☆ 13 - the better son jar ☆

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Logan and Virgil were laying on Virgil's bed, chatting and holding hands.

Logan wasn't used to the touch at first, but he soon found it very comfortable.

"Who inspired you to look the way you do?" Logan asked.

"What do you mean?"

"That picture over there," he said, pointing to a photo on the wall of the Greyson family.

There was Patton wearing his cardigan around his shoulders, his light blue polo shirt, and white jeans. Next to Patton was Mr. and Mrs. Greyson, who both wore lots of white and light blue as well. Mr. Greyson was wearing khakis.

And finally, there was Virgil with sunglasses on top of his purple hair. His winged eyeliner was so sharp it could cut a bitch, and he was wearing a black and purple bomber jacket over a white vintage tee, a pair of plain black leggings, and dark purple high tops.

"Ohhhh," Virgil said with a smile. "I dunno. I just saw a lot of hot guys online and I wanted to look like them. That picture was from when I was 15 or 16, so like, sometime last year. I liked the attention I guess. Well, not all the time."

"Isn't attention scary in a way?"

"Definitely, but I liked that guys looked at me more and people actually wanted to be my friend. I was an outcast for most of middle school, so it was a nice change."

"That makes sense. No wonder why I only got talked to after I wore makeup that one time."

"Heh. Can you even imagine me in the same color scheme as the rest of my family, though? Dear God, no. I love them, but dark colors are where it's at."

Logan cracked a smile at how happy his new boyfriend looked. "Talk about something you really like."

"Okay. Wait why?"

"You look cute when you're excited."

Virgil lightly punched Logan's arm, laughing as his face turned bright red.

The nerd put a pillow under his head and listened to Virgil rant about everything, from songs he loves to singers he loves to musicals he listens to on occasion.

When he was finished talking, he pulled a blanket over him shyly, bringing it up over his nose to cover his mouth.

"I rarely talk that much to people outside of my family," he whispered.

"Your famILY?" Logan said in a joking manner.

"You don't seem like a pun guy."

"I'm not." Logan just realized what he said earlier, then slapped his hand over his mouth.

Virgil started laughing at how hard Logan was blushing, so Logan used the one good way to shut him up - kissing him.

Virgil sat in his lap and deepened the kiss while putting his arms lazily over Logan's shoulders. Logan gripped Virgil's waist with one hand and ran his fingers through his hair with the other.

Patton opened the door, looking down at his math homework with deep confusion. "Lo, do you think you can help me with my math homework?"


The Patton Is a Better Son Jar and the Virgil Is a Better Son Jar idea was something the siblings created when they were 13 and 11 years old and got competitive. They convinced their parents to let them do it. Patton's was definitely more full than Virgil's, but they were pretty close.

Once a week, they each tried to catch the other doing something wrong and the one who behaved got $1-$5 put in his Better Son jar.

The two stopped doing that for a little while, but they restarted it recently because Patton started wearing makeup more often and Virgil liked shopping with Remy and Roman more often.

Mrs. Greyson laughed and put one dollar in Patton's jar.

"Patton, are you serious?" Virgil complained. "Mom and Dad don't need to know that! You could've just told them I wasn't doing my homework!"

Patton giggled mischievously and said, "Logan looks so cute in your lip gloss, Virge," before leaving to get his dad's help for his math homework.

"Damnit, again?" Virgil heard Logan murmur.

Virgil gave Logan a hug. "That was fun, but we should actually do our homework or else Patton's gonna get another dollar for his Better Son Jar."

"What are these jars?"

Virgil told him what they were and Logan was amused at the explanation.

"Okay, wow."

"He's a better kid than me though, so I'm not good competition, heh."

They sat in comfortable silence, completely fine just examining each other's pretty features, until Mr. Greyson walked into the room holding both their backpacks.

"Do your homework, kids!" he reminded with a big smile before returning to Patton's room to help him.

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