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Authors' Note

For anyone who starts reading this as of 6th August, 2018 I have noted that some of the Chapters have moved out of sequence again on their own accord and I cannot get them in the right order. Apologies in advance if you decide to read the story anyway.  There's no point in stating which ones are in order because they have already changed a couple of times!!!  All of the Chapters are present though.


Conrad quickly muted the alarm clock before it could send shock waves through his head. The hours of darkness had been spent lying in bed with a cold facecloth covering his eyes to try to quell the pain which was presently assaulting him. Since the age of 12 he had been getting ophthalmic migraine like symptoms even if that description was the closest all of the Specialists he had seen had been able to get to a diagnosis. Of course it wasn't actually ophthalmic migraines he suffered from because there was no trigger. He could go to bed feeling fine and wake up to find his eyes 'mangled' for want of a better word. Getting into the Rangers had been easy enough as he could honestly say he had not been diagnosed with any serious condition. Luckily when he had a bad episode while in Afghanistan his Squad had been on stand down. He had not had a bad episode in months but yesterday evening as he got home after a tiring day he had felt the first tendrils of pain and hopes that it was only an impending headache soon evaporated hence he had not been able to get any sleep. After having a quick shower to freshen up he dressed slowly trying to avoid any sudden movements as that only caused the excruciating pain encompassing his head to start throbbing. He reluctantly booked a cab to bring him to work as his head would not withstand the rigours of cycling over uneven road surfaces. As he waited for the cab he checked the medicine cabinet relieved to find he still had some DF118s left. He stuffed the half full bottle into his jacket pocket as the cab horn blared outside cursing himself for not making something to eat and taking tablets earlier. He had not bothered opening curtains or blinds as the light would only send shards of pain through him so before opening the door he put on his sunglasses to shield his eyes.

Twenty minutes later Conrad took off his jacket in the empty locker room but cursed as two things happened simultaneously - Jude walked in and the pill bottle fell to the floor.
'Hey ...," Jude began then got a look at the way his friend was standing, as if afraid to move, and then felt the pill bottle roll to hit his shoe, "what's wrong Conrad?"
"Nothing," Conrad replied slowly turning from the locker after locking it.
"You forgot to take off your sunglasses," Jude pointed out too innocently as he bent to pick up the bottle before reading the label.
"Thanks," Conrad walked over and snatched the bottle before trying to go around his friend.
"So," Jude leant back against the door crossing his arms, "you want to tell me why you're taking a morphine derivative?"
"Didn't say I was taking them ... forgot they were in my jacket," Conrad was grateful for the glasses as he was useless at lying for his own benefit even though he had no problem doing so to help someone else.
"Take the glasses off," Jude directed firmly moving a step closer to his friend.
"Jude my shift starts soon! I can't be late."
"Ah man!" Conrad reluctantly complied keeping his gaze down.
"Let me see," Jude spoke quietly but authoritively and gently raised the younger mans' chin so he could look in his eyes, "ouch!"
"I'm fine. Come on move!" Conrad went to go around his friend but found his path still blocked.
"I'll make a deal with you. You stay in the on call room for a few hours after I get you something solid to eat and you take the meds."
"Jude I have a shift so just let me get on with it okay?"
"I'm giving you a choice. Take the pills and lie down for a while or I go over your head and you're sent home. I can cover your shift."
"But ...," Conrad put back on the glasses before he was interrupted.
"But you're in agony. Your eyes are bruised from pain. You won't be any good to your patients when you can't concentrate properly."
"You promise to get me if necessary?"
"My word."
"I'll lie down for an hour then."
"You'll lie down for two hours after taking the meds," Judes' tone did not brook any argument.
" You always were stubborn," Conrad conceded defeat.
"Pot and kettle my friend," Jude grinned and led the way out.

Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now