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Much to Conrads' surprise his army friends informed him two days later that they were checking out a property in Atlanta with a view to opening a second garage. Sitting on a bench outside Chastain Conrad looked from Eric sitting beside him to Danny standing in front of him.

"How come ye never mentioned this before?"
"Well after Andy .......... and with Fran and the kids here and the funeral it never seemed the right time," Eric shoved his hands deeper into his pockets as the afternoon chill made him shiver.
"Guess ye're doing well if ye can open a second business," the third year Resident concluded with a smile for he was genuinely glad they were so successful.
"We also waited because we wanted to ask you something," Danny elaborated, "we would like you to come on board as a partner."
"Me? I don't even own a car," the surprised man pointed out but then thought of something, "do ye need investment money?"
"Hell no!" Eric refuted adamantly.
"We just thought it would be nice to have a business together," Danny didn't add that it would mean they would see him more regularly for fear it would spook the younger man they both cared about.
"Guys I appreciate the offer but really I wouldn't be much of an asset," Conrad declined, "ye know I was never going to be a great Mechanic."
"We figure you being a great Doctor is enough for you," Eric grinned as the other man looked at the ground in embarrassment, "all we want from you is that you become a partner."
"But ye don't need me."
"Well that's not quite true. We have expanded the business since we last spoke to include motorcycle repairs. We know you can strip a Harley Davidson since we saw you do it after all."
"Ye remember that?"
"How could we not?" Danny grinned thinking back to when an arrogant trainee in Boot Camp, a motorcycle buff, had been picking on him and Conrad had decided to teach the guy a lesson on Dannys' behalf.
"Taking Sarges' bike and stripping it down before placing the parts on Parkers' cot was ingenious," Eric laughed.
"Well he deserved it," Conrad stated unrepentantly.

"So what do you say?" Danny spoke softly getting back on track, wishing it wasn't so hard to persuade their friend of his worth.
"I would be a silent partner?"
"Well that's up to you," Eric smiled glad their offer was being considered.
"It would give you something else to do on your downtime," Danny tried to sell the idea knowing from personal experience that downtime could prove a troubling period for some veterans.
"How about I buy a small share of the business but leave the running of it to ye?"
"Sure if that's what you want. We can sort out a Contract," Eric nodded trying to hide his disappointment, "but there's one condition."
"What?" Conrad frowned.
"We get stuck with a Harley you have to help," Eric was pleased with himself for thinking of some way to assure his friends' attendance at the garage from time to time.
"This will be great!" Danny beamed as he slapped the Resident on the shoulder happily not giving him a chance to argue.
"Get me the paperwork and we can settle things," Conrad gave in then rose quickly as his beeper went off and he ran for the entrance yelling "see ye" as he went.

In the Emergency Room Devon found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time when a prisoner being escorted outside by two Police Officers after treatment used a drunk patients' scream as a distraction and suddenly took two steps back and grabbed him in a neck hold. This was not how he intended the afternoon to go. He saw Conrad taking something from a Nurse before he approached and could imagine the lecture he was going to get for being caught off guard. The pressure on his neck increased as the man pulled him along and backed into an empty cubicle. In the background Devon could see staff quickly removing patients from the other cubicles. Steven and Mark moved forward out of sight, guns in hand, to flank the two Officers who now stood with weapons drawn at either side of the entrance to the cubicle shouting orders.

"Put your arms over your head or I will shoot," the tall brown haired Officer spoke loudly and firmly in a tone that was meant to be obeyed.
"No!" the choke hold became tighter as the man became more agitated.
"Hey," Conrad spoke to the bulky prisoner as he tapped Stevens' shoulder to get him to move aside, "what do you want?"
"Doc move back!" the second Officer, a black haired man, ordered without taking his eyes off the prisoner.
"How about you tell me what you want," Conrad ignored the Officer and stepped between the two men quickly before either could react, moving forward to ensure he was out of their reach.
"Who the hell are you?"
"Just someone who doesn't want anyone to get hurt," Conrad explained calmly as he moved to within a foot of the two men.
"Stop! You come any closer and this guy dies," for emphasis the big man increased pressure causing Devon to gasp for air.
"No he doesn't," Conrad stated confidently.
"Doc I'm the one in charge."
"Sure but I'm guessing this isn't something you planned," Conrad pointed out, "and let's face it you have nowhere to go."
"As long as I have a hostage I can do what I want," the prisoner loosened his hold as he spoke.
"Well normally I would agree with you," Conrad conceded as sirens blared outside announcing the arrival of more Police Officers, "there's one slight problem though."
"Oh yeah?" the man demanded as several Officers entered.
"Yeah," Conrad nodded without expanding on the problem as he noticed out of the corner of his vision that Mike Gibson and Claire Thorpe were now present in the corridor alongside Irving and Jude and several Doctors and Nurses.
"Well what is it?!"
"Oh sorry," the Resident apologized distractedly, "what were you saying?"
"Doc get out of there!" the tall Officer interrupted as he had had enough of talking.
"The problem," Conrad threw a deadly glare at the Officer not appreciating his timing then turned back to the prisoner and Devon, "is that you picked the wrong hostage."
"Because Devon here is a diabetic and as his mentor I happen to know he was due to take his insulin an hour ago but he didn't."
"Big deal!"
"Well for you it is because any moment now he's going to collapse and then he's going to be useless since you won't be able to escape with him."

"You've forgotten something," the prisoner pointed out with satisfaction.
"What?" Conrad asked innocently.
"Come over here!"
"Me!" the experienced Resident feigned shock and took a step back.
"Yeah. Now move!"
"Conrad ...," Devon began only to be shaken violently.
"Come here," the man indicated his right side as he held the young man with his right arm.
"But ...," as he obeyed the order and stood beside the man facing outwards Conrads' right dipped into his pocket and he looked at Steven who now stood in the middle of the two Officers and gazed down to his hand revealing a loaded syringe.
"Move!" the prisoner raised his arm and shoved Devon stumbling forward.
"Now ...," the prisoner quickly pulled and if he hadn't been so panicked he would have noticed that his new hostage actually took up the vacant spot without reluctance.
"So what now?" Conrad asked as he saw Steven mumbling something to the Officers.
"Well I want to get out of here so let's go!"
"What's your name?" Conrad stalled.
"Conrad you sure like questions I'll say that for you. My name is Paul. Now move!"

Two things happened as Paul took a step forward. First he felt a sharp sting in his right thigh and as he frowned in confusion he found himself without a hostage and pressed up against the wall. A few seconds later he slumped to the floor uncaring. Conrad immediately took over his care.

"He's amazing," the awed CEO shook her head.
"Takes a lot to scare him," Jude observed proudly.
"He put himself in danger," Mike Gibson put in unhappily.
"You know him long enough to know he's not going to stand around if he can do something," Jude frowned looking at the Psychiatrist, "why are you looking so upset?"
"I'm not upset I'm just worried about him," Mike spoke genuinely.
"Well he's fine now," Jude headed off as his mobile rang.
"No he's not," the older man spoke to himself watching as Conrad covered up the sedated prisoner on the gurney and then walked out of the cubicle to talk to the waiting Officers who stood with Devon.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now