☆ 60 - finale ☆

486 43 14

(a/n: oh my god. i really postponed this for four months. im the worst holy shit)

tw: references to past abuse

Seeing his father behind bars was the weirdest thing Logan had ever seen. It wasn't a surprising sight, but the thought of him being restrained felt new.

He was holding Virgil's hand a little too tightly, but Virgil didn't mind because when he saw Logan's tensed jaw and stiffened arms, he just wanted to be there for him.

"Why?" was all Logan could push out.

His father gave him that same glare as he always did, but this time with a hint of sadness behind it. "It's what happens to you when you go your whole life believing you didn't need therapy, and then it became too late," he said through gritted teeth. He looked at Virgil. "Your boyfriend?"

Logan gulped and looked at the floor. "Yes..."

The older man sighed and stared at the wall.

"Nice to see you too, bitch," Virgil said, slightly offended. "Shit, no need to be rude."

"I'm trying," he replied, deadpan.

"You didn't try when you ruined my entire childhood," Logan blurted out. "When- When I cried alone every day and hid from you in the bathroom because I was afraid of you."

Virgil rubbed Logan's arm slowly to calm him down a bit. As much as he liked seeing Logan go off, he could tell his boyfriend was on the brink of tears.

When his father didn't say anything back and merely shook his head, Virgil pulled Logan in for a kiss, getting lip gloss on him, and smiled. "Do you wanna go to Pinkberry and leave this shit hole?"

Logan hesitated, and a smile spread across his own face. "Yes. I'd love to." With one last glance at his father, he left running out the door, hand in hand with the boy he loved.

And when they did get to Pinkberry, God, frozen yogurt had never tasted so good.

Virgil's frozen yogurt was red and white, and at one point, he held it up to Logan's mouth and Logan stared at it, not knowing what to do. "I'm feeding you," Virgil laughed. With his free hand, he pushed his dark bangs out of the way.

"I- Oh!" Logan blushed and ate off of Virgil's spoon. "Thank you?"

"No problem." He smirked.

Suddenly, Patton and Elliott walked in while holding hands and at soon as Patton met eyes with his older brother, he dropped Elliott's hand in an instant and turned red. "Hi, Virge."

"Use protection tonight, little guy!" Virgil called out to him a little too loudly.

Both Patton and Elliott put their head in their hands in both frustration and embarrassment.

While Virgil was distracted making fun of his younger brother, Logan wrapped his arms around the other's waist and rested his head on his shoulder, leaving shy sweet kisses on his neck.

"You're the one who needs it!" Patton retorted, gesturing to what Logan was doing.

As they bickered playfully, Logan figured he could finally shut Virgil up by kissing him, and it worked.

"You're adorable," Virgil purred. "I love you so much."

"I love you more," Logan whispered. "So, so much more. Thank you for today. I feel like I can face even bigger problems now."

"Anything for you." Virgil tapped Logan's nose, then kissed him again. "You've helped me through so much shit. It's the least I can do for you."

"You taste like peppermint," Logan told him, grinning.

"You taste like strawberries."

They sat there in silence for a moment or two and Virgil said, "God, I'm so in love with you. You really have no idea. It feels like how it did when we first started dating. I always thought that feeling faded away, like with every other guy who treated me like shit." He looked at his nerd. "Thank you for being different."

"Even though I have a super problematic family life?"

"You aren't your family, are you? You're so much more."

Logan continued eating his frozen yogurt while giving Virgil an appreciative look. When they didn't have anything more to say, they ate while watching YouTube, which they listened to by sharing Virgil's AirPods.

They finished their frozen yogurt at about the same time and left Pinkberry as soon as they cleaned up.

There was a big weird statue at town center. Neither really understood what it was supposed to be. It just looked like a bunch of shapes overlapped and intersecting, including huge rings which people liked to take pictures with. They figured they didn't need to understand it completely. It was still beautiful. The vibrant colors inspired Virgil and made Logan think deeper.

"I'm totally doing your makeup with this color scheme," Virgil said.

Logan smiled. "I'm excited."

They sat together on a curved part of the display. Like the nearby tree, people had carved things into it, but it contained lyrics and drawings and everything that was freeing about life.

Logan basked in the feeling of freedom.

Fuck homework.

Fuck tests.

Fuck prioritizing school over being able to feel this.

He didn't even know he could feel that.

And he reached for Virgil's hand, and they stayed like that for a while, talking the hours away about their dreams, their passions, and their love.

Maybe they were only young and dumb teenagers, naïve and gave into feelings too easily, but fuck it. They could only live through it once, and the future would always be uncertain.

So both high school boys tore back the prison bars and ran wild in the sun that was beating down a little too intensely but they didn't mind.

They both flopped down on the soft grass.

"I love you," Virgil repeated himself for the tenth time in the past ten minutes.

"I love you too."


They linked arms as the world suddenly became quiet enough for everyone to hear Logan's reply.


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