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Arriving at the apartment building Devon got out and had a quiet chat with Priya, as they walked around the back of car, who took some convincing that it would be better if she left. Initially she argued that she could help but Devon played his best card by reminding his girlfriend that Conrad would feel embarrassed enough that she had seen him like this and that her presence would only cause additional distress. As she had heard their friends' earlier words she could not contest the issue any further and left after wishing the ill man well. Getting the third year Resident into his apartment was a slow process as every step seemed to cause him agony, not that he would admit it of course. Helping his mentor undress down to his briefs Devon helped him to lie down and then retrieved a cold facecloth and placed it over the bruised eyes illiciting a sigh of relief in gratitude.

He retreated to the couch after taking his pick from the bookshelf offerings but found he could not concentrate as worry for the sleeping man permeated his thoughts. He thought back to what Conrads' army friends had disclosed but he sensed that whatever laid the foundation for his insecurities about being sick or unwell pre-dated his military life. As he mulled the matter over he came to the slow realization that his friends' actions seemed engrained and therein lay the uncomfortable truth. His friends' instinctive response to being hurt was to shy away from attention and not cause trouble. It was a learnt trait and sadly Devon came to the disturbing conclusion that Conrad taught himself such lessons as a child. Understanding that conjured up images of an unpleasant childhood. The first year Resident was glad Nic would be back soon. He knew she had been trying to get his mentor to open up about his life for a long time, without success. Sighing he wondered if she had arrived at the same conclusion. He would have to broach the topic very carefully for he certainly did not want to disclose any secrets.

Conrad woke to the sound of someone moving in the kitchen. For a moment he froze but then remembered Devon had brought him home ..... and Priya! Damn he cursed to himself checking the time to find it was ten after six. He frowned. This was getting out of hand. Devon had already brought him home once before and now he'd had to do it again. He was not impressed. Pushing back the covers he carefully sat up in deference to the pain still residing in his head and eyes. Slowly walking over to the chest of drawers he took out his fresh underwear of choice, black Calvin Klein briefs, a dark brown jumper and blue jeans before heading for a shower.

"Sorry about last night," the pale man spoke without stopping as he passed the kitchen where his friend was apparently cooking if the smells emanating from the cooker were any indication.
"You don't need to apologize," Devon shook his head as he turned some bacon and hashbrowns over in the frying pan, "don't be long this is nearly ready."
"Not hungry."
"I'm not throwing out good food."
"Then eat it," Conrad ordered as he shut the door before any comeback could be offered.

Relishing the hot droplets raining down on him Conrad contemplated how he was going to deter his friend from prying into his affairs. He knew the other man was only doing so out of genuine concern but the ill man feared that if Devon found out any more about his past it would be the first stepping stone back to his childhood. Knowing his actions when sick or unwell caused raised eyebrows was not a comfortable thought but he had spent a lifetime guarding his secrets and could not just knock down walls long since erected as a shield. For some reason his thoughts turned to Mike and he sincerely hoped the man was off duty today. He just wasn't up to any verbal sparring, which was necessary with the older man.
Finally turning off the shower Conrad got dressed and headed out hoping the other man had forgotten the earlier dispute over food.

An hour later the two men were on shift when they were called up to Claire Thorpes' office. Devon was nervous but as usual Conrad took the unexpected summons in his stride.

"What do you think she wants?" Devon asked as the doors opened upon their arrival on the necessary floor.
"Already told you I don't know," Conrad stated patiently, hoping whatever it was didn't take long as he needed to take some painkillers soon or he was going to be in trouble.
"Damn," Conrad uttered as he walked into the outer office and saw the CEO talking to Mike and the two Police Officers from yesterday on her office.
"What ...,?" Devon began.
"You finish that question and I'll be arrested for shooting you," the pale man forced levity into his voice and led the way into the office.

"Dr. Hawkins, Dr. Pravesh," Thorpe greeted gesturing to the two seated Officers and the Psychiatrist, "we would like to discuss yesterdays' incident."
"Yes," Devon frowned but nodded as the two came to a stop at the side of the desk.
"Take a seat Dr. Hawkins," Officer Benton immediately got to his feet after getting a look at the other man.
"I'm fine standing," Conrad declined then looked at Thorpe, "what do you need to know? We already gave Statements yesterday and filled out Incident Report Forms for HR."
"True but we need to clarify an issue which Legal has raised," as she spoke the CEO turned on the monitor on her desk and set it playing, "it seems that your actions yesterday are a cause of concern for Legal," Thorpe addressed her remark to Conrad.
"He didn't do anything wrong," Devon quickly defended.
"It only became obvious after Legal viewed the tape," Mike entered the conversation from his chair.
"What?" Devon demanded as he watched the drama silently unfold on screen and still remained puzzled.
"Dr. Hawkins," Benton had remained standing beside the two Doctors, "yesterday when the prisoner released Dr. Pravesh you stepped in to take his place."
"Right," Conrad agreed wishing someone would get to the point.
"It seems you stepped in when you didn't need to," the taller Officer elaborated, "there was a gap in between the time Dr. Pravesh was let go and you taking his place."
"Everything happened quickly," Conrad shrugged.
"We already viewed the footage at the precinct," Harding put in, "there was definitely enough time for you to avoid becoming a hostage."
"I know why you moved so readily to take the place made vacant by Dr. Pravesh," Benton spoke with certainty.
"You were afraid we would shoot," Harding finished their assertion.
"You put your life at risk unnecessarily," Thorpe put in.
"My job is to save lives."
"Officers thank you for coming down," the CEO expressed gratitude and dismissed the men in one sentence.
"M'am," Benton nodded then offered a hand to Conrad, "what you did took guts."
"Didn't do anything," the pale man shook the offered hand.
"Dr. Pravesh you may return to work."
"Yes," Devon nodded and walked towards the door with Conrad on his heels.
"Dr. Hawkins I would like to speak with you in private," Thorpe spoke to stop her subordinate from leaving.
"I'm on shift," Conrad stopped at the door.
"This won't take long," Thorpe assured as she motioned for him to sit down.
"I'm fine," Conrad shut the door on Devon who headed out into the corridor and turned around but stayed by the door, wishing fervently he didn't feel trapped.


HR - Human Resources

Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now