CHAPTER SIXTY-SIX: Return to Danger

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Inside the cubicle once he closed the curtains as directed Conrad turned to face the gunman.

"Look you shouting is going to make things harder for you in the long run. We have sick people here who need peace and quiet so how about we start again and you tell me what's going on?"
"It's none of your damn business!" the irate man insisted waving the gun between the Resident and the patient whose movements had stilled into unconsciousness again.
"Okay if that's what you want," Conrad went to turn around to leave.
"Hey man where are you going?"
"You don't want to talk so I figured I could get on with some work."
"No way! You stay!"
"Not much point unless you want me to help you," Conrad had kept hold of the curtain as if intent on leaving.
"Look man this wasn't meant to happen," the older man admitted reluctantly as he lowered his voice.
"The name's Conrad," the fair haired man reminded as he let go of the curtain, "so what do I call you?"
"John," the man finally relinquished his name with a sigh, "I don't know how I ended up here."
"John everyone at some point makes choices they regret. You can tell me why exactly you want to harm this patient so I can understand where you're coming from."
"All you need to know is he deserves to die."
"Maybe you're right but have you thought this through?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean if you actually kill him is it going to undo whatever he did?"
"Not unless you know how to go back in time!" John scoffed.
"Well then maybe you killing him isn't the answer," Conrad suggested evenly as he took a step closer to the bed, "just what exactly did he do anyway?"
"He stole my life savings," John divulged angrily, "and yes it's only money but he's been doing this my whole life."
"Ye're related?"
"Yeah .... he's my ....... brother. My Mom left us money in her Will. He went through his share in a few months."
"When you're related it makes it hurt more," Conrad sympathised, "it cuts deeper when someone who is automatically meant to have your back betrays you."
"You sound like you understand."
"I know what it's like to be let down by someone you should be able to trust. The worst thing is you still hope deep down that the person will change," Conrad was glad the others couldn't hear this conversation.
"Who hurt you?"
"It doesn't matter it's ....,"
"You're just making it up," Johns' voice took on an edge, "trying to get me to think you're going to help me!"
"No man I wouldn't do that," Conrad heard the soft rustle of footsteps coming closer to the cubicle, "I'm not lying to you and I will tell you how I know what it's like but first let me tell my friends we're okay in here alright?"
"No tricks," John pointed at the curtain with the tightly held weapon, "you tell them I'm not interested in hurting anyone else. Five minutes, be back in five minutes."
"Sure. I won't be long. I give you my word."

Closing the curtain behind him Conrad found himself facing two SWAT team members standing a few feet back from the cubicle. Past them he could see Jude and Mike with the Actor and a man who seemed to be arguing with them. Advancing forward slowly he explained in a voice loud enough for the gunman to hear that everything was okay. Nobody had been hurt. As he spoke the Resident made hand signals to Jude and was quickly given a pen and paper from a nearby counter, to the obvious displeasure of the stranger.

"Everything is fine. The patients' vitals are stable," the tired man continued as he hurriedly scribbled a note and handed it to the Surgeon before turning back to return, "we just need some time to sort things out."
"I can't let you go back in there Dr. Hawkins," the stranger stated softly but firmly.
"I promised I'd be back. If I don't go in the patient will be in danger," Conrad whispered.
"He's in danger anyway. Better one than two casualties."
"Hey now," Jude quickly stepped in front of his friend as he went to confront the man, "we're all on the same side here. Conrad this is Pete Dawson, SWAT Team Leader. He's just doing his job."
"You got a job to do," the fair haired man relaxed his stance as he took a step back, "I appreciate that but so do I. This guy isn't going to shoot anyone."
"You sure of that Dr. Hawkins?" a new voice entered the conversation as Sean Benton walked over with his partner.
"You're betting the patients' life on that, not just your own," the uniformed Officer stated quietly as he eyed the medical professional he had come to admire.
"If it gets risky I'll be the first to shout for help."
"Yeah right!" Mike scoffed in disapproval.
"How long before the Negotiator gets here?" Conrad ignored the comment as he glanced back at the quiet cubicle.
"He's tied up with another situation," Dawson finally answered.
"Well I've got John talking so we have a connection," the Resident eyed the men close by and thos further back glad Nic was nowhere in sight, "no one needs to start shooting."
"He's good with people," Jude offered to Dawson as he saw the first sign of doubt appear on the firm features, "come on we all want this to end peacefully."
"Okay Dr. Hawkins," Dawson acquiesced reluctantly as he ran a hand through is greying black mane, "but the first sign that he's going to tip over the edge you get out of there, whatever about the patient."
"Tell Nic ....... if .....," Conrad ignored the instruction instead giving Jude his attention.
"I'll tell her you're going to be fine," the tall Surgeon winked acknowledging the unspoken request to let the Nurse Practitioner know that this was something he had to do.
"Thanks man," Conrad headed back past the SWAT Team members and gently opened the curtains to announce his return, anxious not to startle the distressed man.

"So what happens now?" Mike demanded unhappily as he led the Surgeon a bit away for some privacy.
"We let Conrad deal with the situation," Jude frowned, "you know this is better than the other option."
"I know he got this guy talking which is good but he doesn't need this right now."
"What do you mean?" Dawson enquired as he had purposefully eavesdropped.
"This is a private conversation," Jude observed crossly.
"Tell me," Dawson looked between the two men, "what's going on with Dr. Hawkins that I should know about?"
"He's just been unwell," Mike replied honestly without elaborating, "I'm just worried about him that's all."
"You said you're a Psychiatrist?"
"Well if you think Dr. Hawkins should not be in there now is the time to say so," Dawson stated before looking across at the quiet cubicle ruefully, "actually the time to say so was before I let him back in there."
"Let's get one thing straight Officer ....," Jude began only to be cut off.
"You didn't let Conrad go in there. He was going in there with or without your approval," Mike finished.
"What did he write down?" Dawson gestured to the note Jude held in his hand.
"The gunman, John, is the patients' brother."


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