What's wrong, Shahrukh?" A little uncomfortable, he whispered "Kajol come with me?" Energetically I shook my head ... "No, it's cold and I don't have the right clothes either." Now he laughed Shahrukh "Kajol my shirt is enough." He reached my hip and pulled me. Carefully, he let me sink into the cold water. My wet shirt stuck to my skin and you could see every detail of my chest. I clung to him and kissed him passionately. This morning ... in this pool ... we completely forgot who we were and where we were. There was only us and our infinite lust ...

When we arrived at the set, our makeup artist was already waiting for us. We went to the mask in order to prepare for the scenes ... Shahrukh made his jokes and again our hands meet each other. We behaved like two newly in love. Of course, everyone looked at us, but in the meantime we did not care anymore. It was our little world. Far from reality but in spite of that we enjoyed every moment together.

When I came out of the mask, I found Varun. I was looking forward to it. He had the same mood as me and we always had a lot of fun. I hugged him warmly and we talked for a while. Again and again we laugh ... We hug each other again and again ... When I turned around, I saw Shahrukh leaning against a tree with a cigarette in his hand. He had seen us. His eyes were just two small streaks. He only looked at us. Shahrukh made no move. Without saying a word, he threw the cigarette and left ...

From Shahrukh's point of view

When I saw the two of them together, my heart stopped. How could Kajol do that to me? Why did she give your smile to someone else? Why could she have so much fun with Varun? Did she see more in him? I shook myself to get rid of this stupidity. I had to trust her. I had resigned for so long. And now she was mine. I just had to explain that to my mind. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and left the place. I noticed that my phone was ringing and I looked at the screen. I had missed several calls from Gauri. Why did she fight for something she had already abandoned? I put the call away and let the phone disappear in my pocket. I didn't need the distraction now. We had a long day of filming ahead.

From Kajol's point of view

After a long day of filming, we returned to the hotel late. Shahrukh and Rohit went to the bar to discuss the next day. I went to our bungalow and took a relaxing bath. I was almost at the end of my strength. I sat on the terrace. With a good cup of tea I relaxed and watched a little on Instagram what was going on. I distributed some Likes and read some publications. Again and again I was impressed with the passion with which my fans designed their pages and their editions. Lost in my phone, I didn't notice Shahrukh sitting next to me and just looking at me. I jumped when I noticed it and smiled. I got up and sat on his lap. Tenderly, I took his face in my hands and kissed him. We both did not have to say anything. The situation this afternoon did not have to be commented because we trusted each other. I loved him so much ... I put my head on him and I heard his phone ring. "Shahrukh, do not you want to take the call?" Shahrukh looked at me sadly and whispered barely audible. "No, I do not want to know what Gauri wants ..." When I heard his name, my heart stopped. It hurt, because I realized again, that we only lived in our world ...

From Rohit's point of view

I was walking around the room. I couldn't do it ... Shahrukh trusted me. Why did my past catch me now? Why did this person hold me in my hand? Not only would it destroy two stars ... No, my name was also at stake. I picked up my phone and reopened the message ... "Remember what I know Send the photo or the truth will come out ..." I swallowed hard ... damn I felt the cramp in my stomach. I turned and looked at Shahrukh and Kajol hugging each other intimately on the terrace ... Without thinking, I took the phone and took the picture. I opened my Messenger and inserted the photo ... I breathed deeply and I hesitated to press to send. Again, I looked at both of them. They had waited two decades for this opportunity and this would destroy it now ... On the other hand I was ... The truth would destroy everything in my life ... Without thinking, I sent the message ... I looked up and barely audible I heard my thoughts say "I'm so sorry Shahrukh and Kajol ..."

Before accepting what I have, I will fight to the end for what I love...

Once again, I would say thank you so much for the almost 15,000 views. Your support inspires me to write this story every week.

I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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