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Jude was furious by the time another five minutes had passed and was about to head out in search of his prey to give him an earful when he heard someone yelling his name.

"Silva we need you!"
"What's up," the tall man walked outside to find two Soldiers looking upset.
"Someone beat up Hawkins," James Phillips explained worriedly as he motioned back towards the tent he had just left, "we knew he was hurt, not that he said anything, but anyway we thought he was just sleeping in."
"Get my kit," Jude ordered the second Soldier as he headed for the tent, "so what happened?"
"We don't know," Phillips sighed as he led the way into the canvas construction to find a group of Soldiers standing around one cot, "like I said we assumed he was just having a lie in.  Mind you he's been up early every morning despite being injured.  We figured he was just exhausted.  Then when I went to check if he wanted anything from the Mess I couldn't get any response.  That's when I pulled back the covers and saw."
"Saw what?" Jude stepped up to the cot as a medical bag was handed to him and the men around stood back to give them some room.
"Take a look," Phillips instructed quietly as he pulled back the blanket fully to reveal the bloodied features of the Medic.
"Hell!" Jude cursed as he took in the swollen left eye and bloody wound on the still mans' forehead.
"Guys reckon Conrad could use some privacy," Phillips looked at those gathered, "ye know he hates attention."
"Sure," one of the Soldiers closest took the hint and led the way out until eventually only Jude and Phillips remained.
"You staying?" Jude checked as he began taking out some supplies.
"Yeah.  What do you need?" Phillips checked rolling up his sleeves.
"Could you get a bowl of warm water?"
"Sure back in five."
"Now Conrad I just need you to stay out of it while I get you cleaned up," Jude noted as he looked down at the pale man, "and later on you're going to tell me who did this to you, whether or not you like it."

It took over thirty minutes for Jude assess and treat the Medic.  Once the blood had been cleaned away the forehead wound turned out to be deep enough to require five stitches. Jude had toyed with the idea of moving the young man to the First Aid Tent but decided to refrain from making a final decision on that until he had spoken to him.  Phillips had been efficient and quiet in his aid but Jude sensed the rage boiling over in the man and he felt the same.  Bad enough to beat a man but to do it when the man had broken ribs was especially cruel.  That reminded Jude of something as he put away his stethoscope.

"You said ye knew he was hurt but he didn't tell ye," the black haired man observed, "how did ye know he was hurt?"
"Don't need to be a Medic to see when someone's in pain.  Conrad here is stubborn when it comes to injuries.  He hates people 'fussing' over him," Phillips smiled fondly as he looked at the unconscious man, "been like that ever since we first met back at Fort Benning.  Thing is though if anyone else is hurt Conrad is the first to be there."
"So who hurt him?"
"I don't know but I'm going to find out and they will pay! How seriously was he injured in the cave in?"
"Four broken ribs in his back and a cracked one on either side."
"Damn.  How come he wasn't stood down?  Those are serious injuries."
"He was off duty," Jude explained, "it will be six weeks at least before he can go back to active duty."
"But .... " Phillips hesitated, not wanting to get his friend into trouble.
"Go on," Jude urged, "I'm not going to report him."
"He was helping out in the First Aid Tent the past few days.  Not as much as usual but he was working."
"I never saw him there."
"Think there might have been a reason for that," Phillips smirked.
"He checked my roster," Jude shook his head, "he really is stubborn."

It was another thirty minutes before Conrad showed signs of coming around and Jude was alone as Phillips had gone out on a mission.

"So how come you missed your appointment?" Jude asked casually as he looked down at the squinting brown eyes, an obvious sign of possible concussion.
"What .... are you doing here?" Conrad demanded roughly as he tried to get up but fell back with a groan, his head was killing him.
"Seems you forgot our appointment this morning.  What do you remember about last night?"
"Nothing," the pale man put a hand up to his aching head finding the small bandage covering the stitches, "what happened?"
"Someone attacked you," Jude noted as he watched the Medic carefully, noting a brief tensing before he purposefully relaxed his muscles, "you have a head wound which I stitched.  You'll have a lovely shiner in a few days.  Now let's try that again.  What happened?"
"Don't know," Conrad replied as he cautiously felt his lightly closed swollen left eye feeling the tenderness.
"What do you remember about last night?" Jude took out a penlight and put up a finger which the other man automatically tried to follow for he was familiar with concussion checks.
"I ..... was playing cards."
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Three," Conrad stated confidently.
"What's your name?" Jude didn't mention the wrong digit count as he put down two fingers.
"Conrad Hawkins.  We're in Afghanistan."
"Who's President?"
"So what happened after you finished playing cards?"
"I ..... was ..... I came back here," the fair haired man frowned knowing he was forgetting something important.
"It's okay just leave it for now.  Do you think you can stand up?"
"Well to be on the safe side I'd like to do a head CT.  Rule out any fractures.  You know the drill."
"You didn't do one already?" Conrad voiced his surprise.
"No.  Figured you wouldn't fancy waking up in First Aid.  Especially since you came back here after being attacked."
"Don't remember coming back," Conrad raised a hand to be helped up and stifled a groan as his sides and back announced their disapproval in conjunction with his head, "but .... thanks for what you ...... did."
"No problem," Jude held onto the shaky man as he got to his feet, "I think a dressing gown will do."
"Easier than getting dressed," Jude said casually as he looked around for a dressing gown, despite knowing it was a long shot.
"Find my clothes," Conrad ordered quietly causing the older man to turn to look at him, seeing his embarrassment as he realized he was only wearing boxers.
"It's okay.  Only you and me here," Jude quickly found a pair of trousers and helped the other man ease into them before snatching a shirt from the end of the cot and then chided, "good thing you're messy or I could be searching all day for your clothes."
"Sorry," Conrad apologized with such deep seethed weariness that the older Medic resolved there and then to find out more not only about who had attacked the younger man but about his story.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now