Pov: Sonic

  I've been here since yesterday, and now there were suddenly two new mortals. Their name were aperently Vanilla and Cream. There was a blue and yellow floating creature too. Cream called it Cheese. Cream and Cheese. Cream n Cheese. Cream cheese, wait isn't that a mortal food?

"Mr. Sonic," Cream pulled me out of my thoughts. She placed a plate with a triangle thing on my lap, "I made enough cake for you too."

"Oh... um..." I'm gonna die of food posioning. Great... "y-you really shouldn't have."

"Please taste it Mr. Sonic," her eyes were shining, oh please don't beg.

"... okay..." I sighed, picking up a piece of the, cake is what she called it, and took a bite. So gross, it tasted like something putrid to me.

"Do you like it? It's strawberry cream. I made it myself," why did she have to wear that big smile?

"Hmm humm," I nodded swallowing the gross bite I took of the cake.

"I'm glad you like it," she smiled, "I'll bring you a second piece when you finish that one, okay?"

  I have to finish this?! I already felt sick to my stomach.

"Cream save some cake for the us too. Don't just feed Sonic," Amy whined.

  As soon as everyone was distracted I left to Rouge's room. This place was dark and safe. I figure I could wait for the cake to just digest, I was mistaken.

Pov: Shadow

"Where'd sonic go?" Tails had noticed his disappearance as well.

"And he left such a delious piece of cake behind," Amy whined, "he's so rude."

  I looked around around the house, he was in Rouge's bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"... I'm not suposed..." he threw up, it was red and black. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing for him, I'd never seen a sick vampire.

"To eat human food," I sat next to this thing as it emptied it's stomach, he took one bite of cake. Is he throwing up the steak he drained yesterday too?

  He stopped and just rested against the tub. He looked as though he was used to this.

"Throw up often?" I asked flushing the toilet.

"Only when I'm forced to drink mortal blood. And now human food," he filed a cup with water and dropped in some mix of herbs he made before rinsing his mouth.

"You really don't drink mortal blood?" He was a mystery to me. What vampire survives a heart wound and refuses mortal blood? "Why not?"

"I... I'd rather not get near something that can kill me," he rinsed his hands and dried them off.

"But you can't die."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt like hell!" He snapped, "... I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell..." he backed down, he became nervous and shy again.

"Did you throw up last night's stake too?" He looked down when I asked that.

"It takes longer to digest nonmortal blood... that's why other vampires get such a craving. Your blood leaves their system too fast. So then they want more," he sat down, his body looked weaker than other vampire's, "I just eat when I come across a small animal in the woods about once a week. I don't need that much food."

"What happens when you can't find a small animal?" He made me curious.

"I drink my own blood... but Scourge hates it when I do that. So he forces me to drink mortal blood instead," he was so different.

"How does he force you?"

"He drinks it, then forces it through my fangs," he pointed at the sharp fangs that replaced his k9s.

  Fangs to fangs? Wouldn't that require a kiss? Why the hell is that scummbag kissing him? I froze at my own thoughts and repeated that last sentence a few times, jealousy... as if. This is another vampire... but he's not like any of them. I sighed, this kid wasn't what I expected when it came to a pet Vampire. I didn't know what to expect of him. I felt a weight on my shoulder, he had fallen asleep on me. Great. I'm a flesh pillow for a vampire. I picked him up and laid him down in Rouge's bed. I covered him with her blanket after removing his shoes. I could hardly see in this room without the lights on, yet my room used a UV light when ever something moved. No one was here other than us. Only out of curiosity. It's just because he's different... I lifted the hood and took a glance at his sleeping face. Peaceful and calm. My hand brushed against a bit of his fur... soft... what the hell am I doing. He's just another one of them.

  I walked back down to the others. There was no way I was interested in him other than go know my enemy.

Pov: Rouge

  I went up to look for Sonic, Shadow was coming out of my room.

"The cake made him sick. He's resting now because of it," he saw me.

"Oh no. Did he puke?" I asked.

"Yes, but I didn't know is it was a normal color for him. He didn't seem worried. He'd be.fine even if he was dying-" he stopped talking as a smug smile grew on my face, "what," he growled is that demanding voice that never scared me.

"You like him," I felt so happy.

"I could never like a vampire," he got all defensive, pure proof he liked Sonic.

"You totally do. Aww~ did you hild his quills back, or carry him go bed?" He was blushing, "ooh you're blushing. Which was it? Did you kiss him good night? Or is it good day?"

"Shut it. I did none of those," he walked away, "annoying bat."

"You can't deny the truth Shadow. He'll come around," I reasured myself.

  Sonic was sound asleep. It was close to noon, it was late for him. You're going to keep me up all night. Maybe I can switch your sleep scedual? You'll be up all day, sleep all night. That would be cruel for a vampire who can't enjoy the day.

"Just be quiet while I'm sleeping. Kay sweetie?" I ruffled his quills a bit, "sweet dreams."


Mama Rouge! I'll never see her as anything other than a mother figure again. Shadow's asking a lot of questions to. Well see where that goes.

Bye bye~😙

Little Vampire (Sonadow vs Sonourge vs Mephonicilver)Where stories live. Discover now