☆ 38 - is everything okay? ☆

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(a/n: the new video tho what the fuCk what did we do to deserve such amazing content i)

Logan unlocked the door to his house.

The air was automatically heavier and the smell of cigarettes almost made him nauseous.

He missed the comfort of Virgil's house already, but he wasn't going to be weak.

He just wanted to make him happy.

Then, he saw something he hadn't seen in quite some time.


"Hey, Mom." Logan dropped his backpack on the couch.

"You're back!"

Logan nodded. "Mhm. I thought it was time to try again."

She gave him a hug. "Oh, that's great!"

Logan's father came out of his room. "Oh. Hello, Logan. I thought it was someone important."

His breath reeked of vodka and Logan almost fainted from the smell alone.

"Hi Dad."

Logan's math teacher asked to see him after class, so when everybody was dismissed, he stayed behind and went up to her desk.

"Logan, is everything okay? Your score on the test today was much lower than any other test you've ever taken."

"What was my score?"

She gave him a sympathetic look. "It was a D+. If you need some extra help, you can come here after school and I'd be happy to fix whatever's holding you down."

Logan couldn't process anything she had just said.

Logan Decker?

With a D+?

In math?

Not even in gym?

In math?

He was flabbergasted.

"Seriously, is everything alright?"

He let out a short breath. "Yes, everything is fine."

She could see right through him. "If you say so. But, just so you know, I heard from many students that you were going through some rough times."

His heart stopped. "Who told you?"

"Just some reports from students who are also in your grade. I'm unsure if they would like to stay anonymous. I got a few a couple weeks ago and still get them occasionally."

Logan nodded. "Thank you. I should head to history now."

"Of course! Would you like a late pass?"

He nodded again and she scribbled her signature on a green sticky note.

"Here you go, Logan. Have a nice day!"

"You too. Thank you."

He was about to rush to history but then realized that...

The teacher hadn't used a slip. She used a sticky note. That meant she didn't write the time he left her room.

So basically, he could miss as much of class as he wanted.

So he turned around, walked to the bathroom, sat in a stall, carelessly placed his things on the floor, and stared at the wall.

He didn't cry.

He couldn't feel.

Well, he felt a lot of things.

But his arms were numb and he couldn't move.

He felt like a joke.

And things'll probably worsen,

But it's not like I'm some healthy person.

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