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After a long silence Conrad looked over at his stunned companion.

"That was one of the worst beatings I took and all because I wanted something to eat," Conrad finally broke the silence after he snapped out of his memories.
"What exactly did he do?"
"Not really sure," the fair haired man conceded wrily, "all I knew was that when I came around in my room I was in so much pain it was unbearable.   My sides hurt something awful.  Guess I could have had bruised ribs but I don't know.   My head was throbbing.   My right hand was very sore."
"Damn," Jude sighed heavily, "I'm sorry you went through that Conrad.  I really am."
"It was years ago so why the hell am I dreaming about it now!"
"Something like that stays with you.   As a child you couldn't really process what happened so I'm guessing you just buried it," the older man offered, "but we both know nothing stays buried forever unless we deal with it."
"I'm just so ....... I don't know ..... tired of things coming back.  It has to stop!"
"Well now I know why you never finish omelettes," Jude pointed out thoughtfully.
"What do you mean?"
"Rarely have I seen you eat a whole omelette.   I'm guessing subconsciously your mind was trying to block that memory."
"Never thought about it," Conrad frowned.
"Well hopefully that's one nightmare you won't have again but what about the others?"
"I'm not going over every bad dream with you."
"I'm not asking you to.   Whatever you tell me is up to you."
"Why are you doing this?" Conrad demanded, a hint of wariness colouring his tone as he glanced at the older man.
"Because you're my friend," Jude explained without hesitation then added because he felt the younger man needed to hear the words, "I promise I have no hidden agenda."
"Sorry.   I'm just feeling ....... I don't know ...,"
"Defensive? Vulnerable?  Anyone would be in your shoes but you've never run from a fight before so I don't really think you're going to start now."
"Thought going back to Savannah was running away."
"Nope that was dealing with your past."
"Guess it's all depends on how you look at things," Conrad sighed as he rubbed a hand down his face tiredly, "don't know about you but I need to sleep."
"Finally," Jude smiled as he rose, "he admits he's tired."

Big Island

Although the Surgeon had tried to bring up the subject of his friends' nightmares since they moved to the Big Island Conrad had once again erected a shield and refused to be drawn on the subject.    Jude knew the younger man was still having nightmares but he hadn't experienced one as bad as the night he recalled the encounter with his father when he failed to make an omelette so he was reluctant to push the matter.    The Big Island, as their friends had informed them was totally different to Oahu, the Small Island.   There was no proliferation of  commercialized tourist reliant businesses here.    Of course there was the odd tourist shop here and there but nothing compared to the grand scale evidenced on Oahu.   There was a general air of quiet and peace on the Big Island.   Life seemed to take place without the madness of rush hour.  That sense of tranquility struck visitors and the two men from Atlanta were no exception.

"Can see why James moved here," Jude acknowledged as the pair took a stroll around a quiet neighbourhood in Kona, "there's something about the place."
"Almost like you're away from everything despite still having TV and the internet."
"You ready to head over to Hilo tomorrow for that helicopter ride?"
"Sure.  Can't leave James down.  Besides it will be good to see them before we head back."
"I'm thinking I could get used to life here," Jude admitted.
"You thinking of staying," Conrad checked in surprise.
"Not now but maybe down the line," the older man looked around, "it's definitely appealing."
"Something tells me it will be a while before you settle down."
"Hey as soon as I meet the right lady I will."
"Yeah I've heard it all before," Conrad scoffed but this time he felt there had been a ring of truth in his friends' words, heck if he settled here Conrad could visit Hawai'i whenever he wanted, he decided he wouldn't discourage him.


After travelling across the island via car rental the visitors made short work of finding the small airstrip, located a few miles from the main airport on the island.  Conrad had admired the airport when they landed for it's baggage conveyor belts were covered with grass roofs, a far cry from their usual appearance in airports.   They arrived at the small airstrip as a helicopter took off, Peter tossing them a wave before he turned the aircraft and headed up and away.

"See ye made it," James walked over with a broad smile, Logan at his side.
"Said we would," Jude reminded as the quartet shook hands and headed for the small main building.
"We're lucky the weather has been good for the past few days.   Most of our customers take the afternoon tours," James explained as he led the way into a large, cluttered rundown office with peeling blue paint.
"Don't take any notice of this place," Logan instructed as he motioned to comfortable black leather armchairs, "we just never seem to have the time to fix it up.  We'll eventually get around to it."
"Well if ye're too busy that's a good thing," Conrad decided as he looked over at his old friend now sitting behind his desk, "you're really happy aren't you?"
"Have to say I am," James admitted quietly after a moments' reflection, not having expected the question, "for a while after losing Jenny I couldn't see the good side of anything but at the end of the day I have a family I love and a business that is thriving which my boys will carry on.   I'm luckier than a lot of those we left behind."
"You deserve it," Jude stated genuinely, "all we can do is live the life we get the chance to."
"So which do ye want to go up in?" Logan decided to lighten the mood which had fallen at the referral to Afghanistan, "the Cessnas are ready to go and it won't take long to get a helicopter ready."
"Hell I was hoping ye'd forgotten that part," Conrad chided.
"Hey man there's no pressure," Logan assured quickly, "flying isn't everyones' cup of tea."
"Well unless you can think of another way to see the volcanoes I don't have much of a choice."
"Could drive you out to one," Logan offered readily, "be a long drive though."
"Thanks but I'm looking forward to seeing them properly from the sky."
"Well in that case I'd say the helicopter would be the best," James decreed, "Logan will take ye up.   Unfortunately I have a meeting with a new client shortly so I need to get moving.   Now I know ye're booked into the hotel in Kona but ye can stay with us tonight.   Give ye a rest for the trip back."
"There's no need," Conrad shook his head, "it's not that long a drive."
"I insist," James rose and looked at his friends, "besides it will probably be a while before we see each other again so let's make the most of it."
"You sure?" Jude double checked.

The Surgeon hid a smile.  Unwinding with James was just what Conrad needed.  A good old fashioned boys' night would do him no harm at all.

Authors' Note

Whereas I have tended to use real venues in the different places Conrad and Jude stay as far as I am aware there is no airstrip a few miles from the airport in Hilo so I invented one - Writers' prerogative!!!!  Frances


Perseverance (The Resident FF) by Frances51163Where stories live. Discover now