CHAPTER NINETY-THREE: Visiting Pearl Harbor

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Pearl Harbour

Up for a six o'clock pick up the following morning the pair arrived at Pearl Habor Naval Memorial at twenty before eight and after watching a black and white movie of th 1941 attack in a cinema were guided to a small naval boat which took them out to the hulk of the U.S.S. Arizona. Strolling around the walkways constructed over the battleship destroyed so many years ago in a blaze which still resonated today the two men walked over to the white stone wall monument which bore the names of those lost on that fateful early morning Sunday 7th attack which pushed the States headlong into the World War 11.

"All those men," Jude shook his head sadly as he eyed the black engraved names standing stark against the white background, "just going about their business on a quiet Sunday morning. Must have seemed like hell had descended."
"No matter how much you read about it or how many films you see no one will ever truly understand what those people faced," Conrad agreed quietly for everyone kept their voices low out of respect for the dead buried within.
"Ironic the vessel was only brought to Pearl Harbor a few weeks before the attack. It was meant to be a barrier against a Japanese offensive."
"Well it proved to be the stepping stone that led to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and we never learnt."
"What do you mean?" the older man queried as they walked over to a railing overlooking the decaying vessel below to allow other tourists to view the wall memorial.
"You know and I know whatever about Hiroshima Nagasaki should never have happened," Conrad sighed heavily, "Nagasaki was done for nothing more than research."
"Yeah I know. When I found that out I was sickened. Setting up facilities to research the victims rather than providing treatment and care should be seen as one of our darkest chapters yet surprisingly a lot of Americans don't know about it."
"And we didn't learn. Bin Laden came along and what did we do? Bush and co decided to use 9/11 as an excuse to go into Iraq. Wish I didn't know the world was such a dark place."
"That's a pretty grim assessment," a new voice spoke behind the pair and both turned to find a General standing behind them in a white dress uniform with stern features and a frown.

"A pretty accurate one," Jude defended his friends' words as he eyed the newcomer warily, registering the fact that as the man was in dress whites he was still active.
"Unfortunately I can't disagree," the silver haired man took off his cap and looked at the two men for a moment, taking in their choice of all black ensemble, "you served?"
"Yes Sir," Conrad nodded respectfully, "didn't seem right coming here in shorts and flip flops even if they do allow it."
"Can't say I disagree with you," the stranger glanced around at the various tourists, "but of course the rules allow such low dress codes so we can't really blame the tourists now can we?"
"Of course not," Jude concurred noting there was a strength to this man, who looked to be in his mid sixties, which wasn't immediately obvious.
"You young man take a grim grim view of our past actions," the General got back to the topic which had spurred his intrusion as he glanced at the fair haired man assessingly.
"Of those acts yes."
"Unfortunately we have done many wrongs," the stranger acknowledged, "but at the end of the day I believe we've done more good than bad in the world and that's got to count for something."
"You could be right," Jude cut in as they noticed their Tour Guide directing people back to the small vessel to be taken back to shore, "we better be going before we lose our ride."
"Would ye care to have dinner tonight with me? I'm staying at the Sheraton on Waikiki with my family. Could do with some fresh company at the dinner table."
"Well ...,"
"That sounds wonderful," Jude quickly cut off his companion before he declined the offer, "we're next door in the Royal Hawaiian."
"Please do not mention that detail to my wife," the General ordered wrily, "she has always wanted to stay in the Pink Palace but it was booked up."
"We'll keep quiet," Conrad had to smile, there was something about this man which put him at ease.
"Shall we say the in house restaurant at the Sheraton eight sharp?"
"You never told us your name," Jude reminded as he held out a hand, "this is Conrad Hawkins and I'm Jude Silva."
"Forgive my manners," the older man shook hands firmly with both men, "another reason my wife gives out to me. I'm Thomas Phillips. I'll see ye later and the meal is on me."
"There's no .....,"
"My invite. Now go before ye lose yer ride."
"We'll see you later," Jude placed a hand on his friends' shoulders to get him moving towards the boat which was about to pull away.

Back at the Royal Hawaiian in Conrads' room a few hours later Jude looked across at his companion who was busy putting away small gift bags.

"You find something for Nic?"
"Not yet. Got some souveneirs from Pearl Harbor but I don't think she'd appreciate a fridge magnet."
"Probably not," Jude agreed wisely, "you okay with the dinner?"
"Was wondering when you'd ask," Conrad scoffed.
"He seemed like a good man," the fair haired man shrugged a shoulder in acquiescence before becoming serious, "but in future don't go accepting invites for me."
"Sure man. Whatever you say. So what do you want to do until we head next door?"
"Jude we don't need to live in each others' pockets. You head off and do whatever you want to do. I'll meet you downstairs at ten before eight."
"I can take a hint," the Surgeon rose glad his friend wasn't going to back out of the meal and suspecting also that he was going to catch a couple of hours' sleep given his weary frame but unwilling to mention it, "dress sharp."
"Yes Dad."

Later walking over to the Sheraton along the flame lined walkway bedecked with palm trees and shrubs the pair were still dressed in black trousers. Conrad had opted for a dark green dress shirt and Jude had chosen a white one. They considered their host as they passed by a number of tourists.

"He's definitely a career man," Jude pointed out, "not sure what medical field he's in."
"Yeah I noticed his uniform meant he's a Doctor of some kind. Hope he doesn't have a big family."
"Not in the mood for kids running around?"
"Ah don't mind me," Conrad stifled a yawn, "I'm just tired."
"Can't imagine why," Jude observed as they entered the foyer of the Sheraton and glanced at his watch, "we're five minutes early."
"Better wait a few minutes," Conrad eyed their plush surroundings, "Mrs. Phillips can't have any complaints about this place. It's as fancy as next door."
"Not sure if she'd agree with that," Thomas Phillips once again walked up behind the two surprised men, "but we won't test the theory."
"Are you running late?" Jude checked as the man was only entering the hotel.
"No this is grand," Phillips assured, "Macey, Jim and the boys are already in the restaurant. They're excited to meet ye."
"They are?" Conrad frowned as the man gestured for the pair to follow him.
"Turns out my son knows ye. In fact he went through Boot Camp with you Conrad and he met Jude here in Afghanistan."
"Your son?"
"James Phillips?!"
"Small world hey?" Phillip's grinned widely, happy to be able to reunite his son with the two men.
"Unbelievable!" Jude admitted with a reciprocal grin which dimmed when he looked at his young friend, he didn't look happy he looked worried.

Authors' Note

I have purposefully spelt Pearl Harbor the American way as it is a Memorial.  In Ireland we spell harbour with a 'u'.

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