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PoV: Shadow

We were all in the yard today. Sonic and the others kept me up all night again. Honestly do the need to have sex every night?

--- Last Night ---

I wanted to kill them all. The damn crashing and sounds of tools drove me crazy. It stopped around 2 am.

"Finally, I can get some rest," I sighed.

They had been expanding the basement to be a second home for themselves. How I wished they did it during the day so we weren't here. We've gotten several noise complaints already. I closed my eyes and took this opportunity of quiet while I could. Unfortunately I instead got the urge to pee.

I walked out of the bathroom, "aah~"

I immediately felt irritated. It was faint. Rouge hadn't heard them yet, or she was getting ready to kick their ass. I walked down to the basement with immediate regret.

Light Lemons

Scourge was pinning Sonic down on a makeshift mattress. Not only that but Sonic was moaning like crazy because the lime bastard was sucking him off. His back arched as he gripped the sheets. He wasn't wearing anything, something told me Scourge was going to go further.

"Mother fuckers lay off the kid!" I threw a hammer at him.

"Oww," bullseye, "hey you aren't a part of this battle," he healed instantly.

I noticed the bite mark on Sonic's neck.

"Did you drink the kids blood you fucking asshole?!" I growled.

"The hell are you even doing up?! Don't you mortals need sleep?" He brushed me off.

"How can I sleep WHEN YOU'RE MAKING ALL THAT RACKET!" I shouted, "not to mention the three of you keep fucking Sonic every fucking day."

"Hey leave Sonic out of this!" Silver snapped.

"He has no blame here!" Mephalis glared.

"You four are dead you hear me!" Rouge kicked me down the stairs, right onto the three stogies, "Sonic sweetie come here," she picked up Sonic, "you know what it's bath time. Then you can sleep in my bed. Any of you touch him and I'll personally slit your throats with a silver blade."

"Okay, she's scary," Silver gulped.

"I won't let her touch you," Mephalis hugged him.

"Get off me," Scourge knocked me to the ground.

"You act like that was my idea," I stood up and dusted my boxers off.

"Aww man, Sonic was so close to cumming to. I want to apologize for drinking too much blood earlier," he sighed.

"You call an unwanted blow job an apology?" I raised a brow.

"What you jealous?"


"Well you will be," he moved his jacket and shirt. There was a dark mark near his neck, "Sonic personally gave me a hickey."

"A worthless jackass like you? You probrably forced him," I rolled my eyes and left.

"I'm only a jackass to everyone else. I would never dream of hurting Sonic," he called as I closed the door, "My only will is for him to be happy."

I walked back into my own room. For some reason my hand slipped up to that spot on the base of my neck. Sonic gave him a mark there, why did that piss me off? It felt like something was missing, I shook it off.

"No way in hell am I jealous of those three."

--- Present Day ---

Sonic was asleep in Rouge's room. The three stogies had been locked in the basement for 'inappropriate' behaviour last night. I didn't go unpunished, Rouge made sure to hit me upside the head for yelling instead of helping.

"Rouge," Sonic was hidding in her hoodie, I didn't notice he got up.

"Sonic it's dangerous for you out here. Why aren't you in bed?" Rouge asked.

"I wanted to be out here with everyone else," Sonic answered.

"Okay... but stay on the porch. Don't go into the sun," she had Sonic sit in my spot in the shade, "are you hungry?"

"No, not for another night," Sonic answered.

"Okay then," Rouge kissed his forehead, I'll defrost the meat before I go tomorrow."

Sonic, you're a strange little vampire aren't you. I sat down next to him, for someone who could never go in the sun uncovered, I was curious as go how it felt for him.

"Shadow, what's it like?" He asked.

"What?" I replied and sipped my drink.

"To be in the sun everyday. What's it's like to be in the light? To live, just to know one day you could die?" He hugged his stuffed rabbit.

"I'm afraid I can only answer the first question," he looked at me, "being in the sun everyday. I'd never given it much thought other than a way to tell time. What do you think? Being out here like this."

"It beautiful," he answered, "it's a light that cannot be compared to the moon, because it's entirely different. The moon's light, it has elegance and grace in its beauty. But it's cold, and lonely. It soothes the world and calls for sleep.

"The sun, it's entirely different. This light, it wakes you. It gives energy, and warmth... I may never feel it's warmth on my skin, but I still feel it's heat through the shade. So long as the sun is up, this planet is alive. It's radiant and playful. It's fun, and compelling.

"It might only be because I'm bound to the moon, but if I could be mortal for a day... I would be greatful to live in fear of death for a single moment, if only to truely feel the sun."

"You're beautiful," I thought as I brushed my hand against his cheek.

"Hm?" He didn't hear, and I realized I had said my thoughts out loud.

"Nothing," I retracted my hand.

"Oh Sonic, that was beautiful," Amy had been listening to him, "you're just the sweetest vampire ever."

"Oh um... thank you?" He looked a little nervous.

"You know, we don't talk enough," there it was, Amy's interest peaked.

"Well I'm leaving," I left.

Sonic was stranded with Amy talking non stop, not even giving him a chance to prossess what was happening. I enjoyed seeing him with us. I look at the day, something Sonic would never be able to enjoy, but he spoke of his truth. For some reason, they way he described the day; He made it an impossible amount more beautiful.


Shadow you're falling for him 😁 Of course who knows if Sonic will love him back. 🙄😊😁

See ya soon ~😙

Little Vampire (Sonadow vs Sonourge vs Mephonicilver)Where stories live. Discover now