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PoV: Shadow

"Where the hell is he?" Scourge growled.

  I hated this as much as he did. No hideouts we checked or location we drove to had Sonic or even a clue.

"Shadow," a woman grabbed me as we searched through the woods.

"Let go of me," I snapped.

"You want Sonic returned or not," I stopped resisting when she said that.

"You're voice... you're the one who was in the cloak," I recognized her tone.

"You're intellegant, expected from an immortal. I only have enough energy left to get you near Sonic's location," she said, "Scourge, Silver and Mephiles may have known him longer... but you're the only one I can rely on to protect him."

"Why are you saying all this to me?" I asked.

"Motivation for a hedgehog who can't be tracked by a vampire. Besides, you're incapable of drinking his blood. You have to promise me you won't let him get hurt. I'll find you if he's hurt," she was practicly breaking my wrist.

"You swear he's there?" I asked.

"On my life," she opened a portal and handed me a bracelet with a purple jewel on it, "Please. Put this around his wrist when you find him. It'll keep other vampires from smelling anything different in his blood."

"Is this one going to sink into his flesh too?"

"I'm going to push you into that portal Shadow," she snapped.

  I jumped through and I landed in a swamp. Sonic's scent was in the air.


"Werewolves. Glad my guns are loaded with silver bullets," I smirked and walked off.

PoV: Sonic

"So small."

"He really doesn't bite."

"How cute."

"The stories are true," an old woman was touching my face.

"Um... miss... could you let me go?" I asked, "Aa!"

  She opened my mouth, "Such sharp fangs. Enough to scare off predictors."

"Mother, do you know him?" The girl from before asked.

"No, but my ancestors did," the old woman wouldn't stop touching me, "Do you remember meeting people here?"

"Not really. I've come across lots of villages," I said.

"You killed the vampire that plagued our tribe," as soon as she said that I remembered this place.

  My first vampire kill...

--- 4019 years ago ---

"Hey, what are you doing in the shadows?" A girl with silver fur held her hand out for me.

"I wouldn't recommend being near me," I started walking away.

"So cold. I'm not letting you get by with that attitude," she grabbed me.

"Let go!" I snapped, claws out to keep her away.

"You're another vampire. You're lucky we don't kill you!" She rammed a stake through my arm and ran away, "everyone, there's a second vampire!"

  I pulled the stake out of my arm and walked away. Their campfire around their tents didn't interest me.


"I am here!" I heard a deep voice, some vampire was going on about something, "Now, bring me my offering or I'll kill you all!"

"Taking on the high role," I said, watching from the trees, "no wonder she didn't aim for my heart."

  I didn't care, and continued to go.

"You're another vampire right?" Some kid grabbed my arm, "please, make that one leave our village. I will offer my blood in return, just save us... please."

"I'm not interested in mortal blood," I pulled away and he clung to my leg, "Hey, hands off. I have no business here."

"What a tasty child you've brought me," the vampire jumped behind me, "and a lovely woman to carry my children as well."

"I'm no woman," I slammed my elbow into his nose.

"Fuck! You bitch!" He bleed out from his lip, and nose, "You'll lay down and open those legs when I finish that child. Even if I have to force you down myself. "

"You've been plaguing these people for a while now. Well then, have it written that I'm mearly protecting myself," I got ready for a fight.

"You're cocky for a mortal," he growled, barring his fangs.

"Who said I was mortal?" I smiled and attacked.

  It started off as a regular fight. Punches, kicks, scratches and attempts to bite the other. When I bit, everything went fuzzy. Who knew vampire blood tasted that addictive.

--- After the Fight ---

  Blood. Blood over my hands as he laid dead in front of me. The vampire who lived off sacrifices. He was dead, and I couldn't remember how I did it. How I manage to put a hole in his chest and scratch out his eye.

"You've saved us," the villagers cried besides me. Some hugged me, and many said thank you.

"Are you going to eat any of us?" A child asked me.

"No, I'm not. I have no interest in mortal blood, I much prefer the blood of an animal or my own," I said trying to walk away.

"I'll remember you forever," the boy I saved shouted, "We won't ever forget you! Our mortal vampire!"

--- Present Day ---

"Mortal vampire," my attention was called, "we never forgot you."

"That's what I get for saving people," I sighed.

"Mother!" Another called, Wait, does everyone call her Mother?

"What is it Ulla," the old woman said.

"We have an intruder."


Little Vampire (Sonadow vs Sonourge vs Mephonicilver)Where stories live. Discover now