☆ 22 - brother & boyfriend ☆

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(a/n: writer's block but im pushing through so these last few chapters have been kinda bad um they'll get better when im not writing them at 3 am)

Virgil started making some food for the three teens because their parents weren't home for some reason. Probably due to the heavy rain or something.

Patton left and found Logan in the basement.

Logan was definitely not looking for lined paper. He was sitting on the floor, staring blankly at the floor, deep in thought.

Patton gently tapped his shoulder. "Hey, bud. You wanted to talk to me?"

Logan gulped and nodded.

"So what's going on?"

Logan was struggling to speak, but Patton understood and waited patiently.

"I-I apologize, it must be so irritating to wait for me speak when I was the one who wanted to speak," Logan let out with a heavy sigh.

"Lo... I had speaking problems when I was younger. I had a lisp and I stuttered with every word I spoke. I was sure people were tired of waiting on me to speak correctly, and I know how it feels, and you'll get through this. I will always be patient with you, and when I say I understand, I really do understand, and you're being so hard on yourself. Take a deep breath... and tell me as soon as you're ready. Okay?"

The nerd nodded. "I just... This sounds stupid."

"Whatever it is that's bothering you this much can't be stupid."

Look at you, Logan. You're a 17 year old getting comforted by a 14 year old.

"Logan? Do you want a cold towel to put on the back of your neck to calm you down? Or I can get you some water if your throat is drying up from nervousness?"

"No, no, I think I'm fine. Thank you."

"You think you can tell me?"

Logan sucked in a deep breath, before shutting his eyes and asking, "Is Virgil getting sick of me?"

"No! Of course not! Why would you think such a thing?"

"I don't know. It's moronic, really."

"I know you're lying. That's what everyone says when they're too scared to say what's really bothering them. But hiding what's hurting you, especially from people you trust, is going to make your situation worse. I get why you wouldn't tell Virgil, but starting to tell me, your best friend, could help you a lot."

"If I tell you, will you tell him?"

"Do you want me to?"

"God, no... At least not now..."

"Then I won't tell him. I will double delta nu sister swear on it."

"We aren't in a sorority-"

"It's a reference."


Patton held Logan's hand, which Logan was a bit shy to let him do.

"Now," the bubbly one spoke, "do you think you're alright to continue?"

"Yes. I am going to say it all right now as quick as I can. It's like a band-aid, you just have to rip it off..."


"It's hard." Logan was already starting to choke up, but he cleared his throat. "My parents are barely parents to me and I don't have any siblings. When I actually had a friend, he eventually left, and I was so bad at talking to people for years until I met you and Virgil. I don't have much experience in connecting with others, and I think sometimes that I'm disappointing everyone.

"At school, students actually seem to like me, but... I can't talk to people... normally? And I may be hurting Virgil and myself by breaking down every five minutes because I don't know how to interact with others properly!

"He's so beautiful and amazing and I feel like I'm ruining everything for him. I don't want to put him down and upset for me just because I can't do anything right.

"Even while I'm talking right now, I'm rambling. I'm even irritating myself. I just wonder why he chose me over literally anybody else."

Patton pulled his friend into a hug. "You are worth so much more than you think you are. Virgil needs you. And just because you have bad days, doesn't mean he will stop liking you. You're doing your best, correct?"


"And that is all Virgil wants. He wants you to try your best. Nobody's perfect, not even him. You might think he is, but everyone's kinda messed up inside. As for not speaking with people much, you should join a club or something!"

"Like... Mathletes?"

"No, that's social suicide!" Patton gasped. "Oh, sorry! I wasn't thinking! If you want to, go ahead!"

"I'm unsure. There's not much the school has to offer that I want to do."

"You can be in tech crew with me?"

"You said Jackson is in tech crew right?"

Patton bit his lip. "Ohhh, yeah. Okay, maybe not tech crew. How about... Oh! What about the GSA?"

"I mean... maybe. I don't know."

"Oh! You're becoming kinda friends with Ro, right?"

Logan nodded. "Not very close friends, but we don't hate each other anymore."

"Spend some more time with him! If you only stick with me and Virge, your problems are going to get worse."

"And if I become an emotional wreck in front of Roman...?"

"If you make plans with him, invite me and Virgil too. We'll be there if anything happens."

He took in a shaky breath. "Okay. I predict that I will most likely mess up, but okay."

"That's the spirit!"

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