☆ 42 - party ☆

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At 1 pm, despite the pain Logan was in, he had fun being with Virgil, Patton, and Elliott. They left the hospital and hung out in the Greyson family's minivan.

Logan's friends tried to keep his mind off of the previous situation, but the hospital smell still lingered around him.

And then it was 3 pm.

When they were back home, Roman and a few other people were waiting to come in. They were holding wrapped gifts.

The cake made by Mr. and Mrs. Greyson was two layers covered in sky blue frosting and was decorated with blue and white cookie flowers. There were fifteen rainbow soon-to-be lit candles placed on the cake.

Roman whispered to Logan, "¿Qué te a pasado?" (What happened to you?)

"No es muy importante. Es cumpleaños de Patton. ¡Nosotros deberiamos celebrar!" (It isn't that important. It's Patton's birthday. We should celebrate!)

"¡Vale!" (Okay!)

Soon, the other guests asked why Logan was bandaged and bruised, so he had to say he was in a car accident or else they'd find out what really happened.

Guilt clouded Logan's senses and his vision became blurry.

Virgil opened his mouth to speak, but Elliott was quicker.

"Hey Logan, can we go downstairs? I need your help with something," they said, helping Logan out of his seat. Logan nodded while lightheaded.

Elliott and Logan went downstairs where they put a cold, wet cloth on Logan's head. "Are you okay?"

Logan shook his head. "Head hurts... quite a lot. I mean, I've been out cold for over a day and I woke up, like, only four hours ago."

"Yeah, you need a break. Do you want to go upstairs to sing happy birthday?"

"Yes," Logan said, "but I don't think I can do it without passing out."

"Then don't. I'll get Virgil later to help you."

Logan felt a bit better around twenty minutes later and he went upstairs with Elliott just in time for when Patton cut the cake and put the first slice on his plate.

Virgil held Logan's hand and gave him a comforting smile.

"How are you feeling?" Virgil asked him quietly as everyone was eating.

"Tired and shitty."

"Mood. And if you're super tired, Patton wouldn't mind if you took a nap instead of being here. But maybe try to eat something first."

Logan nodded.

He ate two slices of pizza and a slice of cake, and he was still low on energy.

"Are you sure Patton won't mind?" he asked.

Virgil put his hand on Logan's cheek. "Of course he won't. You two are really great friends and he understands your struggle. It makes so much sense that you're tired right now after waking up from a nearly two day nap and being emotionally drained for a long time. You can sleep in my room."

"But I need to go back home to get my backpack and then to the hospital..."

"Fuck that shit. You're here, and you're sleeping."

The nerd groaned, but he got up slowly. He stumbled a little as he walked. His legs still felt like they were on fire.

"Lo's tired and his head really hurts because of the car accident," Virgil lied to the people who came to the party. He only told the truth to Elliott and Patton. "So now he's just going to be in my room. Don't bother him, though."

While he was talking, Logan had already fallen into a deep sleep in Virgil's bed.

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