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I was comfortably sitting on my queen sized bed scrolling through Instagram while talking to my best friend, Hafsa who was sprawled at the end of the bed. I rolled my eyes as I came across another picture of My husband to be and I, bloggers were having a field time and so were my friends. Despite being the strong and fearless person people knew me to be I was scared as hell about what was to come, I mean I barely know the person I am getting married too. This is the 21st century but I agreed to this arranged set up by parents simply to please them and because I feel that they would only choose the best for me, I may not know the man but they do. quite a few of my friends said I was being naïve but I have a gut feeling it is all going to work out well.

My husbands name is Hussain Mohammed he was a very popular business mogul and he came from a well known family. before this wedding I was allowed to get to know him for only a month, in that month we saw each other twice in a week so basically we'd seen each other only 8 times. I won't lie he was a very fine young man, he was about six foot tall which was very tall compared to my 5'6 height.

"ke won't you sleep have you not heard that brides are supposed to get a good amount of sleep the night before their big day" My younger sister Hafsa shouted as she jumped on my bed like she had a spare head. I mentally rolled my eyes before her and Hanifa gave me a lecture about how rolling my eyes was rude and my husband would not like it. Ever since it was known by everybody that I was getting married people seem to be criticizing my every move, looking for a reason to say my mother did not train me well.

"leave our amarya ( bride) alone please, you why are you still awake it is past your bedtime" Hanifa told her and I nodded my head in her direction.

She rolled her eyes and made herself more comfortable on my bed, I am really going to miss her inviting herself into my bedroom and lying down on my bed or stealing my things. We began to talk about all the annoying aunties present at the wedding who had absolutely stressed our lives! Due to our big families and our status in society we had a large wedding, seven good days of events! if I am being very honest I thought most of these events were too much and extremely tiring. If it was someone else's wedding I wouldn't mind but being the bride it is a whole other level of stress!

First day it all started was when the kayan zance (dowry) was brought I was so excited and so frustrated at the same time that day. frustrated because I had to go to my most annoying cousins house because Hanifa insisted in being present in the house.

Next was the wuni (sa lalle) I laughed a lot on this particular day, all my best women were present and they were all chaotic and so free! I upset mama and the henna artist when I stupidly smudged my design from laughing, thankfully It was easily adjusted! After that my friends still threw me the biggest bridal shower ever actually it was a sleepover.

Next was the daurin aure which left me in a mood I had to mask the whole day, It had finally hit me that I was married and I would be leaving this house, so many memories flooded my head, sweet and very painful ones.

"Especially that aunty Zulaihat she really annoyed me today, wai she heard I have a short temper so I better lose it else My husband will divorce me hmm I wanted to say just like yours did but I held my mouth it was so hard!" Hafsa ranted, irritation laced her voice making us laugh.

"chap da kin fada, you will find yourself 6 feet underground!" Hanifa told her.

"Ah toh and this time I will not follow you to face Boss and Mama you will be on your o-" the sound of my phone ringing cut me off, It was my older brother Ibrahim.

After we spoke for a bit he asked to speak to "Hafsa coco" the weird nickname he gave her since she was like 2. He called to ask how I was doing and how everything was going, we haven't seen much of each other since the wedding started. After tomorrow I'll be seeing him once in a while, Hafsa and Hanifa too and the thoughts really dampened my mood. My life is about to change totally.

Me, Ayesha that doesn't particularly enjoy waking up early and grew up with things being done is about to run a whole house. Someone is going to depend on me to eat for the environment we live in to be clean omg the thoughts are exhausting me!

"I am hungry" I said realizing that I only ate once today.

"Same wallahi" Hanifa said holding her stomach.

"let's go and ask mama for snacks or something" I said getting up.

"Get me something too" Hafsa yelled balancing on a bean bag and facing the tv. Such a lazy girl! How will she survive when I leave?

"Lallai you guys are still awake by this time! What do you want?" Mama said after she opened the door for us and we laughed.

"Wallahi mama we're feeling Hungry" I said and she smiled at me lovingly.

"l knew you might be ku shiga walk in closet there's meat there and chin chin as well as some cookies and the remaining candy I shared for those kids" I grinned widely as I basically ran into the closet to help myself.

After we we're satisfied we came out, "please go and get some rest kunji? (You hear)"

"Goodnight thank you" I said as we left her room and headed back to mine doing a stupid dance with our mouths already full.

We are quietly as we watched keeping up with the kardashians before Hafsa decided to break the silence of course.

"Soooo I know it's not in my place to ask but it's been bugging me" she started giggling "are you scared for your first night?"

Hanifa burst into laughter and I just rolled my eyes, I was actually scared. "I am to be honest I don't want too do anything on the first night"

"Ha what if he wants too? You know you have curves and all that I mean.." Hanifa trailed off.

"I don't know. Please let's not talk about it it's weird abeg Astaghfiruallah" I said and we all laughed.

After an hour more of gisting we all fell asleep.

First chapter done!
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