CHAPTER THIRTY: Pete Visits Chastain

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Pete arrived at Chastain on a mission to speak to his elusive friend. He had failed to return to the Clinic to have the staples removed and any calls and messages were obviously being ignored so he decided to make a house call, even if it was to another hospital. He was just about to approach the main desk in Emergency when he saw his friend walk out of a cubicle writing on a chart as he approached. Head down.

"So this is where you work?"
"Pete?" Conrad looked up in shock.
"I need a word."
"I'm kinda busy," Conrad handed the chart to a nearby Nurse, "can it wait?"
"Depends on how long you want me to hang around."
"I'll call you ...,"
"You either talk now or I'll wait here until you're free," Pete stated firmly as he assessed the man before him noting that he had lost weight since he treated him.
"Okay," Conrad shook his head in resignation, "the on call room is free I think."
"Knew you'd see it my way."
"Yeah, yeah," the third year Resident was unimpressed as he led the way into the room and turned on the light after closing the door, "so what can I do for you?"
"Think it's me who should be asking that. Lie down," Pete instructed as he turned the lock.
"Hey there's no need ...,"
"I either examine you or I'll get one of your colleagues to do it."
"Pete really there's no need. I'm fine."
"Lie down."
"Ah man," Conrad complied reluctantly, "this is ridiculous."
"You never came back to get the staples out," the older man reminded as he sat on the side of the bunk bed and quickly pulled up the scrub top and sweater, "I'm assuming you took them out."
"Well I am a Doctor you know."
"There's no swelling which is good. You've lost weight though."
"Haven't been hungry that's all," Conrad pushed away the probing hands and pulled down the tops.
"How about you tell me why you're looking so rough," Pete offered his friend a hand to pull him up which he noted was accepted readily.
"Work. You know how it is."
"I do and I don't look like you."
"Schucks we can't all be good looking," the fair haired man tried to brush off the concern.
"Conrad look at me."
"I know there's something going on with you. You know you can trust me. That's why you came to the Clinic."
"You didn't get in trouble did you?"
"No! I'm just worried about you that's all. So how about you tell me the real reason you haven't been eating."
"Told you I'm just not hungry at the moment. It will pass," Conrad didn't look at his friend as he spoke, a glaring tell sign to his concerned friend.
"And why do you think that is?"
"Look I get that way sometimes. It will pass," Conrad assured his friend, at least that much was true, "look I'm sorry you came all the way over here. Didn't mean to put you out."
"Well I'm not sorry I came here and you didn't put me out. It's lunch time so how about showing me the cafeteria before I head back? Be nice to sample Chastains' offerings for a change. I'm starving."
"Sure," Conrad agreed knowing that his friend loved his food and not wanting to deny him something he would consider a treat.
"This is a great excuse to go off diet," Pete grinned as he followed his friend out into the corridor.
"You're on a diet?"
"Hannah is worried about my cholesterol! I told her it's fine, which it is, but she said she wants to make sure it stays that way."
"Bet you didn't use the argument that you were a Doctor," Conrad grinned as they reached the cafeteria.
"You bet I didn't. Heck she cheats to win. How can I argue with a Cardiologist?"
"Beats me but you married her," Conrad pointed out without any sympathy as he handed his friend a tray.
"You not using a tray?"
"Thought we'd share or are you getting everything on the menu?"
"No I'm not but I'm going to have the roast chicken and potatoes. Then I'm going to have dessert."
"Some things don't change," Conrad retrieved a slice of apple crumble and then poured himself some coffee as he handed cash to the the Cashier and told her he was paying for his friend as well.
"No need," Pete frowned.
"Don't argue just get whatever you're having," the fair haired man looked around for an empty table, "I'll head on over if you're too long I'll come back," he chided.
"I'm not getting that much!"

Twenty minutes later Conrad had taken two bites of apple crumble and his friend was half way through his chicken dish.

"So what's been going on with you besides getting stabbed?"
"Nothing. Been kept busy working you know how it is. How is Hannah keeping?"
"Good. We still make a point of having a date night once a week no matter what's going on. Think it keeps us in touch with each other."
"I'm glad. Ye deserve some happiness."
"I'll tell you for a while there it got a bit strained I don't mind admitting. Finding out we couldn't have kids was a big blow."
"I remember," Conrad nodded, "but ye've come out stronger at the end of it."
"Yeah we have. Because we had good friends like you who were willing to listen to our problems."
"Everyone needs friends sometimes," the fair haired man shrugged.
"So what about you?"
"Me?" Conrads' cup halted mid sip in confusion.
"You need friends too."
"Sure," Conrad took a drink of the hot liquid.
"Well are you talking to anyone about whatever's going on with you?"
"Nothing's going on."
"Well you have a funny way of showing nothing's going on," Pete elaborated around a bite of lettuce, "you look wrecked."
"Gee thanks," Conrad made a face.
"So answer the question."
"What question?"
"Are you talking to anyone?" Pete was not about to be put off.
"I talk to a lot of people."
"I meant about whatever is troubling you. You know I'm available anytime you want to talk. Anytime at all."
"Thanks Pete. I appreciate it. I do but I'm good."
"I remember back in Med School you would never admit you had an eye problem even though it was obvious you had one. Now luckily I've never experienced eye pain but I do know it is one of the worst types of pain a person can experience."
"Think you're exaggerating there," Conrad disputed with a shake of his head.
"Nope," Pete argued firmly as he pushed away the large empty plate and pulled the bowl of ice cream closer, "been ages since I had ice cream!"
"You're a big kid," Conrad had to smile at his friends' childish delight over the dessert treat.
"Hey now no need to be calling me names," the older man defended as he scooped up a large amount of the concoction, "probably won't get a chance to eat this for a while."
"By all means cheat on your wife."
"Hey I'm not cheating!"
"So you're going to tell her about this?"
"Course I am," Pete said after savouring another cold mouthful, "she expects me to break out every now and again."
"She does?"
"Of course and especially on a rare occasion when I see you! Now talk to me. Tell me what's going on with you," Pete wasn't about to be distracted from his goal.
"Hoped you'd forgotten," Conrad sighed in disgust as he looked around the cafeteria and saw Devon and Nic entering.

This was not good. Not good at all.


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