CHAPTER NINETY: Paradise Interrupted

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The following morning Conrad woke just after ten to find a note from Jude informing him he had gone for a surf but would be back shortly. Conrad was glad to be alone as last nights' conversation came to mind. He couldn't believe he was after telling his friend about the first beating. For so long he held his hurts close to his chest and now his friend knew one of his darkest secrets. He felt ashamed. He hadn't wanted anyone to know of that part of his childhood. As that thought struck him he realized that the Surgeon hadn't looked at him any differently after hearing the tale. He had treated him the same way he normally had, without pity which was what he had feared receiving. Sighing he decided to have a shower as he waited for the older man to return. Hopefully last nights' revelations could be forgotten and they could just enjoy their sojourn in paradise.

Stepping out of the shower ten minutes later the fair haired man dried himself off and quickly dressed. The door opening announced his friends' arrival.

"How's the surf?"
"Great. Been a while since I went surfing so I couldn't resist," Jude grinned as he ran a hand through his damp locks, "you want to order room service while I take a shower? Or do you want to eat out?"
"Wouldn't mind seeing some of Waikiki."
"Great just give me ten minutes and I'll be good to go," the older man headed for the bathroom after retrieving fresh clothes from his gearbag, "how are you doing this morning?"
"Good now get a move on. I'm starving!"
"Yes Sir."

By the time the two men found a nice cafe about twenty minutes walk from the hotel both were eager to banish their hunger so it was only after the remnants of the meal had been cleared away by a cheerful Waitress that the Surgeon decided to get down to serious matters.

"Conrad you asked me a question before and I never really followed up on it."
"What?" the younger man frowned as he sipped some orange juice.
"You asked about being punished for things," Jude prompted.
"Not sure what you mean."
"You asked if I believed one was being punished in this life for something they did in a past life. I think you were really asking if you were being punished because the eye pain you deal with is so severe and agonising it would seem a good way to punish a bad person. Thing is whether or not you believe in past lives Conrad I know you and you could never do anything to deserve such excruciating pain. You're a good man through and through so don't for one minute believe your eye problem is something you deserve."
"Damn," Conrad sighed heavily for his friend had brought up something which he did think about and although he couldn't recall asking such a question it was nice to have his companion argue against the theory, "don't remember talking to you about that."
"You were in a lot of pain at the time. You know from working in the ED a persons' life can be changed for the worse in seconds. There's no way I'll believe you think those people are being punished for something. Oh I'm sure a number of those who come through the doors are bad but the majority are just good, normal people living their lives without causing harm. You know and I know fate can deal a cruel hand. Someone survives when their car collides with a pole because they moved their head to the right just before the pole crashes through the car roof. That's fate. If they hadn't moved they'd be dead on scene. When it's your time it's your time."
"You believe in fate?"
"I do," Jude confirmed as he looked around the half empty cafe, "Afghanistan taught me that you just have to live life and accept what's thrown onto your path. I should have bought it a couple of times over there but I didn't."
"I remember."
"You being with me that day saved my life. Fate. You would have been out on patrol if you hadn't been beaten up ...," Jude thought back to the day the compound was attacked. Yet you were there to push me out of the way when the crates began falling."
"Hell I was just trying to get out of the way," Conrad shrugged dismissively.
"Don't lie," the Surgeon warned sternly, "my life is worth something and you risked yours to save mine and paid the price ......,"

Afghanistan Compound Attack

Conrad had been trying to track down Jude for some time that day hoping to persuade the man to okay him for active duty. He hated downtime and the boredom was getting to him. Of course the fact that he was still recovering from the rib damage and beating had meant his arguments had fallen on deaf ears for the past several days. This time he was determined to get a clean bill of health. Swatting at a fly in the midday heat he paused in his steps and looked around the sun drenched compound. He had already tried the First Aid Tent and the Mess Tent looking for his quarry. He was about to re-check First Aid when he noticed Jude talking to a Soldier over by a newly arrived pallet of crates, no doubt medical supplies for the compound and the locals they helped out. He paused for a moment debating whether or not his timing was right but decided he might as well approach the older man now. Maybe he would be preoccupied with the supplies and give in graciously. Like that was going to happen! Conrad began walking over to the two men when he heard a familiar sound, one he had hoped not to hear in the compound. He felt rather than heard the sound of rockets going off as the ground underfoot shook so badly he had to fight to regain his equilibrium. The dry sands shifted by the assault swirled around blanketing the sky from view. Rubbing his eyes behind his sunglasses the Medic glanced around at the turmoil unfolding in dismay. Even in that moment he took the time to be grateful his Unit was out on patrol, they were out of this danger at least. A shout caught his attention and he looked to where Jude and a number of Soldiers were standing in front of the crates. Jogging as fast as his ribs allowed Conrad shouted to the men, warning them of what he could see because he had some distance. The top crates were swaying, ready to fall. He made contact with Jude just as the first two crates fell down, narrowly avoiding the older man and his rescuer. The Soldiers had heeded the shouted warning and escaped injury as the wood splintered around them. Jude got up brushing himself off ready to thank his rescuer when he noted the still form.

Waikiki Cafe

The Surgeon looked over at his friend, knowing he too had just gone back in time to the day of the attack on the compound.

"You punctured a lung with one of your broken ribs," the older man recalled, "but when you came around all you were concerned about was who else was hurt."
"That was a long time ago."
"But you haven't changed. You're still the same. Always overlooking your own problems and worrying about everyone else."
"How did we get talking about Afghanistan here?" Conrad demanded as he stood up after leaving some bills on the table.
"Just came up," Jude offered as he followed his friend out onto the pavement and they headed back towards the hotel passing business suited people and bikinied surfers alike.
"Yeah well I don't need to talk about Afghanistan."
"Maybe I do."


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