Chapter 43

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When I got off the plane in Goa, it was a moonless and rainy night. Immediately I took my car and headed towards the hotel. Again and again I tried to call the two. But neither Kajol nor Shahrukh answered the call. I was worried because it was not normal. I tried to concentrate on driving, but it was getting harder and harder. My thoughts kept spinning around Kajol and Shahrukh. At a red light I had to stop. Lost in my thoughts I saw both of them on the set of KKHH ...


"Kajol, how are we going to turn now? You have to try to control your feelings You can not throw everything now Please remember this is my first movie Think of your mother How would she react if you told her you can not continue with this movie? Kajol, I beg you, try to suppress your feelings ... "I looked at Kajol. She cried terribly. She was broken inside. The scene had not taken well. I knew his feelings for years and I knew that Shahrukh felt the same, but I could not tell him. Kajol had to be strong and keep his promise to marry Ajay. His surname was at stake. I tried to hold her, but she did not allow it. "Karan, please explain to me, how can I suppress this longing, which takes my breath away? How should I stay cool when Shahrukh touches me like this? I can not do it Karan I love Shahrukh from the bottom of my heart. "Kajol broke completely, I hugged her and I stayed all night, she did not calm down, and in the morning I managed to convince her to finish filming." She had understood that her love was not enough to make such a decision.

Back in Goa

A loud sound ripped me from my thoughts. When I looked up, I saw that the traffic light had changed to green. I accelerated and drove the few kilometres to the hotel. I left my vehicle at the Hotel and entered immediately. At the reception, I requested the number of Mr. Khan's room. I ran out of the main house on the edge of the pool to the bungalows. My heart was racing. Somehow I did not feel well. When I reached them, I saw that I was right. The security guards were standing in front of the doors. Of course, they knew me and let me knock on the door. I hit the door again and again. I heard a slight noise coming out of the room. At that moment, a sleepy Shahrukh opened the door and looked at me with big questioning eyes ... "Karan?" "Shahrukh, where's Kajol? What happened? Why do not answer the phone? Why did you call me both?" I would not let him talk. I bombarded him with my questions and I did not notice that my voice was getting louder and louder. Shahrukh grabbed my arm and led me into the room. He looked at me with disgust and said, "Karan, do you want to wake up the whole hotel? Damn it, what are you doing here?" I looked at him questioningly ... "Shahrukh, are you serious?" They both called me and did not respond to the call-backs, what else would I do?

From Kajol's point of view.

Strong voices woke me up from sleep. I tried to orient myself and I realized that they are Shahrukh and Karan. Karan? What was Karan doing here in Goa? And in the middle of the night. I took my things and dressed quickly. I opened the door and saw Karan talking excitedly with Shahrukh. I crossed my arms and walked towards both. "Karan?" Karan looked at me with relief. "Honey, there you are, why the hell do not they answer the phone?" I looked at Shahrukh questioningly and shrugged. "Karan calm down a bit." I hugged him and headed to the terrace, Shahrukh drank something and sat next to us, and in peace, Karan explained everything to us, and Shahrukh and I had to smile a little, but we both did not think that Karan would appear here, Shahrukh got up and stood behind me. "Karan between Kajol and me is all right. It's just that Gauri also appeared. All this is not easy for Kajol ... and, of course, not for me either. Now we must see how everything develops. "Karan looked at both sadly. "When will the time come when you can live that pure love?" Shahrukh leaned down and kissed my hair. With almost inaudible softness, Shahrukh replied: "Our time will come ..."

As it was already very late, Karan took the guest room and we all went to sleep. It was only a short night. Shahrukh's phone rang very early. After that, mine and finally Karan appeared enthusiastically in our room. We all looked at each other and did not know what had happened. The knock on the door shook us all. Shahrukh jumped out of bed and opened the door. Pooja was nervous in front of the door. "Shahrukh, we have to talk immediately." She was so excited she could barely speak, she came in and put her laptop on the table, opened several pages, it was the famous gossip pages, but there was a picture in all of them. Those pages with a stone expression On all pages was a picture where I was sitting on Shahrukh's lap and he gave me a tender kiss. How could that be? Where did they get that picture? I felt tears filling my eyes. I searched desperately for Shahrukh's hand, I was looking for control in this situation, I looked at him questioningly, but his eyes had changed, he was looking at that picture with a cold face, he sat down and started looking at the social networks. The image had spread before I turned around and stayed at the patio door The sun was rising and illuminating the morning in Goa My tears slid down my face Fear had me under control 1. I could not find a clear thought. A soft hug pulled me out of my thoughts. But it was not Shahrukh. This was still sitting on the laptop. I turned around and hugged Karan. Karan tried to calm me down, but I could not calm down. I imagined what would happen now. But I could never have imagined what really happened.

After a while, Shahrukh, Pooja and Karan walked around the room. Meanwhile, Rohit and Gauri had arrived too. Shahrukh and Pooja tried to print a counter notification and present the image as a scene. But meanwhile the image was seen in all media. I sat on a chair and watched this scene in the room. Shahrukh did not look at me. I screamed on the phone and tried to remove the photos. But it was too late. Rohit had cancelled the shooting today. Again and again, Rohit put his hand on my shoulder and tried to calm me down. But fear did not let me breathe. When at noon everyone left the room, Shahrukh approached me and Karan who were sitting on the terrace. Without a word he sat down. We all looked towards the pool. All lost in our thoughts until the soft voice of Shahrukh ripped us ... Karan and I looked at Shahrukh in shock. "Shahrukh, did I understand you well?" I must have listened badly. It could not be. I looked at it and saw that it was looking down. But when he heard my question, he raised his head and looked at me. "Kajol, we have to finish this now." So I was not wrong, I had listened well the first time, at the time, the last few months went through my head, actually, we were now at a point where we could do everything public to finally live our love, but for Shahrukh it was the career, the reputation and the opinion of the third most important, I could feel the tears in my eyes, but they were not tears of sadness, they were tears of rage, I got up and felt Shahrukh holding my hand, I looked at him ... "Do you love me?" Shahrukh looked at me surprised. "Kajol, that's not the question at this time. Do you know what happens now if we make it public now? "I could not believe what Shahrukh had just said. Angry, I pulled my hand and asked again: "Shahrukh, do you love me?" But Shahrukh no longer answered. He lowered his head to stop looking at me. I took a step back and dried my tears, to say firmly: "If the love I've had for you all my life is not enough, then I have nothing to do here ..."

From Rohit's point of view

When I got to my room, I blamed myself, but it was too late to change anything. I closed my eyes and the faces of Kajol and Shahrukh did not leave my mind. What had I done? I had played against fate and won for the moment. But this would not be without consequences.

I picked up my phone and wrote the message ...

... Everything was as you wanted. I hope you are happy now ...

Now I would have to live with my guilty conscience.

Let me go, if you do not have the strength to support me ...

I hope you like my new chapter. I wish you a good Sunday.

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