☆ 59 - it'll be okay ☆

699 55 38

Summer depression always hit.


More for Logan than Virgil. Each time summer came around, Logan went through his midlife crisis years before he was supposed to go through his quarter-life crisis.

Virgil brought Logan tissues and ordered pineapple pizza for him because fuck you, I love pineapple pizza so my favorite character should love it too and you can't fucking stop me, and don't you dare say sweet and savory don't go together because yes they do, you just have no taste.

Anyway, Logan was leaning against Virgil while thinking about what his plans were that day.

He would be visiting his father in jail for the first time in what was barely over a month, but felt like a year.

"He can't hurt you, he'll be behind bars."

"I know," the nerd sighed. "I should stop worrying, but it's just strange. After all these years, he's in jail, and I don't know why I still can't comprehend that idea. I've wanted him in prison since middle school."

"Do you have a plan?"

"For once... no. Not really. I might cry. Or maybe tell him to suck a gargantuan dick. I might even do both. I don't know yet."

Virgil laughed and poked Logan's cheeks lovingly. It had become a habit now that Virgil became even touchier than before. "Welp, break a leg then?"

"Since when do you use theatre terms?"

"Since I became friends with Roman who primarily speaks in theatre terms, Lo."

"You're so cute," he mumbled randomly.

"Way to change the topic, but thank you." Virgil smirked. He poked his boyfriend's cheeks again and then held his face before kissing him quick. "And, you too, of course."

Wearing Virgil's hoodie even during the summer, Logan buried his face in it and flopped on his couch on his back. "You gonna come with me?"

"Do you want me to? I'm not sure. I might feel like I'm intruding."

"We can invite Patton too."

"Oh, God. Patton would make a scene and accidentally get himself arrested for some dumb shit."

"I... uh, I want you there. If I don't have someone with me while I visit my dad, I might scream." He blushed. "Or metaphorically die. Or maybe not metaphorically. Anything is possible. I could become so anxious and feel ill to the point where my organs stop working, my body will ache all over, and/or I will need to be hospitalized after I pass out-"

"Logan! You're acting like me right now and it's not cool. Let's not waste time or else you might combust like you're saying you will, and let's go."

He got off the couch and held his hands out for Logan to grab reluctantly, and forcefully pulled him off. Logan yelped and then groaned. "I'm having doubts. Should I do this?"

"At first, you were looking forward to it! I hate being the brave one between us, so get your ass up and out!"

"I'm having-"

"Doubts. Okay, but you made a plan and you'll feel like shit for not sticking to it, so!"

Soon, they got on a bus together to the station.

Virgil was honestly incredibly nervous, but that would come as a shock to absolutely no one. He'd met Logan's father once, and might he say, it wasn't the most pleasant experience, but he was going to do this.

For Logan.

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