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The Surgeon broke out of his memories as a Waitress walked over and topped up their hot drinks. Looking across at his friend he could see the veiled look in his eyes. Conrad hated talking about the war but Jude decided it was time to finally get some answers as he took a sip from his refilled mug.

"You never did say who beat you up. Phillips however .....,"
"Phillips what?" the Resident frowned as he sat up straight.
"He worked out who had done it," Jude admitted unrepentantly, "Burton and Hollinger received their just desserts."
"He never told me.  Why would he do that?"
"Because he was your friend and he cared about you.  Is that so hard to believe?"
"I .... I just didn't think he'd do that."
"Go after the pair that attacked you when you were already injured? Course he did," the Surgeon paused before continuing, "and so did I."
"You? Why would you do that? It doesn't make any sense.  You didn't even know me back then," Conrad was totally confused.
"I knew enough to know that you put others before yourself.  I knew you were a good man."
"Yeah right!" the fair haired man scoffed in disbelief at the words.
"You calling me a liar?"
"What exactly did ye do?" Conrad tossed back his own question with suspicion.
"We just gave them some of their own medicine," Jude smiled smugly before becoming sombre, "apart from anything else they needed to know their actions would not be tolerated and also we wanted to make sure they never pulled a stunt like that again.  They could have killed you by attacking you when you had broken ribs.  You know that."
"But they didn't."
"Luckily for them," Jude shook his head ruefully as he signalled a young Waitress over to pay, "now tell me why you didn't report the incident."
"Wasn't important," Conrad took some notes out of his wallet and handed them to the Waitress as soon as she approached with a smile.
"I was going to pay."
"Yeah, yeah," the fair haired man scowled in mock disbelief as he stood up.
"Hey I was!" Jude feigned upset as he led the way out after throwing a wink to the smiling girl.

Once outside Conrad glanced at his watch.  He could still get away for most of the day.  He was about to signal a cab when his arm was held down.

"Don't even try it.  You're with me for the day," Jude reminded resolutely.
"I had breakfast with you.  That's more than enough," Conrad shifted his backpack on his shoulder.
"Look, where did you intend to go?"
"Not sure," Conrad confided after a brief hesitation, "figure I'll know when I get there."
"How about another road trip?"
"That's what I had in mind."
"Yes but how about I go with you.  There's somewhere I've always wanted to go," Jude suggested enthusiastically.
"Where?" the fair haired man asked warily.
"I happen to have a reservation for a place in Chattahoochee National Forest.  Lots of hiking, fishing.  It's beautiful."
"Doesn't sound like much of a road trip," Conrad pointed out tiredly, his energy was depleting fast as the painkillers he had taken began to work.
"Take about an hour and a quarter to drive up there," the older man admitted with a shrug, "but it's a break from here and I know you'd love it."
"Why did you book it?"
"Figured we could spend some time just relaxing.  So what do you say?"
"Sorry I'm coming back tonight but thanks anyway."
"That's grand," Jude insisted, "we can come back tonight no problem."
"Jude ....,"
"Come on.  We're wasting time!" the Surgeon cut off any further arguments by snatching his friends' backpack and heading for his car as he fished out his keys leaving the other man little choice but to follow.

As promised nearly an hour and a quarter later Jude pulled his vehicle into a parking space at the Crows Nest close to the Ocoee River and glanced across at his sleeping companion.  He debated letting the other man sleep briefly but decided instead to get him into a room where he could rest properly.  Quietly opening the door he got out and gently closed it before heading over quickly to open the door of the luxurious four room cabin.  Entering he was relieved to see it was exactly as he remembered.  The wooden construction was a perfect getaway from civilisation for three nights.  If things worked out he was hoping to get the younger man to have a few days away rather than just one hence he had booked the property during a quick visit to the washroom as his friend tried to get some of his breakfast down.  Luckily the owner was a good friend.  Jude found the note on the kitchen counter from Tom, exactly where he had said he would leave it, stating he had stocked up on provisions and the key was under the flower pot on the porch.  Jude figured his friend had just left if the amount of food in the refrigerator was any indication as well as the gas flamed fire in the grey stone fireplace switched on.  He hadn't had much time between the phone call and now to get the place stocked and be out of sight. He'd send him a keg of his favourite home brew.  He knew it would be a difficult task but he was determined to help Conrad.  He had stayed at the Crows Nest once before and fallen in love with it.  Floor to ceiling windows offered uninterrupted views of the surrounding land.  The place also had a secret weapon which he intended to use to entice the troubled man to stay.  Knowing the Resident had an adventorous streak he had purposefully picked this location when his friend mentioned taking off for the day.  Of course the Crows Nest was isolated enough, which was another reason he had opted for the picturesque setting.  Heading back out to the car he braced himself for the argument about to ensue.  Approaching the car his steps stalled.  The car was empty! Cursing he looked around and found his heart rate decreasing as he caught sight of his friends' forlorn form standing, shoulders hunched, down by the running waters.  Shaking his head he strolled down to stand beside the man.

"Thought you'd taken off."
"Where to?"
"Knowing you anywhere," the Surgeon chided.
"You get us checked in?" Conrad asked, his eyes still on the fast flowing river.
"Nope, don't need to check in.  This is run by my friend.  Luckily it's free for the next fortnight."
"You been here before?"
"Once.  Always planned on coming back," Jude grinned, "course I was planning on bringing someone of the fairer sex."
"Actually I was thinking Nic would love it here," Conrad forced levity into his words knowing his friend was just being that, a good friend.
"Rub it in why don't you!"
"Not my fault she has good taste."
"Thought ye were off," Jude frowned.
"Only a matter of time before she sees sense," Conrad offered with a yawn as he finally turned away from the water and looked at the older man, "come on you can show me this great place."
"Thought you might like to catch up on some sleep first," Jude acknowledged honestly as they headed up to the inviting building, "make a deal with you.  You lie down for an hour and I'll make a proper feast.  Tom tends to believe in stocking up on everything so I'm going to do roast chicken."
"If I lie down you promise you'll call me?" Conrad checked as they walked into the high ceilinged living area.
"Of course," Jude was surprised by the easy acquiescence but wasn't about to question it.
"So where am I going," the weary man shifted his backpack as he looked around.
"There's a bedroom down the hall there," the Surgeon pointed the way as he headed over to the kitchen area, "it's just ten after ten now so I'll call you around two."
"Going to take me a while to create my masterpiece," Jude explained as he began taking out utensils, "go on before you fall down."
"Yes Pa."

The Surgeon looked after his friend wondering if this was the right option.  Mike had been in favour of it as a last resort.  He hoped it worked out because if it didn't they were at a loss how to help their friend.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now