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Although he would have preferred to be at work or at home Conrad made himself attend the dinner with the Gibsons knowing that to pull out would raise alarm bells for the Psychiatrist.  He made it through the meal in the large kitchen without any awkward discussion as apparently Mike seemed to have decided to keep the evening light.  After moving into the cosy peach living room when the dishes were cleared away the three sat around the warm log fire in the lamp lit room.

"Conrad I was so sorry to hear about your friend," Jane offered as she looked at the young man who had become like a second son to her, "it can't be an easy time for you."
"He was a good man," Conrad stated as he looked into the flames before he changed the subject, "sorry I haven't been around in a while.  Work keeps me busy."
"You don't need to be working all the time young man," Jane scolded mildly, "you look exhausted."
"Perks of the job," the Resident grinned, "so the last time we spoke you said you were enrolling in night classes. Did you get the course you wanted?"
"Yes she did," Mike cut in proudly, "she'll be an expert in photography by the time she's finished."
"Not that he's biased at all," Jane winked at their guest.
"It's good to have a hobby."
"Do you have any yet? You told me before you didn't have time."
"Hey I cycle!" Conrad defended.
"Cycling to work is not a hobby," Mike objected.
"I do some off road cycling. No need to gang up on me."
"Never would Conrad," Jane smiled fondly, "we just want you to look after yourself."
"I do," Conrad insisted refusing to look at the Psychiatrist as he felt his gaze on him as a horn blared outside announcing the arrival of his cab, "now I better hit the road."
"I would have dropped you home," Mike admonished as himself and his wife also stood.
"Wouldn't put you out," Conrad shook his head as he picked up his jacket from the back of the couch,"thanks for the meal Jane.  As usual the chicken was perfect."
"Well don't leave it so long before your next visit or I just might forget how you like it," Jane walked over and hugged the young man even though, as always, he did not return the gesture.
"I'll try not to."
"See you tomorrow," Mike offered his hand as they walked out into the hallway, "get some rest."
"Yes Sir!" Conrad didn't dare mention he was going back to work.

It was ten after four in the morning when Conrad was called to the third floor Nurses Station and was surprised to find Benton, the Police Officer, there this time in civilian clothes with a woman holding his hand.

"Dr. Hawkins," Benton greeted, "my Mother-in-Law told us to ask for you if we had any questions."
"Mary Kirkwood."
"Oh right Officer."
"Please call me John and this is my wife, Sara."
"Nice to meet you," Conrad shook hands with the quiet woman, "why don't ye come with me to the relatives' room."
"Thanks," Sara nodded and within a short time they were seated.

"So would ye like me to explain what exactly is happening now?"
"Dad has cancer doesn't he?"
"At the moment nothing is definite.  We found two masses on his liver which may or may not be malignant.  Until tests are carried out we won't know either way."
"So when are ye doing the tests?" Sara checked.
"Not for a while," Conrad looked over at the woman realizing that her earlier quiet was not an indicator of shyness but simply worry.
"But ...,"
"Honey let Dr. Hawkins talk okay and then we can ask questions."
"Sorry please tell us what's happening."
"Nothing to be sorry for," Conrad put in, "now at the moment we're waiting for your father to wake up after the surgery.  Your mother told you about the aneurysm?"
"Well it hadn't ruptured which is a good thing.  The headaches should clear.  Now at the moment we're waiting for him to wake up so we can assess if there was any damage to surrounding brain cells."
"But you said it hadn't ruptured," John reminded.
"Yes but sometimes there can still be damage."
"Guess he was lucky he had the accident," John looked down at his wife by his side, "if he hadn't they wouldn't have found the tumours."
"As ye know he was beaten after the accident," Conrad spoke again, "so we're also concerned he may have sustained a concussion although there are no head wounds apart from a bruise on his forehead.  Luckily he didn't suffer any broken ribs."
"Those guys could have killed him," John spoke angrily, "idiots assumed he drove up on the sidewalk on purpose."
"Unfortunately a lot of people act first and think later."
"Yeah.  What a world we live in."
"So what about the tumours?" Sara brought up her main concern.
"Well once we can assess your father and if everything is okay he will be referred to Oncology.  They'll carry out a number of tests and depending on the results decide how to move forward."
"Doc what do you think his chances are?" John looked ato the Resident seeking honesty.
"I'm not an Oncologist."
"But you have a idea."
"It's impossible to say.  Look I know on TV shows they make it look easy to diagnose but it's the exact opposite.  Truth is scans don't always give a full picture so I would suggest for now just worry about how he'll be when he wakes up."
"Appreciate the honesty," John spoke gratefully.
"That's all I can give ye."

Two nights later Conrad arrived back at his apartment building to find Eric and Danny waiting for him, both sporting bruises.

"What the hell happened?"
"Got in a fight in a bar," Danny explained as he carefully felt his sore jaw.
"I'll check ye out when we get in," Conrad informed his friends in concern.
"Hey it's okay," Eric smiled easily placing a hand on his friends' shoulder, "we're fine. Didn't come for a check up.  Just wanted to see you."
"Ye sure ye're okay," Conrad asked as they reached his apartment and he led the way in.
"Positive," Eric touched his bruised chin as he headed towards the refrigerator, "hope you have beer."
"I do but ye're not having any," the Resident explained as he put his bicycle away after shedding his jacket.
"Why not?" Eric stalled on his path with a frown.
"Ye were fighting.  I don't want this place wrecked," Conrad put in as he sat down beside Danny at the kitchen counter.
"You're a funny guy," Eric resumed his journey and quickly retrieved three bottles.
"I try," Conrad conceded around a yawn as he accepted a beer.
"It's only ten after seven," Danny frowned, "you ready for bed already?"
"Sorry guys," Conrad sat up straighter on his stool, "been a long day."
"No offence," Eric spoke as he moved around the counter to lean against it and face the two men, "but I haven't seen you looking well since we've been here."
"You hiding a Medical Degree?" Conrad asked.
"Nope.  Just use my eyes."
"So what was the fight about?" Conrad decided to change the conversation.
"Some idiot was arguing that Trump was better than Obama," Danny shook his head in disgust as he peeled the label from his bottle.
"Mind you we didn't start it," Eric quickly pointed out to avoid any misunderstanding, "we just came in at the end of it."
"And felt ye had to join in," Conrad guessed knowing his friends too well.
"Anyway we wanted to check what day you'll be free so we can show you the property we bought," Danny brought up one of the reasons for the visit as he placed the chilled glass against his bruised cheek.
"I'm off this Saturday."
"Cool," Eric slapped his hands together in anticipation, "we can make a day of it!"
"How do you mean?" Conrad frowned as he tried to hide another yawn.
"We want to spend some time with you," Danny explained honestly, "we haven't seen much of you since the funeral."
"Sorry I've been busy."
"It wasn't a dig at you," Danny insisted, "just saying we want to spend some quality time with you."
"Be good to have a day out I guess," Conrad conceded, "but no bar fights."
"Agreed," Eric nodded sending Danny a wink.

Although Conrad didn't know it his friends intended to get him talking about Andy.  They were afraid their friend might end up taking the same path and were determined to avoid such an outcome no matter what the cost.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now