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"Don't suppose you'd agree to a trip to the hospital?" Jude tried as he reached his friend as the last of the onlookers departed.
"For what?"
"Your knees are cut," the Surgeon pointed to the bloody jeans careful not to show his exasperation, "bound to be glass in the cuts."
"You give your Statement," Conrad ignored the information and nodded towards the two patrol Officers who had already taken a note of his version of events.
"Yeah," Jude nodded assessing the smaller man, "if you won't agree to the hospital there's a local clinic we can go to. You need x-rays."
"Ah man don't go all medical on me!"
"Can't help it I'm a Surgeon," Jude reminded with a grin, "now come on move it.  It closes in thirty minutes."
"How do you know that?" the Resident asked with a frown as he noted one of the Officers heading their way.
"The Paramedics were very helpful," Jude replied as he looked at the approaching man, "thought you gave your Statement."
"I did."
"Sirs I just wanted to let ye know the main road out of here has been closed due to a landslide," the middle aged Officer, Larry Holmes, stated as he reached the pair, "with all the rains we've been getting it was bound to happen."
"Is there another way down from here?" Conrad checked, eyeing the darkening clouds which seemed to be preparing for another onslaught.
"Well there are a couple of back roads but I wouldn't recommend using them for a few days."
"Why not?"
"With this weather there are likely to be some trees down," Holmes advised before looking at the fair haired man carefully, "besides you need to get checked out. The Paramedics said you refused treatment."
"I wasn't attacked," Conrad pointed out quickly looking to his friend for support.
"He'll be fine," Jude offered, "in fact we're just on our way to the local clinic. Could you give me directions? I understand it closes shortly so I don't want to risk getting lost."
"I can do better than that," Holmes smiled, "I can take ye there.  Just follow us."
"There's no .... " Conrad began but was quickly cut off.
"We were heading there anyway " Holmes tossed back over his shoulder as he headed off towards his cruiser.
"Damn it."
"It might be fun," Jude tried to cheer his friend up, "never had a police escort before. People will think we're VIPs."
"More likely they'll think we're in trouble," Conrad scoffed as they headed back to the car.

Ten minutes later the two cars pulled up outside a red brick single storey building as the skies once again shed their load.  Conrad looked across at his companion.

"You stay here. No point in two of us getting soaked again."
"I don't mind," Jude insisted as he turned off the ignition and took the key out before opening his door, "besides if I leave you alone you might decide to forget about getting treated."
"You're being paranoid," Conrad observed unhappily as he got out.
"Sure," the Surgeon nodded towards the patrol car which had pulled in a few feet away as Holmes got out of the vehicle, "guess they were calling here anyway."
"Guess so," the fair haired man agreed as they approached the glass doors of the clinic.
"Hopefully this won't take long," Jude commented optimistically as he began to open the door noting the Patrol Officer walking towards them as loud voices could be heard coming from the inside.
"Someone doesn't sound happy," Conrad noted as they stepped into the hallway as the Policeman walked by them after motioning for the pair to stay where they were.
"Maybe we should ...," Jude began only to stop as a raised voice cursed.

Moving forward quietly the two medical professionals came to a stop and Conrad pulled his friend back against the wall behind him, automatically putting himself between the danger and his companion. Chancing a look around the corner he noted with relief that the Policeman was alright. Holmes stood with his gun aimed at a young man holding a knife to the throat of a trembling fifty something Nurse. A quick glance around informed him that there was only one other person present, a brown haired, young Doctor in his early forties who did not seem to be panicking. Turning back to his friend Conrad gave a quick rundown of the situation unfolding. Jude was beginning to think he should never have brought his friend up to the so called tranquil area. Not that he voiced that opinion.

Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now