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PoV: Sonic

  I couldn't sleep like the others. I made sure I was covered by a blanket before going upstairs. Empty... this house had so many people, but when ever I'm awake... it's empty.

"A monster like me doesn't belong..." I sighed and looked in the fridge. The meat inside was labled 'off limits,' "oh maybe the rabbit is still outside."

"Sonic, it's late. What are you doing up?" Scourge came up.

"I couldn't sleep," I replied.

"Your hungry now aren't you," he pulled me further into the shade, "There's one blood bag left, I know you don't like it but you have to eat."

"No, I don't want it," I shook my head no as he held me, "I can wait until sunset."

"That's in 6 hours, are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure," I replied.

"Come on, it warm up here. Let's get you back in the dark," he carried me down the stairs again.

PoV: Shadow

  Classes seemed to drag on more than usual. Sonic should be asleep, holding that stuffed rabbit- what the fuck? Why is he in my head today? I ignored it, it was most likely because we just got him back from a kidnapping. I had hardly gotten any sleep because of his stupid friends. Why are they constantly around him? Now they're even in the house at night. Honestly, Sonic alone was easy to watch over. He was quiet at... night... ... he was by himself until morning. Rouge, what have you done to this kid?


"I need to talk to you," I stopped Rouge during lunch.

"Okay, talk," Rouge answered.

"What exactly is your plan for Sonic?" I asked.

"He stays with us, I've been taking care of him just fine. Why? Do you still want to kill him?" She asked.

"Just listen. Sonic's asleep all day, even if he was awake in the day he'd be all alone while everyone's busy," I started, "at night we sleep. You keeping him is like locking him up, he's all alone."

"Why do you think I haven't kicked out Scourge, Silver, and Mephalis? No. I hate the fact that they use him for sex, but they are the only ones who can keep him company from midnight to sunrise. I know you hate them," she answered, "but they're the only vampires we know. Also, why didn't you tell me about the basement sooner?"

"I didn't want it used up for storage," I answered.

"Good call, we should start making it into a little apartment for Sonic. A place where he can be safe during the day. Where no kidnappers will find him," Rouge opened her notebook, "I made a list of things we'll need. Also I'm stopping by the shop to get Sonic something to eat. You need anything?"

"No, I'm fine," I left and walked around campus.

  Maybe I should stay up with him? No, the three stogies can handle him. I order myself lunch and went along my day. For some reason, the thought of Sonic sitting alone at night would pop into my head. He was on my mind all day, how scared he was when  I first met him. How lifeless he became when I tried to kill him. How afraid he was of everyone but Rouge. We had only been tormenting him since we got him. No wonder Rouge pampers him.


PoV: Rouge

  I got home to find Sonic sound asleep in the basement. That stuffed bunny in his arm like always. What annoyed me were the destroyed walls I discovered down here. I decided I'd have a chat with the three responsible later.


"Hey, the mortals are still here," Scourge said coming up from the basement, "remind me again why you exist?"

"Haha very funny," Amy replied, "Hey where's Sonic?"

"He'll be up in a few minutes. The littles are still up huh?" He said looking at Cream and Tails in the living room.

"It's a weekend, so everyone's off of school," Cream replied, "we can stay up and play with Sonic tonight."

"Oh, great," Scourge sighed, "what's that?"

"I found this cute little bunny outside, isn't he presious?" Cream smiled.

"Well shit," Scourge curse.

"Why are you cursing this early?" Silver came up, "Well Sonic's dinner is in jeopardy."

"What are you talking about?" Cream asked.

  I got the message. They brought the rabbit for Sonic. Cream was going to be devastated when he drank it. I'm glad I bought him a steak.

PoV: Mephalis

  Sonic woke up in my arms for a change. Usually Scourge held him all day, but he woke up early and left like an idiot.

"Good evening," I smiled.

"Gooh nyahght Mephy," he yawned, "hat's oing yahn?"

"Nothing, just you being adorable," I hugged him, "You feel like playing a game tonight?"

"No~" he whined.

"Please?" I knew begging got to him, so that's what's I did.

"Nyo -on't beg... pwease~" he whined.

"Please Sonic, I'll make you smile," I begged again.

"Fine," he had the most adorable pout.

  I gave his puffy cheek a raspberry and he burst out laughing. I loved that smile as much as I loved Silver's. His stomach grumbled and I carried him upstairs. I was met with a crying child and glares from Scourge. The slight glare from Shadow, on the other hand, that was one to look out for.

  I didn't like that in anyway, he glared with hated alone. For once I hardly saw any bloodlust, and Sonic was going to start giving off pharamones soon for mating season. He couldn't  bred, but it still ment for better protection on our side. Sonic climbed out of my arms and stretched. I caught a glimpse of his white underwear before he pulls him pants over them.


Sonic was draining some meat Rouge brought for him. I pulled Shadow outside while he ate, Silver with me.

"Care to explain why we had to leave the house?" He asked.

"We know how you mortals work. You wait for spring to bred, and the domanints pick their mates. Spring happens to be a few weeks away," Silver started.

"And I knew exactly what that glare you gave me ment. Listen Shadow, the war for Sonic is between the two of us and Scourge. You have no business going after him," I stated, "stay away from our Sonic, ya got that."

"I had no interest in him in the first place, you can have him," Shadow walked away.

"Don't you dare talk about Sonic like he just some stranger, ya got that. You should still treat him with respect," Silver scolded. Shadow left, "he lying Mephy."

"I know," I watched how he glanced at Sonic who Rouge was cleaning up. A clear interest in him, "that lying bastard."


  Well, Shadows got someone on him mind. Good luck dealing with 3 jealous vampires buddy.

  See ya later~ 😄

Little Vampire (Sonadow vs Sonourge vs Mephonicilver)Where stories live. Discover now