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The three men were engrossed in an argument about who was the better fisherman when a shout around the bend had their heads turning.  Within seconds they saw the upturned canoe followed by Conrad tugging a figure through the fast flowing waters towards the shore.   Young Conrad began to shed his clothes but Jude stopped him as he watched the drama unfold before him.

"Conrad has him.  He's a strong swimmer."
"What was he doing on the river this time of year?" Miguel asked angrily for it was too early for such activity.
"Beats me," Jude replied distractedly, "call 911.  Explain we have two victims with possible injuries and hypothermia."
"Don't you want to wait? They might be okay," the youngest sibling spoke even as he took out his cell.
"No.  Do it now," the Surgeon instructed as he motioned for the older brother to accompany him to the waters' edge as his friend finally managed to reach the rocky embankment and collapsed beside the now unmoving man.
"They're on the way," Miguel joined them, "what can I do?"
"Is there a First Aid kit in the SUV?"
"Yeah.  I'm on it."
"Bring the blankets from the boot as well!" young Conrad shouted as he knelt down beside his shivering namesake.
"How is he?" Conrad asked through chattering teeth as he watched his old friend assess the stranger.
"Definitely has hypothermia.  Has a broken rib on his right side but his breathing is okay so he doesn't appear to have damaged a lung.  How are you doing?"
"Me? I'm fine."
"Course you are," young Conrad rolled his eyes in exasperation, "that red on your forehead is just for decoration."
"Get him out of those clothes now," Jude ordered as he began taking off the blue jacket of his patient, "he needs to get warmed up."
"There were three blankets," Miguel returned with a smile but frowned upon seeing the condition of the rescuer, "Conrad are you okay?  You look awful."
"Miguel!" the older brother glared at his siblings' unintended insensitivity.
"Hey he's probably right," Conrad grinned to show there was no harm done, "I'm drenched."
"So get out of those clothes," the Surgeon ordered as he took the strangers' pulse again.
"How is it?" Conrad checked as he slowly sat up and then got to his feet, albeit with the help of the concerned siblings.
"You have one minute to get undressed," Jude warned ignoring the question.
"Damn you're cranky," the soaked man grumbled but took off his jumper revealing not only a too thin frame and the wet bandage on his arm but also red patches on his back and left side.
"Man that must hurt," the elder sibling said sympathetically.
"Miguel I need you over here," Jude gestured the teen over and when he crouched down beside the now naked and blanket covered man gave him quick instructions, "I want you to keep an eye on Sam here, found his name in his wallet, and tell me if he starts to come around or if his breathing changes."
"Will he be alright?"

"I hope so," Jude replied before standing up and walking briskly over to his friend, "so looks like you took some hits."
"Nothing serious."
"Conrad will you keep an eye out for the EMTs.  They won't be able to bring the ambulance in too far."
"Sure," the teen nodded after a final worried look at his namesake and took off at a run towards the highway.
"Any idea what hit you?" Jude asked in a knowing voice, he knew the fair haired man was hurt.
"Think it was a couple of tree limbs," Conrad guessed, "but it's nothing."
"Follow my finger."
"I don't have a concussion."
"Just humour me."
"Happy?" Conrad asked after obeying the instruction.
"Nope.  How many fingers am I holding up?"
"You don't know?  Hell maybe you have a concussion."
"Conrad!" Jude said in exasperation and sent a mock glare towards the chuckling Miguel who was clearly enjoying the exchange.
"Okay, okay. Two."
"Lucky guess," Jude scoffed as he brushed the hair off his friends' forehead to check the wound, which had stopped bleeding thanks no doubt to the cold water, "looks superficial but we'll get it checked out at the hospital just to be on the safe side.  Where are you?"
"Hell apparently," the Resident groused not happy about a trip to the hospital, "told you I don't have a concussion.  We're off Route 204.  I'm Conrad and it's Tuesday the 7th."
"Who's President?"
"You trying to give me a headache?"
"Okay I'll let that one go. Take a deep breath for me," Jude opened up the blanket and placed a flat palm gently against the reddened left side then lowered his voice, "and before you decline I can tell the boys you're seriously hurt if you don't."
"Damn," Conrad reluctantly complied but then groaned at the agony which flared up.
"Thought so," Jude said as he palpated his friends' back to assess the damage there, "looks like you have a few broken ribs on the left side.  Your back is probably just bruised but the x-rays will confirm.  Take your jeans off."
"No way!" Conrad knew he would find it difficult to escape the hospital without the jeans.
"You actually want to develop hypothermia?"
"Not that cold."
"So Sam over there doesn't have hypothermia?"
"He was in the water a lot longer than me."
"You're still shivering man.  Will you just be sensible for once in your life?"
"Blast it," Conrad knew he was never going to win the argument.

"Hey I think I know this guy," Miguel spoke up suddenly, they had learnt of the two brothers he was the most outgoing and excitable, "this is Sam Hicks!"
"So?" Jude asked nonplussed as he quickly wrapped the blanket around his friend again after gently taking off the wet bandage and tossing the jeans on the pile of clothes now sitting on the nearest rock.
"He's the Sheriffs' son!"
"Whoever he is he shouldn't have been out here on the water," Jude pointed out unhappily as sirens could be heard in the distance.


Three hours later Conrad finally found himself alone in his cubicle.   As his friend had diagnosed the scalp wound was superficial and did not require stitches.  X-rays had confirmed he had three broken ribs and a fourth one was cracked.   The red patches on his left side and back were darkening in colour and by morning no doubt he would be black and blue.   At the first opportunity Jude had left him he had persuaded one of the Nurses to give him a set of scrubs in exchange for the hospital gown he had been given on admission.   Upon returning his friend was not impressed with the new attire for he had been hoping to persuade his friend to stay in overnight for observation just in case he had a delayed reaction to the ordeal.   Conrad had agreed to remain for a couple of hours to appease the Surgeon but he was itching to take off.   The siblings had been told to go home by the fair haired man who had apologised for ruining the day.   Each teen had quickly brushed off his comments and it was agreed that they would go on another trip to the swimming hole in a few days.  Reluctant to leave young Conrad had stated he was proud of the Resident for his quick thinking and actions.   The blushing man had said it was just his luck to see the stranger first.  Now keeping a wary eye on the closed curtain the injured man carefully eased himself onto his feet grateful that at least the cold which had assailed him had finally lost its' hold.   Straightening the blue scrubs he looked around for his boots which he distinctly remembered Miguel brining into the hospital, at his request.   He was beginning to think he would have to leave barefoot when the curtain was suddenly pulled back revealing a smirking Jude and a stern looking Pedro.  This was not good.

"Conrad what are you doing up? Get back in bed this instant," the words came from Pedro instead of the amused Surgeon beside him.
"No need.  I'm good to go. Already signed the necessary papers," Conrad left out the little detail that the forms he had signed were ones confirming he was leaving the hospital against medical advice.
"And what papers would they be?" Jude asked innocently, he was enjoying this knowing the middle aged man was not going to be swayed by his friends' charm, in fact that was why he had brought him instead of Alicia!
"Pedro I'm fine really.  Just want to get back to the hotel."
"Young man you have three broken ribs and one cracked.  If that isn't bad enough you just avoided hypothermia so please do not tell me you are fine.  Now lie down."
"No," Conrad looked at the two men and sighed, "I need to get out of here."
"What's the harm in staying another while?"
"Not happening," Conrad looked at the floor, "please I just want to leave okay?"
"You think he will be okay at the hotel?" Pedro turned to the tall man beside him after noting the young mans' discomfort.
"Sure," Jude relented unhappily, "I'll stay with him."
"There's no ......,"
"It's either that or you stay here buddy."
"Fine!  Where are my boots?"
"Miguel is getting them and some clothes for you to change into.  Something told me you'd want out of here," Jude commented wrily just as a uniformed man whose badge identified him as Sheriff approached with a Deputy causing the injured man to curse softly.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now