CHAPTER NINETY-SIX: Attempting To Go Solo

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The walk back to the Hawaiian along the quiet red bricked flame lit pathway between the bushes was silent as Jude looked up at the nights' full moon.

"Funny isn't it how when you're on holiday everything looks better.  The moon tonight is gorgeous but back in Atlanta it's the same moon and I rarely take notice of it."
"Guess the surroundings help," Conrad offered, "besides everything is new on holiday so you pay more attention.  I'm sorry James lost Jenny.   She sounded like a force of nature the things he used tell me about her."
"Well like he said at least she saw the twins grow up.  They seem like good young men."
"And they're obviously close," the fair haired man added, "it's good for the family.   The General I'd say is still a force to be reckoned with."
"Definitely," Jude nodded emphatically, "when you went to the restroom he asked me what was wrong with you."
"He what?!" Conrad stopped walking.
"It's kind of obvious you're not well.  I simply told him you were recovering from some injuries and left it at that," Jude tugged his friends' arm to get him moving again.
"He wanted more details but James told him it was your personal business.  He accepted that."
"Why did you tell me that?"
"Because he might try quizzing you tomorrow night.  He's an Orthopaedic Surgeon.  He wouldn't mean any harm but I figure if you're prepared you can shut him down easily enough.  Look I know you would have preferred not to meet again tomorrow night but let's face it when are we going to see James again."
"On the Big Island," the fair haired man reminded sardonically, "or have you changed your mind about the helicopter tour?"
"Okay fair point but it's good to spend some time with friends."
"Okay but tomorrow I'm heading out on my own.  I'll be back in time for the meal."
"Where are you going?" the older man demanded as they came within sight of the magestic entrance to their hotel.
"Nowhere I'm telling you about."
"I'm hurt," Jude chided as they saluted the Doorman.
"You'll survive."


Although Conrad had forewarned his companion that he was having a solo day the truth was he had no agenda in mind other than being by himself.   To ensure his companion didn't get any notions of tagging along the young man had left at five a.m.   Even at that early hour the air once he stepped outside the hotels' air conditioned lobby was hot.   He had collected a few brochures before he left.  Walking away from the imposing pink building he kept going until he came across a cab and hailed one to take him to a small cafe he had picked out earlier online.  Plopping his knapsack on the seat beside him Conrad leaned back and surveyed the white/pale blue painted surroundings of the quiet Sweet Es' cafe on Kapahulu Avenue bedecked with black and white photos matching the black tables and chairs.   Deciding to spoil himself and have a real breakfast for once he ordered the Eggs Benedict with Corn Beef and Hash Browns.  As he sat sipping some refreshing water while he awaited his order he thought about the Phillips' family and had to admit he envied the closeness it was obvious they all shared.  Oh he was sure there were family arguments along the way but they clearly loved each other.  Thomas Phillips was a man who loved his wife, son and grandchildren without any overt shows of love yet one instinctively knew the feeling was there.  Sighing, Conrad compared Marshall Hawkins to Thomas Phillips and quickly realized that the only comparison the two men shared was the appellation of 'Father' but even that was not strictly correct.  Marshall was a Father but Thomas was a Dad.   During the meal in the Sheraton the pride Thomas took in his son shone through his eyes.  There was no trace of regret, disappointment or hatred present.  All traits his father displayed quite openly to him from as far back as he could remember.  He shook his head.  It was ridiculous being so introspective.   He was a grown man and there was no point in wishing his Father loved him.   The friendly Waiter placed a full plate before him and he nodded his gratitude even though his appetite no longer needed satisfying.   He sprinkled salt and pepper over the food absently before picking up his cutlery as he decided to at least eat some of the food after it had been made for him.   He had just taken a small bite of egg and corn beef when the door opened and he nearly choked.  Quickly taking a gulp of water he kept his head down hoping he would go unnoticed.   Of all the places this guy had to walk into!   Having an internal conversation with himself he was startled out of his thoughts when a hand rested on his shoulder and he found himself looking up into the beaming feattures of none other than Thomas Phillips.

"Well young man this is amazing," Thomas grinned happily, "either you are here spying for my wife or you managed to find the one place on this island she hasn't caught me in yet.   So which is it?"
"Sorry?" Conrad put down his knife and fork in confusion.
"Well given your reaction I'll say you're not a spy," Thomas chuckled as he looked around the nearly empty cafe, "I would ask to join you but I do not wish to intrude.   This place is big enough for both of us."
"Forgive my manners," Conrad instructed hastily and gestured to the vacant seat opposite him, "please by all means join me."
"You sure young man?  You seemed to be deep in thought about something," the older man checked genuinely, losing his earlier humour as he remained standing unwilling to impose.
"Just have some things on my mind but please take a seat.  Your wife doesn't like you coming here?"
"Well it's not the place so much as the food," Thomas explained as he sat down and the Waiter appeared without a menu, "my usual thank you."
"Maybe it's the amount of times you come," Conrad braved with a smile as he poured some water for the two of them.
"Could be," Thomas admitted unrepentantly, "then again we only come to the Small Island two or three times a year so I figure really I'm being good."
"So you don't sneak off somewhere on the Big Island?" Conrad teased too innocently.
"Humpf," Thomas shifted on his chair sheepishly, "no respect for your elders that's your problem."
"So what did you do with Jude?"
"What do you mean?"
"I got the impression he was keeping an eye on you."
"I'm a grown man.  He knows I'm going solo today."
"This early?"
"Now I'm wondering if you're a spy," the fair haired man shook his head as a plate filled to the brim was placed in front of his dining companion.
"Sorry.   Guess Macy is right as usual.   I always ask questions.   Anyway are you finishing that?" the formidable man motioned to the Eggs Benedict which had been abandoned.
"Yeah," Conrad moved the plate back towards himself, his appetite returning, "unless you want to eat it too?"
"No respect for your elders," Thomas sighed heavily around a large bite of sausage as he tossed a wink across the table.

Conrad wasn't sure how but he was glad this man had shown up.    There was an air about him which made him feel at ease.   Safe even and wasn't that a ridiculous thing for a thirty something man to want?  If only for a brief expanse of time he wanted to forget his past with its' inherent regrets.   Maybe for an hour or so he could.


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