Chapter 17

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When we left the plane, I helped Shahrukh. He couldn't tense his knee yet. Normally, doctors had advised him to postpone the movie, but Shahrukh didn't want to. He wanted that moment. He wanted to spend that time with me.

On the way to the hotel, I fell in love with this beautiful city. She combined something mystical with the modern world. It was a warm spring morning. Shahrukh took me by the hand during the entire trip and looked out the window. He enjoyed the same as me of sight. When we arrived at the hotel some fans were already waiting. Shahrukh stopped to take some pictures. I enter the hotel. And be impressed. Wow, it was fantastic. I absorbed everything and didn't notice that Shahrukh was behind me. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my neck tenderly. Intimidated, I whispered, "Shahrukh, be careful, we could be seen." Carefully, I tried to free myself from his arms, but he pulled me closer and kissed me on the ear. "Kajol, nobody sees us here, and if someone sees us, then it must be like that, I love you and I want to enjoy it with all my senses, I don't care about others." I closed my eyes and enjoyed those words that touched my heart.

Shahrukh tenderly took my hand and we went to the reception. "Good morning, Mr. Khan, Good morning Mrs. Mukherjee." Surprised, I looked at Shahrukh. He leaned toward me and whispered, "I promised you, you're all mine here." Embarrassed, I looked at the woman, but she just looked at her screen. Khan, they have the suite on the top floor. If you need anything, contact us. "Shahrukh nodded and took the card from the room, hand in hand, we left the lobby and climbed into the elevator. When the doors closed, I stood in front of Shahrukh and looked at him sexily. Mr. Khan? "He smiles wickedly" hahaha Kajol you don't know how to look sexy, you're squeaky but not sexy. " "Shut up Shahrukh. Believe me, I can also be sexy if I want to." I pushed him against the wall and kissed him. He responded with remarkable surprise, about my action, that kiss. The opening of the doors took us out of this situation. We smiled a little shyly and got out of the elevator. Shahrukh opened our suite and I saw that our things had already been brought.

"Shahrukh, this is crazy, a beautiful room." "Kajol, I'm glad you like it After all, it will be our first home for the next few weeks." His words echoed in my head ... "our first home." He was right. It would be the woman at his side during the next weeks. I was going to see him sleep, I would see him wake up in the morning, I would see him tired. All the parts I didn't know about this man. It was a completely new experience. As if Shahrukh could read my mind, he took my hand and led me into the living room. He sat down and I stopped in front of him. He took my hands and looked at me. "Kajol, don't worry, we will not rush things, we have the time to get to know each other at all levels, I want to get rid of the fear that I do not like something, I love everything in you, even your darkest side." Shahrukh looked at me questioningly. I gave him an embarrassed smile and patted him on the shoulder. "Shahrukh, my dark side, you really don't want to know him, Shahrukh, but it's not fear, I want to know you, I want to know what you think and open those doors that I don't know yet, I feel so great for you that I can't find words. with the idea of brushing your lips. "Shahrukh stared at me in love.

When Shahrukh said goodbye in the afternoon, he was freeing our bags. It gave me the laugh of what Shahrukh had all about. I never realized that in him. He was an absolute perfectionist. "Shahrukh, seriously you've even gotten this, really?" Shahrukh laughed " Kajol never know?" He came up to me and hugged me. "Kajol, do you know what is really sexy in you?" I shook my head slightly. "I find it incredibly sexy when I see how you take care of me. Because that touches my heart and makes you very sexy. I tapped him lightly on the arm. "Shahrukh, you're crazy, and now go, Rohit is definitely waiting for you." Shahrukh kissed my forehead tenderly and left.

I cleaned everything and went to take a shower. After the shower, I put on comfortable things and went down to that beautiful terrace. I took pictures and sent them to Nysa. It didn't take long for the answer. "Mom is beautiful, I wish you had a good time, I love you, Greetings to Uncle Shah." I read the message and lay back. My eyes wandered through this beautiful garden. I was happy. I had wanted this feeling of freedom, intimacy and love all these years. I didn't need to pretend. Shahrukh loved me with all my mistakes. I didn't want to worry about right and wrong. Until today I had lived a wrong life. A warm hand on my neck pulled me out of my thoughts. Surprised, I looked around and saw Rohit and Shahrukh. Shahrukh kissed me on the cheek. I blushed because it was a little embarrassing for Rohit. After all, Rohit was Jay's friend. He noticed my discomfort. "Kajol, don't worry, everything that happens here will stay here, you are adults, I will not judge you." I looked at Rohit sadly. Shahrukh placed his hand on my thigh and caressed it tenderly. "Kajol we still have some scenes to talk to you, especially the scene on the road we have to talk about, I like your idea better than Rohit's." The 3 of us got lost in that conversation and the hours passed. Meanwhile, we went to the restaurant and we continued talking there. At no time Shahrukh took my hands off me. Either played with my fingers or caressed my back. He was always kissing my cheek or looking for that intimacy. You could tell he was looking for me. You could tell how comfortable and happy he was.

It was late. Shahrukh and I entered our room. Shahrukh had asked for a little more fruit and chocolate. When the maid touched, I opened the door and immediately looked down. I don't want to seem arrogant at this point, but this very reaction gave me the security to let myself fall. Because I had the confidence that everything would really be here and allow me to enjoy time with Shahrukh

Shahrukh came from behind and grabbed the chocolate. "Heyy, it's mine." Shahrukh held it up. "Kajol you can't. Think of your character. Remember, Meera is very sexy. I raised my eyebrow and jumped a little. But I couldn't reach it. "Kajol thinks about the kilos." Shahrukh laughed and ran with the chocolate around the sofa, I tried to reach him, but he stumbled and dragged me to the couch, I leaned on him and we both laughed. "Shahrukh be careful I don't crush my weight. "Shahrukh stared at me seriously. "Kajol you're like a feather." I looked at him shyly. I felt his hands on my ass. With desire, he grabbed me and hugged me. His lips sought mine. His lips were warm and soft. How much I loved to kiss him. It had become my vice. Slightly, I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to enter. I gently bit his lower lip. His hands massaged my ass and with each movement he felt the pleasure through his pants ..

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