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Upon reaching the fifth floor Conrad and Devon were surprised to find Irving standing by the elevator doors watching a confrontation take place further down the hall with raised voices. Two Maintenance Technicians were being chastised by their Superior.

"Where's Kirkwood?" Conrad asked as he approached with a frown.
"On the way down to OR. Needs to have an unruptured aneurysm clipped," Irving explained but he did not look happy.
"How did ye get him out so fast?" Devon wondered.
"Elevator wasn't stuck for long."
"Sessions is blaming Pedro and Alonzo?" Conrad sighed heavily.
"Oh yeah," Irving said in disgust, "and none too quietly."
"Not on my watch!" Conrad growled and strode down the corridor.
"What's going on?" Devon looked at Irving before turning his attention back to the loud argument.
"Sessions is Head of Maintenance. He's never been a good guy but since 2016 he's gotten worse," Irving explained the background, "Pedro Rodriguez and his son Alonzo have worked at Chastain for many years. Much longer than Sessions."
"And?" Devon prompted.
"He hates anyone he doesn't consider 'American' and likes to make their lives difficult."
"Why did he start getting worse after 2016?"
"Trump got elected," Irving replied morosely.

"This is just another sign of incompetence!" at six foot two forty year old burly John Sessions was used to his size being an aid in intimidating people.
"We .....," fifty-three year Pedro tried once again to talk.
"This cannot go on!"
"But this isn't .....," Alonzo, the younger Rodriguez, began to protest but was yet again cut off, only this time by a friendly voice.
"Pedro, Alonzo," Conrad greeted the two affable Mexican Americans with a wink, "surprised to see ye here. Everything okay?"
"We came up to see if we could help," Pedro addressed the young Doctor with a tight smile.
"This cannot go on!" Sessions began again.
"Sessions," Conrad turned his attention to the bigger man for the first time with a cold glare, noting that several people in the corridor were taking an interest, "please lower your voice and explain why you are berating Pedro and Alonzo."
"You don't get to order me around and I don't have to answer to you!"
"Now you have a taste of your own medicine," Conrads' tone became even cooler, "you do not get to order Pedro and Alonzo around about something which is not in their remit and therefore they do not have to answer to you."
"Dr. Hawkins," Pedro looked at the pale young Doctor worriedly, "it is okay."
"It is not!" Alonzo threw a dirty look at the man making their lives a misery.
"Your son is right Pedro," Conrad confirmed easily then faced the blustering Supervisor again raising his voice, "the elevator maintenance has nothing to do with Pedro and Alonzo yet they took the time to come up to help. You, on the other hand, only came up to cause trouble."
"Why you .....," Sessions moved forward, intending to grab the other mans' shoulders to push him back against the wall and punch him, but the last part was scuppered when a figure stepped in between the two.
"So help me Sessions if you lay one more hand on Dr. Hawkins you're going to find yourself under my scalpel," Jude informed the surprised man as he shoved him back.
"This is not over," the Supervisor warned before turning and heading down the corridor muttering to himself as people kept out of his way.

"Are you okay Dr. Hawkins?" Pedro placed a gentle hand on the younger mans' shoulder as his son quickly moved to his other side as he looked as if he was about to pass out.
"I'm fine," the Resident forced himself to straighten and leaned away from the wall slowly trying to stifle a groan.
"You okay Conrad?" Jude turned around to check on his friend when something on the wall caught his eye, blood.
"I'm alright," the Resident moved away from the two Rodriguez men at his side as his friend advanced on him, "catch ye later."
"Conrad let me ... whoa!" Jude reached out to catch his friend as he suddenly collapsed but Pedro and Alonzo got there first and gently laid their protector down on the floor.
"Conrad can you hear me?" Jude asked as he checked the pupils with his penlight but got no response.
"He was not looking well before this," the elder Rodriguez stated as he gestured for his son to move aside as a Porter approached with a stretcher.
"Don't worry. He'll be fine," Jude assured the anxious men, "too stubborn not to be."

A few minutes earlier after arriving on the floor Jude had sent Devon off for security and Irving had reluctantly left after being called back down to Emergency. As Devon had explained their friends' eye problem seemed to be acting up again Jude decided to step in to avoid the dispute escalating. Normally Conrad would have no problem dealing with Sessions, despite the fact that he was taller and a good 100 pounds heavier but when unwell it would be a different story altogether. Jude cursed himself for not arriving earlier as he helped transfer his friend to the stretcher and reassured Pedro and Alonzo that they could check on him later.

By the time Devon arrived in the treatment cubicle Conrad was beginning to come around as Jude tied off the last of six sutures.

"How is he?"
"Six stitches," the older man spoke as he put away the suture kit and took off his gloves, "probably has a concussion on top of everything else."
"Everything else?" Devon attempted to get some information.
"Pedro said he didn't look well before this," Jude hedged.
"Why is he still dressed?"
"He only hit his head."
"But he's going to be admitted."
"Devon take it from me he doesn't need to stay in hospital."
"Damn," Conrad groaned and forced his eyes open slowly squinting at his surroundings, "Pedro, Alonzo ..... okay?"
"Fine," Devon shook his head, "you're the one who's hurt."
"How many fingers do you see?" Jude lowered the bed rail and sat down carefully on the gurney.
"Come on," the fair haired man pushed the hand away after a few attempts unknowingly providing an answer anyway as to his vision.
"What day is it?" Jude took a hold of the nearest hand to get his friends' attention.
"You ..... don't know?" Conrad asked as he shut his eyes.
"Smart ass," Jude couldn't stop a grin "what's your name?"
"Conrad Hawkins."
"Where are you?"
"Hell," Conrad decided as he tried to release his hand from the strong hold.
"Who's President?"
"The devil ...... or one of his .... buddies."
"Well you could be right on that one buddy," Jude sighed, "you get some rest and I'll get you home in a while."
"No," Conrad opened his eyes and seemed to notice Devon for the first time, "you got any work ........ to do?"
"Sure. I'll talk to you later," Devon took no offence at the dismissal as he headed out of the cubicle.
"You rest. I'll be here," Jude squeezed the hand in his.
"But .....,"
"Just do as you're told for once Conrad."
"Sorry," Conrad carefully turned onto his right side after succeeding in pulling his hand away and was about to close his eyes when the first year Resident returned.
"This might help," Devon walked over and gently placed a wet facecloth over the bruised eyes, "see you later."
"Nothing to be sorry for," Devon shared a look with Jude before he departed again.

Watching his friend sleep Jude knew that he was going to have to start getting tough with him if he wanted answers. While he respected everyone needed their privacy whatever secrets his friend hid seemed to have led to his refusal to easily accept help when it was needed and freely given. Jude was no fool and knew that whatever lay ahead was not going to be easy but that was the price of friendship and it was one he would willingly pay for Conrad.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now