Chapter 2

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I want to dedicate this chapter srkajolmylife. Thanks for this beautiful cover.

The call of Shahrukh the previous day did not go out of my head. I was so happy to have heard it. I was so happy that he did not mention the subject with Jay. I did not want to put myself in the position of having to justify myself. After all, he was my husband. I was in our room preparing me. I opted for black pants and a golden vest. My hair was curly natural. Only something red was missing. I looked in the mirror and decided on a red handkerchief and a red lipstick. I liked what I saw. I had to leave it was too late. I picked up my phone and went down the stairs.

Jay was playing in the living room with Nysa and Yug. When he saw me, he came to me. "Kajol, do you really have to leave today?" What was the use of that question now? "Jay, why are you starting again? I've accepted and I'm going." "Kajol the only reason you want to go is Mr. Khan." I rolled my eyes and waved my hand. I was not in the mood for these discussions at this time. I took my bag and left my house.

During the trip Jay's words ran through my mind. "Kajol the only reason you want to go is Mr. Khan." Was it really true? Would you have agreed if it had been someone else? I had to be honest with me. Yes, he was the reason. I missed. His jokes, his intimacy, his being with me. I missed my best friend. I looked out the window and tried to control my emotion. How would he react? Would he react in moderation? "Kajol Mam, we have arrived." I looked at the driver a little surprised. I had not noticed.

I got out of the car and walked to the red carpet. Immediately pictures were taken. I did not like these red carpets at all. Being posing and smiling was not my case. But I had to endure it. I managed to finish it quickly. I went into the corridor and watched a bit. There were already many people. But nowhere was Shahrukh seen. I smiled because I knew I was always late.

I looked where my table was and sat down. Happily I noticed that Shahrukh and Rohit were going to be sitting at this table. I lay back and enjoyed watching people. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I jumped. When I turned around, I saw Shahrukh. Immediately embrace him. He hugged me tight. I felt his heart beating. He would not let me go. "Shahrukh? Well, what will the others think?" I raised an eyebrow and laughed, he released me immediately, and noticed that my words had made him uncomfortable. Hey, Shahrukh, I wanted to make a joke, "I tapped him lightly on the arm, he looked at me with a smile, but you could tell he was still embarrassed, I felt he was tense, maybe he did not know how to treat me, I had to help him. he and whispered in his ear: "Shahrukh, stay calm. I do not blame you. Everything is fine. "I gently kissed him on the cheek, and Shahrukh blushed and smiled." Thank you, Kajol. You don't know what your words mean to me." Tenderly he took my hand and we sat down.

The event started and we joked with Rohit. When they called us on stage, we did not even realize it. Shahrukh and I were trapped in our own world. Rohit pushed me in the side "Kajol you are called." I looked at Shahrukh and again we had to laugh. He took me by the hand and I followed him to the stage. The delivery part was fast. Shahrukh thanked the organizers for having us together on this special night. Shahrukh hugged me again and kissed me on the cheek. Holding hands, we leave the stage.

After the official part, Rohit Shahrukh and I sat together. Shahrukh kept taking my hand or just grabbing my fingers. "Shahrukh, have you already asked Kajol that?" I looked at both inquisitively. "No, Rohit, I have not done it yet." I still looked at both of them. "Shahrukh, what do you want to ask me?" Shahrukh became serious. I immediately knew what it was about. Shahrukh only got like this when it came to business. "Kajol, we have a new project and Rohit had asked me who I could imagine by my side ..." Smiling, I looked at Shahrukh. "Shahrukh, the two of us again? Don't you think people get bored seeing each other again?" I winked at him. "Kajol, you know, if it was up to me, I'd just make movies with you." I laughed. Because I knew he meant it. I looked at both "What is the movie about?" Rohit told me the key facts. I noticed that Shahrukh was watching me. My hand was softly on his. It was a nice feeling. I tried to focus on Rohit and managed to do it with difficulty. "Ok Guys, I do not have any projects for this year, but I want to read the script first." Shahrukh smiled satisfied, he knew me, I knew that if the script would get me, I would be with them "How are you going to put the movie? I look at Shahrukh. "Shahrukh told me that if you would accept the film it would be Dilwale." Scared, I stared at them, Rohit said goodbye to us. "Kajol greets Jay from me. I nodded and looked at Shahrukh.

"Kajol, the night is still young, and I do not want to let you go yet. What can we do?" I looked at him seductively with my eyebrow raised "What do you think?" We both laugh. Shahrukh took me by the hand "Come on, I have an idea." I was not sure, what he did plan to do, where did he want to go with me? We left the building and took his car, he talked to the driver and spoke on his phone. "Kajol? Sit here I drive. I looked at him questioningly. "Shahrukh, what are you doing?" "Shhhh just let me surprise you."

After a short trip, we stopped in front of a restaurant. I knew him. I had been several times already. I looked at him "Shahrukh, if we go in together tomorrow there will be many pictures in the press." "Kajol calm down and come." Shahrukh approached me and took my hand. We enter through a side door. Shahrukh was already expected. A waiter took us up a staircase. I did not know this part. Again and again, I pulled Shahrukh's hand and looked at him questioningly. But I did not get any response. When we reached a door, the servant opened it. Suddenly, we were alone in a beautiful terrace ...

Please forgive me the mistakes. It is very hard to translate the chapters. I still hope you like it

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