☆ 31 - an easier way ☆

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(a/n: my girlfriend started calling me the fairest of them all because we were talking about disney during art class

and i kept saying stuff like "omg no im not pretty fuck off"

and like

it hit me

we are

real life


like not even just in art class today, literally so many things we did remind me of prinxiety and that's aWesome sjssjsjs)

Landon has feelings for me? Logan thought. I would like to laugh, but I am slightly uncomfort-

Hold on.

There was an easy way!

Well, maybe not that easy, but easier than letting the jocks destroy his relationship with Virgil.

He put on the hood of his navy blue Gorillaz sweater, pulled down his bangs so they were covering his eyes a little bit, and felt his lips. He could still feel the dark purple lipstick, which was good. He had on Virgil's foundation, making him appear a shade paler.

Logan insisted on simply hiding in the bush, but Virgil being the very extra individual that he was, convinced Logan that he needed to go completely undercover.

Logan wasn't even wearing his glasses. Those were in the pocket of Virgil's Gorillaz hoodie he was wearing. His sight wasn't horrible enough to give away the fact he was wearing green, non-prescription contacts.

He did not look forward to going through the process of washing everything off.

He got out of the bush quietly, not attracting any attention except for one girl who cocked her head to the side in confusion of why some random kid she'd never seen before was hiding in a bush. He put his index finger to his lips and she frowned, but nodded discreetly.

Then he made his way quickly to Virgil. Nobody looked at him, thank God. Now that he was LOGAN DECKER and not Logan Decker, he enjoyed not having all the attention.

Virgil and Patton went with him to the side of the school where nobody was.

Logan took out the contacts and tidied up his hair. Virgil pulled out a makeup wipe and began working quickly.


They all jumped at the voice. Someone caught us! Logan thought.

But it was Elliott.

Patton's jaw dropped. "Elliott? What happened to you?!" He pointed to their black eye and how they were limping slightly.

Elliott shrugged even though they were obviously in pain. "Nothing much. What about y- OW! Shit! Uhh, nothing much."

"Language. And also, we need to get you to the nurse."

"No, I'm fine. This all happened yesterday."


"I'll tell you. But let's go somewhere else. With your pterodactyl screeching, you're going to attract attention. And I dunno what's going on right now, but it looks like you don't want people to find you here. So. See ya."

Elliott was about to leave with Patton holding their hand, but Virgil stopped them. "Wait!"

The limping teenager turned around. "What's up?"

"Thanks for yesterday... Sorry you had to do that for me."

"No, no. It's okay. I couldn't see someone go through what I went through with Mitchell."

Patton became furious when he remembered what Virgil said about the day before. "Excuse me? What the frickity fuck did Mitchell do to you?"

It dawned on him that he swore and his eyes widened but surprisingly (but not surprisingly), he did not take back his words.

Elliott laughed nervously. "Let's go."

They left Virgil and Logan alone.

Virgil continued wiping off his boyfriend's makeup. "Damn. I contoured to the gods for you today and now I have to wipe it off..."

Without thinking, Logan said," I could keep it on if you would like me to."

"Heh. I appreciate the offer, but I have to get this foundation off you. It is not your color, sis. Taking off the foundation means I have to take off the contour too."

All the makeup was removed from Logan's face.

"There," Virgil said. He kissed Logan's cheek. "There's your pretty face."

As Logan was getting things from his locker, he was talking to Virgil about his idea.

He pulled out his bottle of water and ear buds. "Okay. This may seem like a bit of a stretch, but since Jackson says he wants to get with you and Landon wants to get with me, that means they're both attracted to males. They're both attracted to males. If we can set them up, they'll ignore us because they will develop feelings for each other."

Virgil opened his mouth to speak, then closed it, then opened it, then closed it again. "That'll take... a really long time."

"Well, it is the only idea I have."

"Or we can get revenge on them until they stop!"

"Then it'll just be a revenge party and nothing will truly come to an end, even though that does sound enjoyable."

"Well... I guess I don't have any good ideas."

"So, how will we start?"

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