Chapter 45

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When I opened my eyes in the morning, I still felt that pain in my chest. My eyes were burning and I was still trying to fight against memory. I was sat and looked out the window. I could not counterattack. I had to accept the truth. Shahrukh had made his decision. And I had been alone. Alone and abandoned. I got up cautiously from the bed and took a few steps towards the window. I crossed my arms and tried to give myself support and warmth, but the pain in my chest became stronger. I felt my eyes fill with tears again, but I could not and I was not going to let it happen. I had to be strong. I had to fight. For me and my children. I turned around and went to the shower. I could not forget it but I had to learn to live with it.

When I went to breakfast in the main house, I was already part of the team. But I wanted to have my peace. I went and sat away from everyone and drank my coffee. When Rohit approached with his breakfast, I wanted to get up, but he made me understand that he had something to discuss with me. "Kajol we have changed the scripts, I ask you to prepare yourself, you and Shahrukh will make the scene in the ruins tonight." Rohit put the new script on the table and I nodded. I looked and saw the changes. I took a deep breath and repressed my tears. How should I face him? How could I manage not to show my pain? Lost in my thoughts, I got up and took my things. I headed for the door and collided violently with someone. My heart stopped. I did not have to look up. I knew this smell too well. It was a mixture of cold smoke and its sweet perfume. Just smelling what the hair on my head caused. How could I get it out of my heart? I swallowed hard and looked at him coldly. "Good morning ..." Shahrukh put his hand on my shoulder. "Kajol, good morning." His eyes were sad. He had not slept much. His eyes were wet. I wanted to escape the situation and I turned around. But Shahrukh grabbed my hand. "Kajol, please, we have to talk." At that time, a few fans had discovered and called him. I looked him straight in the eyes. "We have to talk, there are fans waiting for you ... Surely they are more important, Mr. Khan." I had triumphed and it was very good for my heart. I had done it and I was sure I could do it in the future too.

From Shahrukh's point of view

Kajol's words hit me to the core. It was not just his words. It was the cold she used to talk to me. I had made a mistake and I did not know what to do then to correct my mistake. I signed some autographs and sat at a table on the terrace. With my coffee and a cigar, I grabbed the new script. They had rewritten the whole love story of us. If it was 80% of the previous scenes, there was only a fraction left. I understood, but it hurt. Dilwale was supposed to be our revelation, but it was becoming more and more of a disaster. I did not notice that Gauri was approaching. "Hey ..." I looked up and looked at her. "Hey ... are you having breakfast with me?" Gauri sat down and took her coffee cup. "Shahrukh, can we talk?" I squeezed my cigarette and blew the smoke in a different direction. "What is it?" I said stop myself to change my tone because Gauri was not to blame. "Shahrukh when Kajol left the room yesterday, he collapsed, I can understand your decision, but we are talking about Kajol here. Are you putting everything behind your career. Do not you risk too much? Your career will end someday. What do you want to do? So you want to look back and see what you missed?" I looked at Gauri, startled. Did not he tell me he wanted to fight for our marriage? I did not understand it "Gauri, what are you trying to tell me? Are you not here to fight for our marriage?" Shahrukh I'm here because I support you in any way. And as I told Kajol, I know how you are. I have tolerated everything over the years. I will not fight with her because it would be useless. But I will always be by your side. I will continue to be your cover in the future. But please, Shahrukh explains your decision. Because I do not understand it. "Gauri's words caused the tears to find their way through my cheeks. "Gauri, when I saw the photo in the press, I knew that someone was playing a fake game on the set. No one could have taken that picture, except one of us. I put people who would investigate who sent the photo to the press and now I know. I wanted to protect Kajol. You thought for a moment, for me there would be something more important than Kajol? No, nothing in this damn world is more important to me. This woman is everything to me. It is the reason for me to fight for this love. I would give up, if I had to. I looked down, embarrassed. Of course, I knew that I was talking to my wife about my only love. "Shahrukh, who was it?" I looked up and looked around. I had to be sure no one was listening to us. I pulled her close and spoke barely audible. "Gauri, it was ..." Gauri dropped his cup. Shahrukh, you must be wrong. That cannot be.

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