☆ 47 - a good day ☆

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The next day at school, Virgil had reread the letter approximately thirty times.

"You're in a good mood," Roman said. His Spanish accent showed through a little bit.

"I am," Virgil replied with a tiny smile.

"Any updates on Logan?"

"Yeah, he sent me a gift box thing that I got during English yesterday. He got me candy and new makeup and wrote me a super adorable letter. Then, we texted all night, which is why I look dead right now, but I'm actually feeling amazing," he giggled.

Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

"Hm? Oh," he groaned.

Roman looked ready to slap Jackson if he got slick with Virgil again and Remy, who was silent since he was on his phone, pulled out a bottle of mace and made eye contact with the jock.

Jackson opened his mouth to speak, but Virgil shut him up. "First of all, no, I'm not free this weekend. Second, no, I don't want to come over. Third, no, I don't want to meet your friends. Fourth, n-"

"Hey!" the jock said. "Just listen."

Virgil gave a confused look to Roman and Remy. Remy put down the mace slowly and Roman raised his eyebrows.

"Well? What is it, Jackson?" the popular kid questioned.

The worried expression on Jackson's face switched to a grin -- a big, stupid, genuine grin that seemed out of character.

"What's happening...?"

"Virge, I just wanted to thank you!"

Even his voice changed, for it was nearly an octave higher.

"Thank me?" Virgil was still hoping that Jackson wasn't distracting him from something.

"You pushed off Landon so much and stayed loyal, so he gave up on trying to get with Logan and he asked me out!" He squealed and gave Virgil a hug.

Virgil mouthed, "What the fuck?" to his two friends and they both looked mortified.

"That's, uh, that's great, dude!"

"Dios mío," Roman muttered.

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