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Conrad realized two things as he struggled through the fog which seemed to have enveloped his mind. The first was that he was lying down. The second was that he was not at his place. Although it seemed a difficult task he brought his left hand up to shield his eyes as he tried to decipher just what had happened. He felt a momentary panic engulf him and tried to raise himself up from the pillows.

"Whoa Conrad! Take it easy. You're okay," Devon assured quietly as he pushed his friend back against the pillow.
"What .... happened?" Conrad found he had no strength to resist the other man and collapsed back down with a groan he could not stifle as his head and eyes demanded attention as they began throbbing from his hasty actions.
"What do you remember?"
"I .... don't know ......... I ...," Conrad put the heels of his hands up to his eyes in a vain attempt to block the pain.
"You've been unwell for the past couple of days," Devon prompted, hoping in his weakened state his friend might divulge his health problem.
"I'm fine ...,"
"Do you remember what happened tonight?" Devon watched his friend carefully and his brown eyes displayed the exact moment his memory returned in full force.
"Ah man .... Andy."
"I'm sorry."
"How long have I been out?"
"Several hours. We treated you for shock and had you on oxygen up to half an hour ago."
"For what?"
"Could you do me a favour?" Conrad ignored the question and asked his own.
"Would you mind getting a cold wet facecloth?" Conrad asked as he kept his gaze on the ceiling.
"Sure," Devon frowned unsure as to why the other man seemed hesitant to ask, "back in a minute."

The prone man closed his eyes to wait and opened them upon his friends' quick return.
"If this isn't cold enough I can get some ice cubes," Devon handed over the cloth, "are you on medication?"
"Thanks for the facecloth I just want to be alone okay?" Conrad ignored the question and turned onto his side carefully so that his back was to his friend.
"Sure," Devon reluctantly agreed, "I'll check on you later."
"Thanks," Conrad said quietly as he heard his friend walking away.
"Just rest. You need it," Devon instructed as he went out the door into the corridor.

Trying to find out what was wrong with his friend kept worrying the first year Resident throughout the rest of the night. He had opted to work an extra shift so he could check in on Conrad during the early morning hours. He cursed his luck as Nic would be in the air already and Jude was off for the next few days. Although Conrad had a lot of friends on staff Devon had learned that he kept his personal life extremely private. He decided he was going to talk to Gibson during his next shift to see if he could offer any insight into his friends' life. He knew he would be risking Conrads' ire if he found out he was asking questions but he had to help him whether he wanted it or not.

Once Conrad had been left alone he placed the facecloth over his eyes, pressing it against the lids to get relief from the excruciating pain, even if it was only minor. He told himself he would just rest for a small while and then leave. His body however had other plans and unknowingly he fell asleep, the cool cloth still covering his eyes.


Upon waking Conrad was surprised to see daylight streaming in through the blinds and cursed quietly. So much for a short rest! He was relieved to find that some strength had returned, even if he still felt worn out, and gingerly sat up pushing back the covers and swinging his legs off the bed. Although his eyes and head were still bad he was no longer wishing for death. That thought opened the floodgates and he remembered Andy, stilling his movements.

Unbeknownst to the pale man he was being watched from the door by Devon. He had been checking on his friend every half hour. It hurt him to see the careful movements made in an attempt to ease pain. It hurt him even more to see the other mans' agonising recollection of the night before. The shoulders slumped in dejection. He decided to make his presence known.

"I see you're awake."
"It would seem so," Conrad concurred as he stood up.
"How about resting for another bit?" Devon quickly walked over and took the stethoscope from around his neck sliding it down the neck of the gown before any protest could be given, "breathe in."
"I'm fine!" Conrad complied reluctantly and breathed in and out as the pad was moved around.
"Sit down a minute," Devon ordered as he put the stethoscope on the roll away table.
"Why?" Conrad remained standing.
"I want to talk to you," the dark haired man replied unfazed by the grumpy mood.
"What?" Conrad eased down onto the bed wishing he had cooled the facecloth which he saw lying beside him on the bed.
"One second," Devon had seen the glance at the facecloth and grabbed it then went out the door and returned with it suitably cold.
"Thanks," Conrad accepted the cloth but did not use it.
"Put it on your eyes," Devon directed patiently, "you're still going to be able to hear me."
"What do you want to talk about?" the ill man questioned as he did as he was told awkwardly, seemingly embarrassed.
"You went into shock last night because your body had too much to handle. I want to know what is wrong with you. I'm your friend and I want to look after you when you're not well."
"I'm fi...," Conrad began but was quickly cut off.
"If you try finishing that word I'm going to whack you! There is nothing wrong with being sick or injured but you seem ashamed of it. Why is that?"
"Devon I know you mean well but I need to go home," Conrad rose taking the facecloth away from his bruised eyes.
"You need to talk but I'll leave it for now," Devon sighed in defeat, more determined than ever to get the man to open up to him, "I'll give you a hand," he retrieved the clothes from the wardrobe.
"No you won't," Conrad accepted the items and gestured towards the door.
"Okay but I'll be right outside in case you need anything."
"I won't."

True to his word Conrad had managed to get dressed without help although it had taken longer than usual. He found Devon standing outside with his arms folded.
"You ready?"
"Yeah. Do I need to discharge myself?" Conrad squinted as he looked towards the Nurses Station.
"Nope. I've discharged you," Devon handed over the sunglasses and seemed pleased with himself which raised alarm bells in the pale man.
"What are you so happy about?" Conrad put on the glasses after a brief hesitation.
"I've released you into my care. About time I saw your apartment anyway."
"You have a shift today!"
"Nope I changed it and before you say anything you're on medical leave for the rest of the week."
"But ...,"
"But you need to deal with what happened last night," Devon became solemn.
"I'll deal with it."
"Yes you will but I want to help you so let's just get out of here and grab some breakfast so you can take some DF118s."
"How .....,"
"They fell out of your jacket when we were undressing you. Now I'm not answering any more questions until you're sorted so move it."


Breakfast consisted of a bowl of cornflakes for Conrad and a coffee and bagel for Devon. The latter had decided not to push the issue of more food as he handed over the bottle of tablets. When Conrad had gone to put them in his pocket he found the bottle being snatched away from him and after a brief argument he swallowed two tablets under his concerned friends' gaze. The cab ride to his apartment was mainly silent as Conrad leant his head back and closed his dark orbs. Devon made fast work of paying the Cab Driver and then trailed the weary man to his apartment. A brief conversation ensued about the fair haired man lying down for a while and Devon won the argument as Conrad was simply too exhausted to try to win. Ten minutes after reaching the apartment Conrad was sleeping with the aid of the DFs, a cool cloth once again shielding his eyes.


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now