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Although the melancholy which had given rise to Conrads' desire for some alone time had been pushed aside while dealing with the unexpected events on their trip it had come to the fore as soon as he returned to Chastain. He put up a brave face for his friends knowing they were watching him and hating being the cause of their worry. As he retrieved his jacket from his locker after a double shift he yawned hoping that tonight would be the night he actually slept though without nightmares. Glancing at his watch he noted with relief it was gone ten so Jude would be long gone. His friend had taken to checking in on him at the end of each shift. The constant checking in was driving the third year Resident nuts, not that he allowed his real irritation to show. Mike had also taken to dropping by the apartment unannounced but kept his visits short. Shaking his head Conrad headed for the door reminding himself that he was extremely lucky to have such good friends. He turned around as Nic called his name and saw Devon at her side.

"Hey you forgot to collect your tickets for the raffle," Nic reminded as she approached and handed him five tickets, "the draw is taking place first thing in the morning."
"Okay," Conrad pocketed the tickets and looked at Devon, "how many did you buy?"
"Ten. Figured it might be my only chance to get there."
"Get where?"
"You know what the tickets are for Conrad," Nic looked at her on/off boyfriend, "don't you?"
"A good cause," the tired man shrugged, truth was there was always some raffle or collection going on for a charity or some other good cause so he tended to give money without taking in the details of every endeavour.
"Well I'm feeling lucky," Devon spoke confidently.
"Lucky about what?" a new voice spoke from behind Conrad.
"Thought you finished your shift an hour ago," the fair haired man eyed Jude suspiciously.
"I did. Got called up to talk to Thorpe about some anomalies showing up in the Monthly Surgical Inventory so now I'm too tired to go for a drink. Just need an early night," the Surgeon readily explained rolling his eyes in disgust before looking at the first year Resident, "so why are you feeling lucky?"
"The raffle tomorrow."
"Which one? I'm after buying tickets for the romantic meal for two and for the trip."
"The trip of course!"
"Well hope ye get lucky," Conrad put in as he closed his jacket, "I'll see ye tomorrow."
"Sure see you," Jude nodded as Nic and Devon saluted their friend as he walked away.

"You really think this is going to work?" Nic asked, not for the first time, of their impromptu plan to get their friend on a proper break from work.
"It has to," Devon said seriously, "besides he won't know what hit him tomorrow."
"He probably won't be happy," Jude advised unnecessarily, "it will still take some persuading."
"So how did it go with Thorpe?" Nic checked as she knew the real reason behind his meeting with the CEO.
"She's a good lady. Once I explained the need for our charade she even offered to be the one who pulls out the winning ticket."
"That should work," Devon smiled, "Conrad won't be able to question her."
"She's approved two weeks holidays for Conrad and myself. We have plenty of vacation time to use up."
"He's not going to just agree to go away," Devon shook his head, his earlier happiness dissolving as they discussed the problem.
"Which is where Thorpe has also been invaluable. She's asked a friend of hers, Mrs. Alicia Brookes, to play the part of the charity organizer. She was waiting to talk to Thorpe while I was in with her. Thorpe introduced us," Jude explained, "apparently she actually does a lot of work for charity and she said she has a soft spot for Conrad since he helped her when her sister was dying."
"She doesn't know what's going on does she?" Nic asked anxiously, not wanting their friends' privacy to be invaded any more than necessary.
"All Thorpe said was that Conrad needed a break from work and the raffle is a way to ensure he gets away. Apparently she had him pegged as a workaholic so was delighted to help out and she's also going to say she donated the prize so we're off the hook for the flights and hotels."
"Why would she do that?"
"Like I said she has a soft spot for 'young Dr. Hawkins'. When we tried to explain there was no need Mrs. Brookes said it would be easier to tell the truth as much as possible and this way she can. And also when he tries to pass off the tickets, which we all know he will, she will become upset that he will not accept the prize. A little guilt trip might save us a lot of arguing."
"That's an amazing gesture," Devon shook his head in awe.
"Well I don't know about ye but I'm going to be a nervous wreck in the morning," Nic sighed.
"Come on," Jude cajoled, "what could go wrong? A trip to paradise is just what the Doctor ordered."

The following morning Nic had to drag Conrad into a consultation room where the raffle was taking place. Jude, Devon and Nic had each arranged for a few people to be present to keep up the ruse that the raffle was a normal one. Most of the time only a small number of people attended the actual raffle due to the actual nature of the work they were involved in so the third year Resident did not query the fact that there were probably only ten people present besides Nic and himself when she tugged him into the room. He planted his feet however when she urged him to move forward and stayed by the door, ready for a quick getaway. Nic encouraged him to take out tickets which he did absently. He saw Jude across the way standing beside Devon and then looked to the head of the room where the CEO was talking to a lady who looked familiar to him. He was so busy trying to work out where he knew her from that he took no notice of the ticket being pulled out. A round of applause snapped him out of his musings and he looked up to find everyone looking his way. A frown marred his features as Nic clapped his shoulder.

"You're so lucky!" the blonde haired beautiful woman informed him happily.
"You won!"
"What? No way. That can't be right," Conrad was aware of people filing out of the room as he received claps on the back.
"You better do all the stuff I would do," Devon stated as he walked over with Jude at his side.
"Dr. Hawkins," Claire Thorpe had walked over with her companion, "this is Alicia Brookes. I believe you two know each other."
"Mrs. Roberts. It's nice to meet you again," Conrad offered his hand politely, relieved he could recall the woman now.
"Well this is wonderful," the lady accepted the hand with a smile, "this will be a small way of thanking you for all you did for me when Lynn was ill."
"Mrs. Brookes kindly donated the prize herself," the CEO explained as she handed two thick envelopes to the startled man.
"I .....," Conrad looked at the envelopes before going to hand them back, "I don't wish to sound ungrateful but I'm sure someone else could benefit from the prize instead of me."
"Oh," Alicia Brookes played her part perfectly Jude was glad to note with just the right amount of disappointment, "you've been to Hawaii before? I was so delighted when I pulled out your number that a trip would be a good way to thank you."
"He's never been there," the Surgeon cut in.
"And I'm sure Dr. Hawkins will accept the prize in the gracious manner it which it was donated," Thorpe sent her subordinate a stern look of warning.
"I .....,"
"He wants to say thank you," Jude hastily put a hand around his friends' shoulders and gestured to the door, "for now though we better get back to work. It was nice to meet you Mrs. Brookes," the tall man sent a wink of genuine gratitude to the lady.
"And I do hope you enjoy the holiday Dr. Hawkins."
"Thanks," Conrad remembered his manners as he was guided out.

"What the hell did you do?" the fair haired man rounded on his friend as soon as the door closed and Nic and Devon had strolled off down the corridor.
"What are you talking about?"
"You were talking about Hawaii a while ago and all of a sudden I win a trip there!"
"Hey man it's just a coincidence " Jude inisted, "hate to say it but I don't have any pull over Claire Thorpe or that lady in there. You're getting paranoid."
"But ...,"
"How do you know Mrs. Roberts anyway?" the black haired man asked as his pager went off and he retrieved it.
"Treated her sister."
"Well I got to go but I really hope you're going to give me the second ticket. Seems like fate," Jude observed as he headed off before his stunned companion could reply.

Conrad watched his friend walking away and sighed. Fate? He wasn't sure he believed in that. Maybe Devon could go with Jude. He knew Nic had used up her vacation time so there was no point in asking her. Yes, Jude and Devon could go. Problem solved. Or so he thought .....


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now