☆ 5 - opening up ☆

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Virgil texted Logan when he got back home.

Virgil: sup

Lo 👓🌈: Hello?

Virgil: it's virgil

Virgil: from school

Lo 👓🌈: Oh, that's good. Hi.

Virgil: i want to ask you something

Lo 👓🌈: Go ahead.

Virgil: what do people think of me? like when they see me? what are their first impressions?

Lo 👓🌈: Well, it depends on the person.

Virgil: what about the majority of people in our grade?

Lo 👓🌈: Well, the majority of people in our grade look at you and think you're the best and that you're pretty. They think you might be a little stuck up because you look popular and wear clothes that don't fit the school dress code, though. But they all really like you.

Virgil: yo really? most people like me?

Lo 👓🌈: Is this new information to you?

Virgil: well kinda. like i know im popular and people like me but i thought most people hated me

Lo 👓🌈: That's completely incorrect.

Virgil: ..what about you? your first impression of me?

Lo 👓🌈: That's a little bit awkward for me to answer because I'm not like the majority of students in our school.

Virgil: nah man hit me with it

Lo 👓🌈: I thought you were rebellious, annoying, and disrespectful, but had a good taste in music since you're usually wearing headphones.

Virgil: oh man

Lo 👓🌈: But it's different now that I actually know you.

Virgil: lol thanks

Lo 👓🌈: Why is the most popular student talking to the least popular student? This seems like a movie cliche.

Virgil: i mean you seem cool

Virgil: im sick of all the fake people in the school ya know? everybody wants to be my friend either to date me or gain popularity or both

Lo 👓🌈: ...How did you even get popular in the first place? You don't seem like the type to put yourself out there. (No offense, of course.)

Virgil: i showed up to school wearing dramatic makeup which got some attention but i mainly did it bc makeup is fun

Virgil: and then i skipped a lot of classes and got really bad grades, especially in bio and english, sophomore year

Virgil: and then i dated a jock for a couple months (before he cheated on me with a hoe named tara or some shit)

Virgil: so that's basically it

Lo 👓🌈: Wow.

Virgil: yeah. my grades were painful to look at that year. but im actually doing pretty well this year but math and bio are kinda hard

Lo 👓🌈: I could tutor you.

Virgil: really?

Lo 👓🌈: Yeah.

Lo 👓🌈: Also, can I ask you something? And you don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable.

Virgil: yeah go ahead

Lo 👓🌈: Why do you skip classes so much?

Virgil: i mean i'll answer if you promise not to tell anyone

Lo 👓🌈: I promise. I'm not an asshole.

Virgil: ok well

Virgil: i suffer from severe anxiety disorder. i have been for a while. if i have a presentation, i'll try to go to class but ik i'll have to talk in front of everyone so i'll chicken out and hide in the bathroom

Virgil: and yes, that's what i did today when you were in the bathroom too

Lo 👓🌈: Oh. I'm sorry if I crossed the line with that question.

Virgil: no, it's fine. tbh it's nice being able to tell someone that

Virgil: why did you skip class today?

Virgil: wait sorry, you said there you didn't want to talk about it and that's fine and you don't have to tell me

Lo 👓🌈: No, I think I can tell you since you told me.

Virgil: i mean you don't have to but alright

Lo 👓🌈: I suffer from depression. I hid in the stall because I didn't want to seem too emotional in front of so many other people. I didn't like the idea of being taunted by popular kids.

Virgil: oh... sorry man

Lo 👓🌈: No, you're fine. I mean the popular kids that break vending machines for fun and illegally purchase drugs.

Virgil: oh ok haha

Virgil: unrelated but do you want to hang out or something this weekend?

Lo 👓🌈: I don't have anything to do, so I suppose. But there won't be a bunch of people around, will there?

Virgil: pfft. me? virgil greyson? do you think virgil greyson likes being surrounded by people?

Lo 👓🌈: Well, yes. You usually are.

Virgil: well fair enough. first impressions count into everything

Virgil: the answer is no. i can't stand being with more than a few people so even if someone else is there, no more than two other people

Lo 👓🌈: Ha, okay.

Lo 👓🌈: Where?

Virgil: idk, at my house or something?

Lo 👓🌈: Okay.

Virgil: 3 pm on sunday at 42 mulligan street work for you?

Lo 👓🌈: Yeah.

Virgil: k :) see you at lunch tmrw

Lo 👓🌈: See you. :)

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