☆ 54 - cookie ☆

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He knocked on the door. He saw Virgil moving the curtain slightly to see who it was and then smiling when he saw Logan.

"Lo... You said you were going home." Virgil's grin turned into a frown when he saw how Logan was trying not to cry.

Logan used to be good with words. Now, he couldn't put them in the perfect enough order to say them out loud and he stood there, defeated. He shook his head and shrugged.

Virgil pulled him in for a hug and Patton came up behind them with cookies. "You want one?"

Logan shook his head.

"Too bad. You're getting seven. Come in."

Virgil let Logan lay down on his couch and before he could ask anything, Logan had fallen asleep. Virgil laughed breathily, but sadly. Logan had deep circles under his eyes.

Patton sighed. "You think he'll ever get better?"

"One day..." Virgil replied.

Logan woke up to the sound of his phone vibrating like crazy. His vision blurred and his mind went blank a couple times before he found his glasses which Virgil carefully took off him and had set next to the lamp.

Finally being able to see clearly, he saw he had countless missed calls and texts from his mother.

"Lo! You're up! Cookies?"

Logan turned around and saw Patton. "Sure. Thank you."

"No problem." Patton pecked him on the cheek. "Go talk to Virge. He's been worried sick about you, and also I want you two to kiss so, yeah."

But Virgil had already rushed in. "Lo! Sis, you good?"

Logan shrugged. Then he showed Virgil his phone screen opened to all the notifications from his mother. "What do I do?!"

Carefully, Patton took the phone away from Logan and set it on the table. He placed a chocolate chip cookie in its place. "Chocolate makes you feel better. Trust me. As for the situation with your mom... I dunno. I'm a dumb freshman and I basically know nothing, so you can ask Virgil." He ruffled his hair slightly and waved goodbye as he went back to his room.

Virgil held Logan's hand. "You're gonna have to answer her at some point."

Logan sighed but nodded. "I know."

And for what he believed to be the first time ever, he stress ate.

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