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PoV: Rouge

"He's different," I watched Sonic's moves carefully, "What happened while you were with him?"

"We ran into the cloaked woman again," Shadow answered, "she gave me some information."

"About?" I implied.

"Sonic, and his parents," he said.

"He has parents?!" I whispered a shot.

"He's orphaned. He didn't know he had them either,  Shadow open ed a soda, "he thought he had been bitten."

"Well, he hasn't eaten since he got back so I'm going to feed him. Text me what you learned," I handed Shadow his charged phone, which he stupidly left behind.

"No problem."

"Sonic, come on. It's lunch time," I picked him up off the couch.

"Is it? I don't feel hungry," he said.

"Yes, and you always day you're not hungry. Now, do you want steak or ribeye," I held out both for him to choose.

"This one," he grabbed the ribeye.

"You can have the other tomorrow," I put the other away and watched him eat. But... he wasn't draining the blood as thoroughly. In fact, what freaked me out was the sight if him biting into it, "Shadow..." I whispered, "Look."

"He's never-"

"No. Is it a vampire thing?"

"Not sure."

"Sonic what's going on?" Silver came in, "you never bite."

"Oh, nothing. Did I bite?" Sonic looked down at the bitemark he left on the meat.

"Maybe it's bedtime," I took the plate away and cleaned his face, "You still need rest."

"I'm not-"

"Lets go," I carried him to the bath, "bath time."


PoV: Sonic

  I felt different, more like me. Though I wasn't sure if that made sense. Rouge gave me a bath and dressed me in pyjamas. She turned off the lights, closed the curtains, tucked me in, kissed my nose, and said goodnight.

  I couldn't sleep. I snuck out of the blankets and looked out the window, the moon was out. A crescent moon. I snuck down to the basement. Scourge, Mephilies and Silver were there.

"Sonic, I need you," Scourge pulled me into the room. He licked the door and I knew what that ment, "I missed you so much."

  He hugged me and pulled me into bed.

"Scourge... do you think I'm different?" I asked.

"You're different from any other vampire. I love you for that," he was leaning over me.

"What if I'm not-" he kissed me.

"Doesn't matter, I love you anyway."


"Scourge, isn't this a little fast?" I asked as he pulled my shirt off.

"You like things fast," He kissed me again, pulling my pants off.

"Yeah but, we just got back and- AAAHA~♡♡!"

  He licked between my legs and then I felt him suck.

"Nyaahaaa~aa♡!" He just kept going. I couldn't say anything. It felt good, but...

"I missed your voice," I felt his starting to go in.

"Wait!" I pushed him away and stood at the edge of the bed, but back facing him.

"What's wrong? You've always liked sex. We've done it 1020 years. I know what you like, you know that I do," Scourge hugged me.

"Just... please, don't drain me. I don't think my bloods the same anymore. I don't want anyone to drink it until I can figure out why," I said, "And... please tell me if it feels different. Okay?"

"Okay, I won't bite. Promise," he kissed me for the third time and I felt him lift my leg.

  He pushed his length inside of me. I covered my mouth as he did what he needed. I didn't want Rouge to hear us. I felt thay warm feeling of him cumming inside and he laid me on the bed.

Lemons End

"So?" I asked.

"It was a little different," He answered.

"It was bad wasn't it," I gripped the pillow.

"It was better, actually," Scourge laid over me a whispered into my ear, "it was so much tighter and warmer. Chaos, it was soo much softer and wetter too. Your ass just got so much more impressive. I thought you already were the best sex I've ever had."

"Scourge, you've tasted every animal there is right?" I asked.

"No, you're thinking if Silver. Why?"

"I need to check something. I'll be right back."

  I walked out to find Silver snuggling with Mephilies.

"Sonic~ care to join?" Silver purred.

"It's been a while fore the three of us. And you're already naked," Mephilies pulled me down onto Silver's lap.

"I just need to ask something," I said.


"Silver," I started.

"Yeah?" He looked at me.

"Have you ever bitten a werewolf?" I asked.

"Once. Their blood is way too sweet for my taste. Mortals are so much better," he said.

"I need you to taste me," I said, holding out my hand.

"You luck Bastard, Sonic wouldn't let me drink any and now you're offered blood," Scourge came out.

"You can have some later," I stated, "Silver please. Tell me what it tastes like."

"Sonic we know what you taste like-"

"Please. Just bite Mephilies so you know what a vampire taste like, then bite me for comparison. I need to know this," I begged him.

"Okay," Sliver pricked Mephiles's finger and licked the blood. He waited a bit and then bit into my hand, drinking a few sips, "It's..."

"What is it?" I felt anxious.

"It's sweeter than a vampire. But they're sour. You're kinda sweet and sour," he licked the bite mark, "Scourge let me see."

"What no, you're not biting me," Scourge backed away.

"Let me see," Silver grabbed him and bit his arm.

"Ow! Get off!" Scourge growled.

"You're sour too. I thought you'd be rotten," Sliver smirked.

"Shut up you corpse," Scourge hugged.

"Vampires are sour. Silver are morals bitter to you?" I picked my hand to heal the bite.

"No, they're more rich. Kinda like a really really really amazing wine," he started drooling, "Oh I could use a flesh would right now."

"Are only werewolves that sweet?" I asked my last question.

"Yeah. Sonic you don't think your-"

"I think I am. I think I'm a half breed."


Little Vampire (Sonadow vs Sonourge vs Mephonicilver)Where stories live. Discover now