CHAPTER SEVENTY-ONE: An Unco-operative Medic

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As Jude thought back to the first time he met Conrad the searing heat of an Afghanistan afternoon seemed to envelope him as his memories came alive.

"We have three who need immediate evac," Jude stood before his Captain as they watched two helicopters circling above coming into land, "we have five who can be transported back to base."
"You might have another casualty," forty-two year old Captain Brian Moreno observed gesturing to where there were two Medics and several Soldiers readying the wounded on stretchers for transport.
"Take a closer look."
"What ....," Jude began looking at each Soldier closely and was about to argue when the Medic furthest away from them moved to stand up but seemed to sway momentarily.
"He's refused treatment," Moreno explained wrily, "need you to look after him."
"Why me if he's refused everyone elses' help?"
"Well he's obviously stubborn so you'll get on well with him," the Captain grinned as he headed off, "let me know how you get on."
"Yes Sir," Jude sighed and headed over to the group saluting a few Soldiers until he came to a halt beside the fair haired Medic whose back was turned to him as he passed on instructions for the man on the stretcher at his feet.
"We got it," Army Medic Paul Jones noted the man standing behind his friend and saw the concern in his eyes so motioned for the stretcher to be removed and followed behind, "I think you have company Conrad. Catch you later."
"Sir," Conrad turned around to see the tall man watching him.
"How about we cut to the chase?"
"Corporal you're injured. Care to tell me where?" Jude stated as he motioned for two Soldiers to come over.
"I'm fine," Conrad insisted as he went to walk away.
"So if I do this it won't hurt?" Jude asked, quickly pressing a flat palm to the other mans' side.
"Take him to the First Aid Tent," Conrad quietly instructed as he held onto the doubled over man, "and don't let him disappear."
"I've got work to ..... do," Conrad grated out as he straightened up.
"Everyone is accounted for.  You even try disobeying me and you'll learn all about KP duty," Jude looked at the two Soldiers, "I'll be there in a few minutes."

Five minutes later Jude approached the First Aid Tent noting the grinning Soldiers standing at the entrance.  Getting closer he could hear a raised voice.

"What's going on?"
"Hawkins figured he could leave Sir," one of the men informed around a smile, "but it turns out he's a bit tied up."
"Okay ye've had yer fun," Jude shook his head and gestured for the men to depart as he stepped into the almost empty tent.
"About damn time!" Conrad cursed as he looked across from where he sat on a gurney, "untie me. Now!"
"No Sir?"
"Hell no!" Conrad tried again to bend down to undo the restraints around his ankles holding him to the gurney but once again pulled up short.
"Take it easy Hawkins," Jude ordered as he walked forward and easily undid the binding before standing up to assess his reluctant patient, "so what happened?"
"Nothing," Conrad went to get off the gurney but a hand stopped him.
"Take your shirt off."
"There's no need."
"I can do it for you if you want," Jude threatened softly as he folded his arms.
"Damn," the younger man sighed heavily and reluctantly undid the buttons.
"What the hell happened you?!" Jude exclaimed as he pushed the material to the sides to expose reddening ribcage on both sides.
"There was a cave in ..,"
"I know that.  I thought you were just treating the victims," Jude plucked the stethoscope from around his neck and placed the pad in place, "you know the drill.  Deep breaths."
"I was," Conrad complied as much as he could even though it hurt like hell.
"Let me guess you went into the cave?"
"Someone needed to see how bad the damage was."
"That was a job for the Engineers."
"They hadn't arrived," Conrad groaned as a hand pressed his sides and then moved to his back.
"How many civilians did ye help?"
"There were five brought out alive," Conrad replied quietly, "lost two."
"It happens," Jude took out his penlight, "follow my finger."
"Don't have a concussion."
"Humour me."

Ten minutes later mobile x-rays had confirmed the young Medic had four broken ribs in his back and two cracked ones on either side. Jude eyed the films shaking his head.

"How did you keep working?"
"What do you mean?" Conrad looked up from where he was doing up his shirt.
"Broken ribs hurt like hell."
"Could be worse," Conrad gingerly got down off the gurney ready for a getaway.
"What do you think you're doing," Jude turned away from the screen, "you're not discharged."
"Nothing to do for broken ribs."
"I could wrap them."
"No need."
"Okay you can go but only to your bunk for some rest.  I'm giving you some painkillers so eat something before you take them then get some rest," as he spoke the dark haired man walked over to the medication cabinet and unlocked it.
"Don't need meds," Conrad headed for the door.
"Take them," Jude walked over and handed over a small bottle, "or I could always force you to take them," he eyed the discarded restraint.
"Hell," Conrad took the bottle in defeat.
"And you're off duty until I say otherwise."
"I can work."
"Only when I say you can.  Captain Morenos' orders," Jude pointed out resolutely as the other man opened the door, "and I want to see you in three days' time to check those ribs. If you forget I'll make sure you're brought here.  Do you understand me?"
"Okay," Conrad headed off after a short salute wondering how he wound up in this mess.

Although Conrad had intended to see the older Medic, if only to persuade him to let him return to active duty, events conspired against him causing him to forget about it.  Being off duty was always boring.  Trying to find things to keep one occupied to relieve the boredom was a common thing all military personnel shared.  Conrad had not been able to go for his usual morning jogs since he sustained the rib injuries so when he was not helping in the First Aid Tent all he could do to keep busy was read or play cards with some of the guys.  The night before he was due to have his check up he played cards for a while. Never one to risk a fortune on the fickle hand of poker Conrad called a night to his playing when he was down twenty dollars.  Most of the players accepted his excuse of being tired for although he had not said anything many knew about his injuries for there were few secrets in the Base Compound.  He was on the way back to the tent he was sharing with five others when a noise behind startled him.  Turning too quickly the pain in his back and sides flared.  He eyed the two Soldiers before him as he tried to breathe through the pain.

"What do ye want?"
"Figure you left the game a bit early Hawkins," Mark Burton, the taller of the two Soldiers noted unhappily.
"Nope," Conrad turned away but a hand on his shoulder turned him around roughly, "hey!"
"Reckon you owe us," Bart Hollinger stated as he looked at the struggling man, "and we reckon we know how you can pay."

First Aid Tent - 0709

Jude glanced st his watch impatiently.  He had told the wounded Medic to be available for examination at 0700.  He had not expected to kept waiting despite the young mans' obvious displeasure at the order.  He decided he would give him another five minutes and then he would take matters into his own hands.


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