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"Please Dr. Hawkins," Thorpe smiled, "sit down. There is nothing wrong."
"What do you need to talk about?" Conrad shook his head but took a few steps closer not wishing to be rude to the lady.
"I just wanted to see how you are doing after yesterday? You don't look well."
"I'm fine."
"Conrad you put yourself in danger yesterday without cause," Mike spoke for the first time since the trio were left alone.
"The guy didn't have a weapon!" Conrad scoffed wondering what the big deal was.
"He outweighed you by one hundred pounds," Thorpe pointed out, "didn't you consider the possibility that you may get hurt?"
"No," seeing the two sets of eyebrows raised at his words Conrad hastily continued, "look there wasn't a lot of time to think and I figured I could handle it without anyone getting hurt. Is that it?"
"The offer of counselling still stands," Thorpe spoke quietly as she realized they were not getting anywhere.
"I note you didn't offer Devon counselling," the fair haired man challenged.
"Well you have been having a hard time lately and this latest incident didn't help. Would you at least consider it?"
"No need," Conrad informed the CEO but his gaze shifted to the older man with a look of betrayal before he headed for the door, "thanks."

"Well that went well," Thorpe spoke wrily into the silence, "just how concerned are you?"
"I'll admit the fact that this happened so soon after his friends' death concerns me but Conrad is a very strong young man and he is fiercely independent."
"So why did you ask for this meeting? I'm surprised he accepted the excuse I brought up about Legal."
"Think if he was feeling well he wouldn't have. Besides when you mentioned the Officers were calling today I figured it would be more credible."
"Which doesn't really help me in figuring out what to do about Dr. Hawkins and judging from the glare he gave you you're not going to be popular."
"Not worried about that. Conrad is a friend and I want to look out for him."
"But do you think his actions yesterday were reckless?"
"I don't think he was purposely trying to get hurt," Mike confirmed thoughtfully, "not intentionally anyway."
"Mike I offered him counselling which he has rejected, twice, is there something more I should be doing? Do I need to place him on medical leave? He's definitely unwell."
"I don't think medical leave is the answer," Mike rose, "it would send the wrong message."
"Conrad would consider forced medical leave a sign that he wasn't trusted to do his job. He needs to be in control of things."
"Well I'll refrain from doing anything for the present but keep me updated."
"I will Claire. Thanks," Mike headed for the door debating whether or not he should talk to his friend straight away or leave him calm down.

As the CEO was expressing her concern about him Conrad was busy trying to ignore the questions Devon peppered him with as they rode in the quiet lift down to the ER as they had been notified of an incoming mva victim.

"What did Thorpe want with you?" Devon asked for the second time.
"It was nothing."
"Well in that case you can tell me."
"Devon drop it," Conrad willed the lift to move faster and sighed in relief when the doors opened, "just focus on work."
"Nice of ye to join the party," Irving greeted as he ushered them to the relevant cubicle, "victim is male, early forties. Paul Kirkwood, involved in a head on collision with a lamp post. Multiple fractures. Just heading for an MRI. Witnesses say he was driving erratically before mounting the sidewalk. Hit two bystanders before the post stopped him."
"Hey Docs," Benton once more stood at the entrance to a cubicle with his partner, "got to stop meeting like this."
"Ye must like the place," Devon greeted as his mentor nodded at the Officers and passed Irving and approached the gurney.
"Why the hell is he handcuffed?" Conrad asked crossly upon seeing the hand bracelet attached to the safety railing.
"He mounted the sidewalk and knocked down two people," Harding replied, "we're not taking any chances."
"He isn't going anywhere," Conrad said glancing up from the Chart Irving had just handed him, "two broken ankles. Can't walk. Get them off now."
"Doc we can't take any chances," Benton shook his head.
"GCS is 10," Irving broke the tension, "been unconscious since he was assaulted."
"You just told us he was involved in a collision," Devon reminded.
"He was. He was assaulted after."
"Some bystanders decided to turn vigilante," Benton added.
"His wife was with him. She's given a Statement," Harding offered.
"Let me know if there are any changes and let me know when he's back from MRI," Conrad handed the Chart back to Irving, "which Relatives' Room?"
"Come on Devon."
"Sure," the first year Resident saluted the Officers before he left.
"He always so bossy?" Benton queried.
"Who?" Irving looked up from where he was checking the patients' pupils again to make sure they were still even.
"Dr. Hawkins."
"He gets the job done," the bearded man frowned, "and if it was you on the gurney you would want him treating you."
"Well hopefully it will never come to that," Harding stated and stood back as the gurney was brought out to get the patient up to the MRI Unit.

Forty-six year old Mary Kirkwood sat alone in the empty Relatives' Room wiping away her tears. They would not help now she scolded herself and jumped clutching her handkerchief when the door was opened.

"Mrs. Kirkwood, I'm Dr. Conrad Hawkins and this is Dr. Devon Pravesh we're treating your husband," Conrad greeted as he walked over and sat down in an armchair across from the distraught woman, "I know this is a difficult time but we need you to go over what happened."
"I already told the police."
"I know but we might pick up on something they missed," Devon suggested as he joined her on the couch.
"We were heading home after meeting a friend. Paul was driving as usual. We were discussing an art exhibition opening at the High Museum of Art on Peachtree. He loves art," Mrs. Kirkwood paused a moment to compose herself as she recalled the accident, "well like I said we were discussing the museum visit and out of nowhere in the middle of the conversation he started talking about birds. I asked him what he was talking about but he just started babbling and I tried to get him to pull over but he wouldn't listen."
"Had he been drinking?"
"Did you try to take control of the car?" Conrad asked gently.
"No, but I should have shouldn't I?"
"Mrs. Kirkwood everything happened fast so you are not to blame," Devon patiently endeavoured to erase her guilt.
"Had your husband been complaining of any health problems?" Conrad quizzed.
"Nothing he was concerned about. He had been getting headaches for the past month or so."
"How often?"
"About once a week. He said they weren't bad so he refused to go to the Doctor."
"Anything else? Fever?"
"So after the accident he was attacked?" Deven pushed the conversation along.
"Yes! The car hit two people walking on the sidewalk," the upset woman began to sob as she recounted the ordeal, "I thought we'd killed them. Paul was alert but still not making any sense. I got out to check on the two women. I couldn't believe they were still alive. I was so relieved but next thing I heard a commotion behind me and when I looked there was a group of men at Pauls' door ....,"
"Please go on," Conrad prompted softly.
"I thought they were helping, trying to get him out. I had seen gas on the ground," the woman shook her head angrily, "they got him out alright but two of them hit him. I tried to stop them. Then the police turned up luckily."
"Did you see where they hit him?" Devon checked.
"They punched his head .... I saw that .... but I don't know if they hit him elsewhere before I turned back to the car. Please tell me is he going to be alright?"
"Well he's still unconscious," Conrad explained, "and he has several fractures but we've sent him for an MRI Scan and will know more when the resultsun are back."
"Thank you," Mrs. Kirkwood looked at both men then smiled, "maybe this will put him off art."
"You're not a fan?"Devon asked as he headed for the door with his mentor.
"No but I guess if he gets out of this I won't be able to punish him anymore."
"Punish?" Conrad repeated from the open doorway.
"Well anytime we go to the museum I punish him the next week by taking him to the cinema."
"That doesn't seem bad," Devon put in.
"Why not ask her what movies she takes him to see," Conrad suggested taking a liking to the woman who could still smile despite the hell her day had descended into.
"What ....,"
"Okay," Mrs. Kirkwood interrupted with a fond smile, "I take him to any chick flick or Disney movie I can find."
"Cruel," Conrad shook his head with a smile and led the way out into the corridor.
"So what are you thinking?"
"Could be any number of things."
"You have an idea though?"
"Could be an aneurysm which is bleeding but hasn't fully ruptured yet."
"In which case he needs surgery asap."
"We'll know soon," Conrad spoke as his beeper went off then took off running.
"What's wrong?"
"Irving was on the way down after the MRI but the elevator is stuck between floors," Conrad explained as he headed for the stairwell.
"But if it's an aneurysm it could blow at any time!" Devon panted as they reached the fourth floor and passed its' door heading up.
"So we hope I'm wrong."
"Not likely."


Authors' Note

I should point out that I do not have any medical knowledge apart from First Aid training, internet research and real life but hopefully it won't show too much!

Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now