☆ 9 - weekend ☆

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(a/n: nobody saw the subtle kinky boots reference and i am diSAPPOINTED)

Virgil left his phone on the table when he went to get ice cream from the snack line and Logan didn't think much of it.

Logan just focused on his phone and how much it was blowing up with likes, follow requests, comments, and messages. It was kind of overwhelming.

By the time Virgil got back, Logan had over 300 followers. Social media wasn't his top priority, but he was insanely bored without his only friend.

That was the moment he noticed Remy put Virgil's phone down where Virgil had left it earlier. Suspicious.

"Remy, what were you doing on my phone?" Virgil asked.

Remy was obviously lying, but Roman and Virgil bought it. "Just took some selfies to bless your camera roll."

"Oh, alright."

There actually were new selfies in his camera roll but Logan knew something was off with Remy's tone.

"Virgil, may I use your phone?"

"Sure, why?"

"I would like to get Roman and Remy's phone numbers as well."

"Oh! Okay, here." He handed his phone over, looking slightly nervous. "I have so many cringey selfies. Don't look at those."

"Don't worry. I'm not looking at them."

He was looking at a text conversation between Remy and Virgil, and there it was. The proof that Remy was lying... well, partially.

Logan bit his lip and tried to contain his anger. He showed the screen to Virgil, whose eyes widened and shifted to Logan sadly.

"I'm going to fix this, but knowing Remy, he has this saved and posted all over every social media platform by now."

Logan nodded.

Remy had taken a screenshot of a text from Logan talking about his mental illness and sent it to himself.

Virgil was right about having it spread to almost every single junior in the school.

The result was much different than Logan had anticipated.

Some people did what he expected them to do and began hating him and making fun of him, but he was used to that.

He expected to lose followers, but he gained more instead.

Some students encouraged his mental illness and they treated it like it was a badge of honor that Logan should have worn before. That was fucking moronic.

Supporting or not, the response made Logan want to hide under the covers and die.

But Virgil kept him company that weekend since Logan was staying over. Patton also cheered Logan up, even though he didn't know what was wrong in the first place.

Logan, sick of having everybody bring up his struggles, turned off his comments. That resulted in many angry DMs. So he ended up deleting the app completely.

But it didn't stop there, because Remy had leaked Logan's phone number.

Logan had to completely silence his phone in order to keep himself sane. He was more annoyed, angry, sad, and un-Logan than ever.

On Saturday, when Virgil came in where Logan was and asked, "Are you feeling any better?" Logan lost it.

"No! No I'm not! Because popular shitheads keep making my life miserable! Maybe you should just stay away from me! Honestly, I'd rather go home, deal with my imbecile of a dad, and kill myself later than to go through being near you or any popular scum again!"

"Lo, I didn't try to hurt you! I didn't do anything, and you know it was Remy who started all of thi-"

"I DON'T CARE! You're not my friend if you're friends with him! If people like you enjoy ruining my life so much, let me leave it!"

"What?! Don't think like that, Lo!"

"What if I want to?!"

"You don't want to! You're tricking yourself!"

Logan's knees were trembling and he fell onto the floor, a total wreck, muttering, "I don't even want to live anymore..."

"Lo... You're amazing. You weren't created to die so soon and these times come, but you are worth it. I don't know how I'd be without you here. I lo-"

The door opened and Patton walked in. "Virge, Dad says you have to carry some groceries insi- Logan!" He got down next to Logan and gave him a hug.

"Thank you, Patton," Logan said quietly.

"Patt, you stay here with Logan. I'm gonna help Dad with the groceries, but I'll be back in a few minutes." Virgil then left and headed downstairs to where his dad was.

Patton lifted Logan surprisingly easily and put him on Virgil's bed. "You can be sad more comfortably there. Do you want anything? Ice cream? Chocolate? Milk? I can bake some cookies!"

"That is very kind, but no thank you. I wouldn't want to make you do anything just for m-"

"Great! Cookies it is! Chocolate chip or sugar cookie?"

"You don't have to-"

"Chocolate chip or sugar cookie? Or else I'm telling Virgil you love him!"

"What?! How did you-"

"It's so obvious! He got super protective of you when I said you were cute and you totally blushed." He giggled. "Plus, I see how you look at him! And it's super adorable!"


"So, what'll it be?"

"Chocolate chip."

"Cool!" the younger chirped. "By the way, he'll kill me if he sees that I left you behind, so you're coming too - at least to watch!"

"Oh, that's fine. I can just tell him tha- PATTON!"

"What?" Patton laughed, surprising Logan by unexpectedly lifting him up and carrying him to the kitchen.

Virgil, four grocery bags in each hand, saw them as Patton walked into the kitchen with Logan in his arms.

"Lo, what's happening?" he asked.

"Patton forced me out of your room and he's going to bake cookies so that I feel better," Logan replied.

"That makes perfect sense. Last year, I had panic attacks pretty often. He made a lot of cookies that year. And he still does it. This has been going on since he was 9 and we were 11."

"Six years?"

"Yep. Good luck." He patted my shoulder and went to his room after putting the grocery bags next to the fridge. "Tell me if you need me. I'll be listening to loud music though, so come over or text me."

Logan nodded.

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