☆ 55 - back again ☆

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"Lo, if you want me to go with you, I will. Or you can get Roman to go with you if your mom doesn't like dudes like me," Virgil suggested.

"I..." Logan sighed. "I mean, I guess I wouldn't want to waste your time."

"You know what?"


"We're going. Let's go."

"What?! Wait!"

Virgil softened again. "I know how much you want to go home. But you're getting in your own way, and you won't regret it if it's my fault this whole thing fucks up. Which it won't, probably. If it does, it'll be on me so it won't matter. Let's go!"

He took Logan's hand and hesitantly, Logan nodded and stood up.

The door opened and Logan's mother greeted them right away. She hugged her son, who was stunned for a moment before hugging back awkwardly.

"Who's this?" She gestured to Virgil. Logan noticed deep bags under her eyes.

"This is Virgil Greyson. I'm not sure if you met him before, and Nicky isn't sure either because it's been two months since she's written a new chapter. But I don't think you've met him. He's my... I don't think you've met him," Logan said.

Virgil gave her a polite smile. "Hey, dude- I mean, Mrs. Logan's mom- I mean- ma'am. Fuck. I mean- shoot."

Logan's mother let them sit on the couch while she sat on the armchair near the couch. "So," she said, "why did you bring Virgil over?"

"I didn't want to come alone," Logan whispered.

"What was that?"

"He just wanted someone to walk with," Virgil spoke up for his boyfriend. He whispered to Logan and they whispered back and forth until they came on an agreement.

"This is my boyfriend," Logan blurted out, his voice quivering on the work "boyfriend." He wouldn't look at her.

He couldn't.

His mother blinked a couple times and her lips separated slightly, but she closed her mouth. "Oh, honey..."

Here it comes, Logan thought.

Here's where it all ends.

"That's amazing."

Logan looked up to find her giving him a sad but genuine smile.

"And... Logan?"

"Yes?" His throat was dry.

"I didn't think you'd ever want to come back." She began to cry. "And your father and I are not speaking anymore... Logan, I'm sorry."

Virgil watched silently.

Logan bit the inside of his mouth. "I, um, wanted... a few questions answered."

She nodded.

"Why did you always leave? Didn't you know what Dad did?"

"Oh my God, Logan..." Her entire body tensed.

"Just answer."

"Why are you-"

"Because you've been leaving me and Dad alone forever! You saw what he did to me, so why didn't you stay? You just had so many business trips?" He began to raise his voice, but Virgil put a hand on his knee to comfort him. "And why'd it take you so long to call him out on it?"

She was stunned.

Virgil held Logan's hand and spoke for him. "He just wants an answer. Give him anything."

"I don't know if I can do that. I'm sorry." She shook her head sadly.

"He's been waiting his life away. Family is supposed to be open with each other. I'm bonded to my parents forever, and they love me and we tell each other everything—even the smallest things. Why can't you share one of the biggest issues in Logan's life with Logan himself?"

She bit her lip and looked at the floor, then back up again. "...Okay."

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