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Conrad turned aghast to look at the door. Tanya was standing looking at him as she held two glasses in her hands. He ducked his head in shame, not wanting to see her disappointment and disgust in him.

"Mack," the black haired woman approached the two men handing over one glass of brandy to her obviously worried husband, "sit down a moment."
"Thanks honey," the Sergeant accepted both the drink and the instruction understanding his wife was the right one to deal with the issue.
"Here Conrad," Tanya placed a half full glass into one hand as she took up her husbands' abandoned position crouching down in front of the obviously distressed young man, "now I want you to listen to me and listen carefully. I know you are a good man. That is why I want you to be there if Mack and myself cannot be.  I know in my heart you are a good man. It shines through. You were in war and you killed but you took no pleasure in it."
"But .....," Conrad finally raised his eyes to look into the dark brown eyes before him but was interrupted.
"But nothing. Mack has always spoken of you and after meeting you the last night I knew everything he told me about you was correct. So what do you say?"
"I .......,"
"It is not something we have taken lightly," Mack reiterated as his wife rejoined him on the sofa, "but if you need time to think about it we understand. It would be a big change for you. We understand that."
"No. I don't need time," Conrad said after taking a quick sip of the dark red brandy, "I'd be honoured. If ye're sure that is."
"We're sure," the older man confirmed with a broad smile of relief.

Three days later Mack informed his friend that the new Wills had been drawn up.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

At work Conrad found the January work days hectic but immersed himself in the job. His friends noted he was no longer a walking poster for zombies as it was clear he was finally getting proper sleep.  The Resident did not stop to really consider his health improvement although he noted it.  His stab wound was healing and luckily his eye condition had not flared up again. Jude attributed the younger mans' improvement to his talks with his friends, not that he voiced that opinion knowing it would not be welcomed.  He had decided to make it his self appointed mission to find out more about his friends' complicated childhood for he knew instinctively he had only scratched the surface.  The winter morning had been chaotic as victims from a multiple car pile up had been triaged. The dark haired Surgeon had just arrived in Emergency as the last triage victim was brought upstairs.  He saw a familiar Police Officer approaching the third year Resident hesitantly and shared a look with Devon wondering what was going on.  The two men decided, by unspoken agreement, to investigate and walked over to the pair who were talking quietly beside a debris littered cubicle.

"What's up Officer Benton?" Devon enquired as he noted his friends' slumped stance.
"I was just telling Dr. Hawkins that we have identified two victims.  It appears he knows them," Benton looked at the newcomers and then at the torn photo in his hand.
"Eric and Danny," Devon frowned getting a glimpse of the tarnished image, "what hospital were they brought to?"
"I'm afraid they were pronounced at the scene."
"Oh no," Devon shook his head in disbelief.
"Give me five minutes," Conrad finally broke the silence which had descended and headed for the locker room without looking at anyone.
"I can identify them," the first year Resident quickly called after him.
"No. My job."

"Do ye know what caused the pile up? Was it the weather?" Jude asked softly as the three men kept their gaze on the figure walking down the corridor.
"No. It wasn't," Benton sighed, "drunk driver.  He killed three.  Was still singing as he was put in the patrol car. Not a scratch on him."
"Eric and Danny did they ......," Devon hesitated.
"Witnesses at the scene confirmed they died on impact."
"Guess that's something," Jude sighed, "I'll have a quick word with him. Won't be long."

Conrad retrieved his jacket and then leaned against the locker. He couldn't believe it. Sighing he straightened up and headed for the door as it opened.

"Conrad I'm sorry about your friends," Jude walked in closing the door behind him and looked at his friend closely, "I'm going with you to the mortuary."
"No need," the Resident went to go around his friend but found his path blocked.
"I'm going with you buddy. No arguments."
"There's no need. Besides haven't you got stuff to do?"
"I do. I'm going with you."
"There's no point."
"I'll be the judge of that," the taller man turned and opened the door letting his friend walk out in front of him.
"I have to ring their families."
"We'll sort that out later. Let's just get this dealt with first," Jude suggested as they approached Benton and Devon.

The identification had been quick with a few quiet words of confirmation uttered as each man was revealed lying on the sterile metal tables. Once out in the open the fair haired man had leaned against the concrete wall as a weakness invaded his body. Jude had watched as the colour faded from the upset mans' features. It was a common misconception that medical professionals dealt with death easily. As if they had invisible armour which protected them from the emotional turmoil. At times like this Jude sincerely wished such beliefs weren't misconceptions. He walked over and placed a hand on the shaken mans' shoulder.

"Just take some deep breaths," Jude noted the sweat which had broken out on the other mans' forehead.
"Nothing to be sorry for."
"I'm okay now," Conrad carefully straightened up and stepped away from the wall.
"No rush."
"Need to make some calls."
"Sure. Come on then we're going back to your place."
"No way. I have to get back to Chastain."
"Nice try," Jude shook his head firmly as they reached his car, "you're on compassionate leave until Monday."
"That's crazy! I can't take the next two days off."
"You can and you will," Jude got into the drivers' seat wishing his friend knew it was alright to take some time to deal with his unexpected loss, "unless you want to talk to Mike."
"What's Mike got to do with this?" Conrad demanded as he fastened his seat belt.
"Got a text from him a few minutes ago, when you were signing forms," Jude explained readily as he pulled out of the parking space, "he said if he saw you back at the hospital he would sit you down and talk some sense into you."
"How did he find out about ..... ,"
"I didn't tell him."
"Devon ....," Conrad sighed heavily as they pulled into traffic and headed downtown.
"You have friends Conrad. It's natural they're worried about you. So do you have food or do we need to pick up stuff?"
"I'm sure I have enough," Conrad answered distractedly as he looked out the window.
"That doesn't fill me with confidence. We'll stop on the way."
"There's no need."
"You say that a lot when it comes to you," Jude observed as they pulled into a shopping mall, "why is that?"
"Don't know what you're getting at?"
"I think you do."
"I don't."
"Okay," Jude decided it was the wrong time to push the issue, "you stay here. I won't be long. You want me to pick up anything in particular?"
"No thanks."
"Won't be long."

Conrad watched his friend walking away and sighed heavily, leaning his head back. How was he going to tell
Eric and Dannys' families that they were gone? He had no idea.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now